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Teachers Cookout! (aka Lounge/Bistro)

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It's Labor Day! As my friend, who also really happens to be a professional comedian says, "Today is the day we celebrate all mothers who gave birth. Happy Labor Day!"


Cooking out today? We were supposed to but my sister's son has a bad cold so that's been cancelled. :tongue_smilie:


Did you do any shopping today? I did, for a swimsuit. :glare::confused::tongue_smilie: (Exercise in futility.) Then, I stopped shopping for that and felt much better as I purchased a new set of dishes and some groceries! :D


What's the rest of your day look like? Here: still have lesson planning to do. May go see a movie; we'll see.


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Well, we've had a somewhat productive day and somewhat lazy--at the same time! My husband did manage to get our pool cleaned and taken down for the winter. The kids got the yard cleaned up as well.

I worked on a science lab with the oldest and she did some homework for her co-op classes and studied for her math test. I also managed to go through my youngest dd's closet and get rid of stuff that no longer fits or is too summery to wear.

Other than that, we've done a whole bunch of nothing! The kids are eating dinner now, but dh and I weren't hungry yet. We might go rent a movie to watch after the kids go to sleep....or maybe we'll just go to bed early. I'm tired and we have a super busy week ahead.

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Hiya Scrap!


No cookouts here though I'm now starting to wonder if I should do one for dinner.


Shopping - I really need to take dd9 shopping for new church shoes. But I'm really sleepy instead.


My day: today was the first day of school! Dd9 told me that for the first time she likes school. (I've added tons of hands on stuff and took her back a bit so that she can solidify some skills. I told dh that she's gone from being "last in her class" to being "first in her class". He pointed out that she was the only one in her class. . .

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We don't cook out, ever LOL.


Our weather was gorgeous, so we did two school subjects and called it an early day. My neices and nephews were home from school, as were my kids' friends, so we rounded up a crew and held an impromptu baseball game in the backyard.


The kids have been playing, and I'm holding down the couch trying to research SOTW3 stuff so I can offer a Catholic POV to the kids. I'm not Catholic, so it's a time-consuming venture to say the least! I understand exercises in futility ;)


I've had the same bathing suits (2) for the past ten years. One for pregnancy/postpartum/bloated days and another for just-normal days. Perfectly cut for my imperfect body, and I'm going to wear them until the threads get so bare that I inspire a WTM mom to post a thread here about the visual pollution she was subject to (that'd be me!) at our public pool. :D


So what color bathing suits do you all own? Mine are boring, predictable black.


My sister is making dinner, and we'll probably hang out in the yard later tonight. Read: they will, and I'll come back to my spot on the couch to continue my homeschool research (and blasting emails to people to verify my info before I commit it to the printer LOL).


Happy Labor Day, people!

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I was just sitting here hoping you would open up before I had to go cook dinner. It's risotto night.


I actually started school today. I wanted to get the first day over with on a day when I didn't have to work. It was a really good day, but maybe that was mainly because I wasn't working.


I went shopping today for new shoes for the youngest, we learned last night that she's outgrown all of her real shoes - summer here is all flip-flops all the time. She starts back to her enrichment school tomorrow and will need shoes for p.e. and such.


I have a white suit, a black suit, a green suit, and a navy and green suit with white that I mix with the white suit.


Happy Labor Day!

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Hey, everybody! Sounds like most of us have had a fairly leisurely day. Nice way to end the summer.


Our day has been laid back and enjoyable. No cookouts, but MrTea volunteered to work while I stayed home with visitors popping in and out, so we still had a slight party atmosphere going on with lots of snacking, playing and catching up. Once his shift was over he was able to get in on some of the fun here at home.


Swimsuit shopping, hmm? I'm thinking I will go look at modcloth.com for my next suit. (At least I think that's the name of the site. It's one that keeps showing up in popup ads.) Right now I have a suit that I like well enough, black with small white polka dots. I look better in brown or red, but the black one fits decent for now and feels good in and out of the water. Next suit I definitely will shoot for a better color, though.


So, Scrap - what'd you get for dishes? Give us a picture or description, please! There's so many cool dishes out there now, I'm dying to know what you got. Please toss us a bone or something here! I'm using a dark brown set that was my grandmother's. I always thought they were so special and rare until a visitor to my house said they used to give that set away at gas stations and "everybody" had them...Well, they're still special to me! But they are bulky and heavy, so once we were down to just the three of us at home I went out and bought a few small square plates with a fruit print on them for everyday use. Much cheerier, and lighter to handle.


Good luck to all who are headed back to work and/or school tomorrow!

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Just bought a suit off of Targetdotcom. Expedited shipping was only a dollar more and said estimated delivery is this Friday. I hope so as I'm scheduled to go standup paddleboarding with some girlfriends on Saturday! Now, before you all get the wrong idea and think I'm all athletic like Bethany Hamilton, think again! I'm a 5'4" box-shaped momma. :^p But even we like to have fun in the water!


So glad that you all look forward to the cabana/bistro/lounge!


As for the dishes, I bought them at Target. Must be a Target kind of day today! But the dishes I bought in the actual story. Red ceramic dinner plates, kind of a sunshine & vine design on salad plates, and a huge ceramic serving dish. All are dishwasher & microwave safe, which is what I wanted. Thought about buying a preseasoned cast-iron skillet, too, but I passed. For now. :D

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As for the dishes, I bought them at Target. Must be a Target kind of day today! But the dishes I bought in the actual story. Red ceramic dinner plates, kind of a sunshine & vine design on salad plates, and a huge ceramic serving dish. All are dishwasher & microwave safe, which is what I wanted. Thought about buying a preseasoned cast-iron skillet, too, but I passed. For now. :D


Hooray for new dishes! They sound cute.


AND you found a suit already? To go standup paddleboarding?! I am impressed. I don't know what that sport looks like (yet) but I bet you are in for an adventure.


OK, off to google Target red viney sunshiney dishes and paddleboarding...

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Productive day here, although we didn't do anything school related! We ran lots of errands, and I scored big at Goodwill since everything was 50% - lots of Anne Taylor and J.Jill for me! :) Unfortunately, I only found one pair of pants for ds1 which is why we went there in the first place. He's so skinny that I struggle to find pants for him wherever we go.


No cookouts today, but we went to 2 over the weekend. It's been rainy/stormy here, so they would have been cancelled anyway.


Dinner tonight was Trader Joe's mandarin orange chicken with homemade veggie fried rice.

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