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Writing Program

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My biggest concern is this: who will be evaluating your writing exercises? It's one thing to learn grammar, and do worksheets, take quizzes and tests, etc., which you can grade yourself. But it's often difficult to critique your own writing. After all, you know what you meant to say, but you may find it difficult to recognize that another reader doesn't understand it.

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I agree with Laura that you need a reader. Even if it's your husband or your child, you need someone to at least say, "This part here doesn't make sense to me." Even writing on these boards gets you some feedback, and submitting something to the writing forum is sure to get some critique.


As for a "program," I do enjoy MCT's writing program, myself. I think he'd recommend doing his grammar, too, and maybe vocab, to bring it all up to speed. They are all intertwined so that writing exercises overlap. I think you could skip level 1. Level 2 has a great vocab book that I wouldn't want to skip, but the writing is basically the idea that a paragraph has one topic & one style, so you could probably skip that. Level 3 or possibly level 4 would be where I'd start with most of it as an adult.



Just one idea,


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