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Can someone explain Pintrest to me?

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I think of it as a visual way to keep bookmarks. I like to crochet, so I like to have pins on stuff with directions on how to make stuff. Some people just pin pictures of stuff and collect beautiful pins. I like mine to be a little more practical but I have been having lots of fun collecting lots of pins for crochet ideas and even homeschool ideas. It is really easy to repin someone else's pin to your boards. It took a while for me to figure out how to make my own pins, but it's really not that hard. I love how you can organize it into any category and have as many as you want. It's fun but a little bit of a time sucker, looking at other people's boards.

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I think of it as a visual way to keep bookmarks. I like to crochet, so I like to have pins on stuff with directions on how to make stuff. Some people just pin pictures of stuff and collect beautiful pins. I like mine to be a little more practical but I have been having lots of fun collecting lots of pins for crochet ideas and even homeschool ideas. It is really easy to repin someone else's pin to your boards. It took a while for me to figure out how to make my own pins, but it's really not that hard. I love how you can organize it into any category and have as many as you want. It's fun but a little bit of a time sucker, looking at other people's boards.


So, it's like a virtual cork board?

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It's just a way to visually bookmark things you like online.


You know how some people clip out magazine pictures to remember decoration ideas or craft ideas? It's the same thing, just online.


I use mine to remember cute outfits I'd like to try, interesting homeschool spaces and ideas, recipes, funny pictures, etc.

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So, it's like a virtual cork board?


Yes, exactly!


Have you ever seen something online and you think "wow, that's a good idea! I should remember that." And you don't. Or else you just click "add to bookmarks" and then either never think of it again, or can't find it. Pinterest is like a visual bookmark bar, where you can add things by picture, based on category, and so when you're re-looking for something, you can find it.


I do a lot of sewing, so I "pin" clothes that I see online that I like a detail of that I want to remember later. I also have boards for home decorating ideas, and even one for when I see cute ideas that my sister might like for her wedding.


It took me a while to get into it, but really it's proven SO USEFUL. I love it.

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It is like a virtual corkboard, and I am so addicted! What's neat, is when you pin an idea, you can go back later and click the picture, and it will return you to the source. So, if you find a great crockpot recipe, you pin a pic from the blog post, etc. Later, you can click that picture and it will return you to the original page on the web, so you can remind yourself how to make it, etc. I started pinning ideas for this year's earth science. Unlike regular bookmarks, which I can forget what things are, you've got the picture to remind you. I love it...but yes, once you get started, it is a time sucker!

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