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Teachers Bistro 9-7-2011

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Happy Wednesday!


Yesterday was a great day of schooling for us. Today, I'm not so sure anything will get done. :confused:


Oh, well. Life goes on. Did anyone bring chocolate today? If not, maybe I'll stop by the store and grab some after my meeting. Maybe even BEFORE the meeting . . . :D


What's for lunch today? Me: no clue!


Are your temps getting cooler yet? Here: I think they are! But s-l-o-w-l-y. :tongue_smilie:


What else would you like to tell me about yourself today? :bigear:

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I always have a chocolate stash, and you're welcome to pick through it :D oddly enough, I was not much of a chocolate fan until fairly recently. Now I can't get enough of the stuff. Maybe it's hormonal. Maybe it's just now I know what I've been missing out on for most of my life LOL.


Lunch today ... my kids are having lunch with my brother and his kids, up at his kids' school. On his way home, he's picking up Chipotle for me and my dad. Veggie burrito for me, don't forget the yummy chips and salsa ;)


Our temps are beautiful today, and have been all week long. Windows are open, and I figure we'll get a good few hours in at the park later today when my neices and nephews get home from school.


What else would I like to tell you about myself today? My second toe is longer than my big toe.

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We had a HORRID day yesterday, but I still have chocolate left. My husband discovered 100-calorie packs of Hostess snacks and bought a bunch for me because he A) knew I was on a diet and would be mad if he brought me junk food but B) knew I neeeeeeeded chocolate. So he wins.


For lunch today, DS had a bowl of tortellini with pesto and I had... actually, I haven't. I forgot to eat. I was so busy talking with him about Japanese tea ceremonies that I forgot to get my own lunch! Must remedy that.


It's finally cooling off here... DS is now on the front porch doing his history and chemistry quizzes, so all is well.


What else about me? I have an entire drawer full of candles. This drawer is 1' deep, goes about 2' back and is about 3' wide. I can barely get it closed. It's an addiction. Like cats. Except cats and candles rarely mix well.

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Meh, school here the past few days has been iffy. My blog has more info on that. Good thing this is just a practice year and I don't HAVE to do anything formal yet. I am forgiving myself and moving on.


DH brought me mint chocolate chip ice cream last night because I was so dizzy and lightheaded. I thought something cold sounded nice.


Weather seems to be cooling off. We now have to turn the swamp cooler off at night, it's getting too cold. Also, it only got up to about 77 in the house yesterday and that was when I turned the swamp cooler on in the afternoon. This morning I turned it on as soon as I woke up and it was freezing in here. I don't think it got up to 70 until noon, but I ran it so that it would help keep the house cooler once it finally warmed up. I am so excited for fall and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's going to be a fun year.


Lunch: I forgot to eat again. DH always asks, "How do you forget to eat?" I don't know, it just happens. I was going to make fried rice, but the kids wanted applesauce:001_huh: I'll probably still make the fried rice bc I am betting Pigby will be hungry in about 10 minutes.


I would like to tell you that I need another "not bashing the husband" thread. :banghead: Just let me buy the cloth diapers, stop being so slow, and pack your lunch the night before. Phew, ok, I'm better.

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What's for lunch today? Chicken salad and saltines


Are your temps getting cooler yet? Yes. High 40's this a.m. Sweater weather.


What else would you like to tell me about yourself today? The kids are sanding the stairs and we hope to get a coat of poly on them today. I'm doing very little school with my 8yo.

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The first two days of school were great... Today, not so much. I messed up my day by 9am. Oh well. There is always tomorrow.


Lunch today is pb & apples at my desk because I spent my lunchtime at the dentist with little one.


The high today is 61.


What else about me? My second toe is bigger than my big toe too. Also, I don't like potpourri.

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Happy Wednesday!


Yesterday was a great day of schooling for us. Today, I'm not so sure anything will get done. :confused:


Oh, well. Life goes on. Did anyone bring chocolate today? If not, maybe I'll stop by the store and grab some after my meeting. Maybe even BEFORE the meeting . . . :D


What's for lunch today? Me: no clue!


Are your temps getting cooler yet? Here: I think they are! But s-l-o-w-l-y. :tongue_smilie:


What else would you like to tell me about yourself today? :bigear:



Today wasn't so bad. Even math with 15 yo drama queen wasn't bad. Didn't have to resort to bribing her with chocolate to get through the lesson. Let's just say that chocolate is on speed dial at this house!


On the positive side, same 15 yo dd made ravioli and veggies for lunch and homemade cookies.


It's still warm enough here to swim in you heat the pool. Mornings are in the 50's. Highs in the low 80's....loving it!!


I woke up from a nightmare yesterday where someone was saying "how dare you think you are educate your kids". And this is our 13th year of homeschooling!! Wonder where that stress nightmare came from. Possibly from the thought of having to graduate the first one! LOL Dreams are funny things!:lol:

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Today was our first day of school and it actually went very well. Everything on the plan got done and I have the best plan yet laid down for school this year. It has only taken me 6 years to get it right.


