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Encouragement for all of you!!!


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I could have posted this on the General Board but I've posted there way too often lately! :D And since this is more or less about curriculum, I thought I'd post here.


Anyway . . .


This is just to encourage you ALL - all you homeschool parents! Mostly moms because I think we as moms get our emotions all wrapped up in it more than the dads do. But you dads can be encouraged, too!


I just want to encourage you all that what you are doing IS important and IS producing GOOD results! So often I know we wonder:


*Are my kids going to be able to function in college? As adults?

*Am I totally screwing them up by leaving something out?

*How am I supposed to fit in everything?

*What curriculum can I do without when it ALL looks good (or at least most of it)?



First: :chillpill:


Second: Relax. I know. That's a :confused: to many of us! :tongue_smilie:


Third: remember that many of the founding fathers and other "famous people" of way back when were homeschooled and self-taught . . .




I really want to emphasize that last point. Too often, I think, we get caught up in the "What curricula should I use and if I don't I'll mess up my kids by not teaching them something essential because I'm responsible for it all" mental gymnastic event! ;)


200-300 years ago, they used ....the Bible! *gasp*

And law books. **shudder**

And a dictionary. ***oh, my!**

And . . . that was it! Or close to it. How did they ever learn anything when they didn't have all that shiny new curricula cluttering their patio and beckoning to them to come and be overwhelmed by where they should start first???


The POINT, in case you haven't figured it out, is that you are doing just FINE.



(I could go on and on and on and . . . well, you get the picture. Just be encouraged already, will ya? Sheesh! :lol:)

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Thanks for posting this. I have spent way too much time agonizing over math and language arts programs. The point is to get them proficient in math and to teach them to read and write. We don't necessarily need to freak out about which program we use. We need to find something solid that works for us and then teach our kids what they need to know. Thanks for the perspective!

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