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Teachers Bistro 9-8-2011

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It is Thursday. It's not a happy one . . . yet.


Regardless, the Bistro is NOW OPEN! :001_smile:


I actually did pick up some chocolate this morning: 3 Musketeers and Hershey's Milk Chocolate in Fun Size bars. Sorry, nothing fancy and no dark chocolate. I'll wait until I have my coupons together for that!



What's for breakfast and/or lunch today? Here: breakfast was cheesy taquitos accompanied by fruit for dh and kids. I had a Hot Pocket. (One of those mornings.)


Snack may be a donut!


What do you wish for today? I wish I could get into a solid routine of when we start school! Ugh. But I also wish for my dh to finally find a job he enjoys.


What's news today? Not much here!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for breakfast and/or lunch today? I did my coupon shopping last night. Grands biscuits were super cheap (ended up like 9 cents a can!) So we had those with nutella and cantaloupe from the garden.


Lunch: kids had leftover pizza and a romaine lettuce salad. I had a can of Progresso soup. I have a cold and wanted something hot, but am not cooking!




What do you wish for today? For everyone to be over the cold. For no more running errands ( I already had to run to the library because we discovered my in her own world dd left her math book there. Then we had to go to the Scout office, because I didn't realize we had to be registered by today for them to go to their meeting tonight.. ughh.) So now I just want to stay home and finish our work.


I also wish for co-op to go smoothly this year. I am teaching 9 4th and 5th graders Latina Christiana I, and I am nervous. I have always worked with younger kids on less academic subjects!


What's news today? Not much here!

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What's for breakfast and/or lunch today? The boys had Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast. We'll probably have PB&J for lunch. I am feeling so unmotivated this week. We've only done math for school.


I still have some ice cream in the freezer. I think I'm going to need some before the day is out.


What do you wish for today? What don't I wish for? I wish I could put my Christmas tree out and start making Christmas presents and listen to Christmas music. I wish DH could find funding for his films. I wish I had more money to buy baby girl some cute clothes. I just put a winter outfit on her, it's a size 12m, she's only 7 months. It's tight. Definitely won't be lasting her through the winter. Also, I came so close to convinced DH to let me buy cloth diapers. They were AIO for $5 each. Now the site I was going to get them from has stopped taking orders since they're so backed up. I just about cried.


What's news today? My friend gave me a lead for writing articles for $$. I don't know that it will bring in a ton, but I suppose every little bit helps.

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Breakfast...the kids had bagels and oranges. I had a handful of rice crackers as I was heading out the door. Yup, that kind of a morning!


Lunch....the kids had leftover chicken and grapes. I'm finally (at 2pm) sitting down to eat a bite. I'm having asparagus. I may have some chocolate too! LOL!


Tonight my oldest has dance, the two middle ones have soccer, my husband is subbing as a soccer coach, and I have a girl scout planning meeting. I'm going to have to bring my youngest with me since I don't have anyone to watch her. I'm praying that she is content to color and play quietly during the meeting.

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Breakfast - 2 waffles, p.b., blue agave syrup


Lunch - leftover fiesta salad that I brought home from the Mexican restaurant the other night.


Wish for - what I'm getting. God's strength to handle today's demands.


What's new - If you read my last update on Libby's prayer thread you will see how we are preparing to welcome back Libby and become her nurses.

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Breakfast? homemade granola with yogurt and blueberries

Lunch? ummmmmm dunno


Wish for? I need a routine for my school day. Today was shower, coffee, make pancakes, flat iron hair, pack a lunch, drop off a kid, laminate dinosaurs, eat my breakfast, review monthly metrics for work, saxon math meeting, work meeting, phonics & work, math worksheet & work... It's only lunch time. I'm cracking up today.


New or news? I dunno. I'm just trying to keep my head above water today.


I need more coffee and I'm going to melt chocolate chips into it.

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Breakfast: dh made pancakes for the boys before they left for school; I had leftover mashed potatoes and sausage


Lunch: Leftover shrimp w/ tomato sauce and brown rice


Wish for: luck when I got to NY&Co later today (I have some coupons) for clothes and luck finding shoes and jeans for ds 14


New: trying hard to be productive on my day off rather than vegetate.

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Today has gone well. We had our first co-op day this morning. We had to be there by 8:30 am for orientation stuff....we don't normally get out of bed until 9!! Eek!


The only school at home was memory work and some silent reading later.


Breakfast for me was a coke to get going and bagels and cream cheese in the mom's room. The kids had Nutri-grain bars in the car.


Lunch: I had grilled chicken, beans, and rice. DD had chicken nuggets, and DH and DS are eating bacon and fruit.


My wish for today....A nap before I teach dance tonight....

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Oh, I love the melted chocolate chips in coffee idea! Yum!


Yep, I'd like to get on a regular routine, too, but I don't see it happening.

And dh didn't help when he scheduled a meeting for both of us tomorrow MORNING at 9am.

Guess I need to make schedule clear to everyone!


When I said, "What's news?" I meant what's the news in your world, but even thinking I meant, "What's new?" still answers the question! :D


We just had our donut snack. DS7 is taking his own sweet time in the bathroom. After reading Scripture, doing her TT7 math, and 2 different science experiments with a flashlight, dd13 Aspie has decided she needs a break and has retreated into her room with her LPS toys. :)


I'm trying to figure out whay I should be doing next!

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When I said, "What's news?" I meant what's the news in your world, but even thinking I meant, "What's new?" still answers the question! :D




Oh, I'm glad that "what's new" still answers the question, because I'm too absorbed in my own little world right now to know what is going on in the world around me.


In fact, even here on the board, I'm only checking in to read and update the Libby thread, to keep up with the cookie game and to check in at the bistro. These are my priorities!

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Jean, glad to know the Bistro is on your Must Visit/Do list! :D


Methinks I shall be taking a nap, or at least laying down and doing some 'fun mama reading' for a bit after lunch!


One kids has had a hot pocket and tater tots. This big kid is eating a microwave meal. DD13 will get food when she's hungry!

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I get my chocolate later tonight, on the way to baseball practice :) It'll be Hershey's with Almonds. Jury is still out whether it's a "King Size" day, or not. Or maybe a Scrap-3-Fun-Size-Bars day :D. (Hope your day improved!)


Today was gorgeous, so we had a breakfast picnic: donuts at the park. I'm a chocolate cake w/nuts kind of girl.


Today I wish I could finish the crossword puzzle I started on Monday. I have four spots left to fill in, and have been stuck. I usually get unstuck by the next day, so I guess I'm off my game!


News today? I just got back from getting my hair cut. I went from just below my waist to right about my shoulder blades. My hair is heavy, and it feels like I just lost 10lbs of weight off of my scalp! I keep having phantom hair moments, like swishing it out of the way of my seatbelt -out of habit- only to find it's way too short to need that now :tongue_smilie:.

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