Lunch today for me was a ham and cheese panini, dd9 had a grilled provolone cheese panini with tomato soup and dd7 had mac and cheese.


I have massive PMS and have consumed the majority of the chocolate in the house. I am considering cake or brownies for dessert after dinner though. Our chemistry lesson today talked about recipes for baked goods so it is educational right?


The high here today is only in the 60's. I hate summer so I am much happier with the weather.


What else about me? I really want an English bulldog puppy. We can't afford one at all but I really want one. No other dog will do for me because honestly, I really don't want a dog but am willing to make an exception for a Bulldog puppy. It is an obsession.

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I worked today. No customers yelled at me, so it was a good day. LOL.


Lunch: do a few Cheetos count?


Cooler, yes, with all the rain.


About me: I have a thing for matching undies/bras from Victoria's Secret. Today's are hot pink. I figure I can have fun at age 48. :D

Edited by Ria
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I'm with Karen in Co. Our first two days were great but then we had a five-day weekend with a birthday party, an amusement park trip, way too much junk food, and late nights. Needless to say, today did not go well despite my best efforts. They were just OFF THE WALLS wound-up. *sigh*


We struggled through it and they are almost done (just an hour late). But I lost my temper and growled a few times. Chocolate helped only a bit. I'm going to need a big glass of wine with the (gluten-free) eggplant parmesan I'm making for dinner! And then everyone is going to bed early, myself included!


Oh, lunch...I had a leftover cheeseburger (grass-fed organic was on sale) with (local organic) sauteed mushrooms and onions, sliced tomato and romaine lettuce and some unsweetened green iced tea. It was quite good.


Temps were actually cooler yesterday, but it's been raining both days. Blah. I don't mind the heat at all though, so the cool can stay away as long as it likes. I need to move to Hawaii, I think.

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I have a chocolate stash, though it is getting a bit low... must remedy that ASAP!


Cooler? Not so much :) But most of the tourists have gone home so the traffic is much better!


Lunch as a frozen pizza with fruit to make me feel better about serving frozen pizza for lunch.


Something about me? My dh bought me a black Mercedes for Christmas. It was a surprise and I'm still stunned that it is sitting in my garage ready for me to drive at any moment.

Edited by iquilt
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What else would I like to tell you about myself today? My second toe is longer than my big toe.
*snort* :lol:

It's still hot in here - 100.

Lunch - PB&J and milk for the younger ones, homemade "luncheables" for the oldest. I had a salad and a slice of leftover meat and caramelized onions pizza.


I wish I had a stash of chocolate...


No school today - CBS and AWANA in the evening. :001_smile:

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Yep. It's getting colder here already and I don't like it.


I ALWAYS have a chocolate stash and am willing to share! ;) Chocolate is a necessity in any homeschooling mother's pantry.


We just don't get very excited about lunch around here. PB&J for the kids and I had a granola bar with my coffee.


Something about me: Shhh...I'm going to be 45 next month. I still can't believe how fast that came about. What ever happened to my 30's? I feel like I misplaced them somewhere.

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Looks like we all need to make a chocolate run. I wound up riding with someone else to my meeting and totally spaced on getting the chocolate! Kids & I are going out to meet some family in a little bit,though, so I'll get some then. Maybe a mocha for mom, too! Oooh, maybe I can do a 'charity' fundraiser called Mocha for Moms to help all of us worn out, sniped at homeschool moms! :rofl:

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This is the first time I've had a chance to even get online today, let alone stop by the lounge! ACK! What a busy day!


We got up earlier than usual and got a headstart on our schoolwork. Then dd1 had her first day of literature & writing co-op. While she was there, I took the littles and ran errands in town. During the hour and a half that she was there, I managed to shop at BJ's Warehouse, Trader Joe's and stop at Bruegger's Bagels. Phew! Then we picked up the little girl I babysit from her Mother's Morning Out program, came home to make lunch and finished schoolwork. Then the younger three had choir at church and the oldest has dance. And if that wasn't enough, I still have to go into work tonight (from 8:30pm until almost 1am)....Tomorrow may not be a fun day!


The weather is cooler than it was...but still not cool enough for me!


Speaking of the "chocolate stash" -- one of the little girls that I watch has the BEST MOM! She sends a little "care package" for ME every once in awhile. Last week's package had salt & vinegar chips and a big bag of Dove Chocolate! I felt SO special and appreciated!

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School was 80% done in the waiting room of the emergency vet. We were there 5 hours last night. Today was 4 hours. I'm actually amazed that we got school done despite all of that but my kids needed the routine and the distraction of school. We got home mid afternoon and finished up school here. I haven't looked at their work yet, though.


Lunch was a salad with protein - eaten out at a place a couple of blocks from the vet. Don't tell Scrap, but I eat when stressed and also had 1 piece of dh's pizza and the leftover pasta with butter and parmesan cheese that my dd9 couldn't finish. Ds14 slapped my hand when I made a move on his lunch:D


Weather - can you believe that this week is the hottest that it has been all YEAR?!


About me - I already told you that I eat when stressed. I think that's enough true confessions:auto:

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