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If you have white dishes,

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how long have you had them? Do you still like them, or did you get bored with them?


I'm really considering all Winter Frost Corelle. I had Corelle when we first married, and I loved them. But we multiplied and lost a few pieces and our pattern was discontinued. I couldn't replace the ones we lost or add to them.


We switched to some cheap plastic plates and bowls for a while, but I've discarded them.


I have Fiesta Ware in bright colors, and it's pretty tough considering our crew and the Mexican tile floors, but it's pretty heavy when unloading the dishwasher. I would keep it, but maybe save it for less frequent use if I had lightweight Corelle again.


I love looking at the Corelle colors that are available. I'm just afraid of discontinuing patterns again. And I'm really considering all white for everyday.


I know some of you use white dishes. How long have you used them? Are you still pleased with your color choice?

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We have had white Corelle dishes for at least five years. I like them, and they always fit the different holidays and whatever napkins or tableclothes I put with them.


But, I do find them a bit dull and boring and I find myself looking longingly at colorful dishes. However, if I had to do it over again, I would still have gotten white:001_smile:!

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I'm generally all about colour but frankly, we bought our first all-white set (Corelle) a couple of years ago and I love it. It goes with any meal and any season, the colours don't dull or start to look tired and a good, attractive meal just always looks better on white.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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We have the white Corelle for our 5 dc. Their old plastic cups and bowls were always flying around in the dishwasher and ended up full of dirty water, so I wanted something heavier for them to use.


Yes, I think the white is rather boring, but the dc only take about 5 minutes to grab their food and run, so I don't think they even notice.


Dh and I use the more colorful Corelle that we've had since we were married.

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I currently have white with blue trim, but I used all white dishes for most of my adult life. (I gave the white dishes to XH in the divorce)


There's a reason that most restaurants use all-white dishes. It's because they never clash with the food and you can change the decor and they still match.


I plan to go back to all-white when these start breaking.

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I have white dishes and I still like them - they are going on about 12 years old I think.


We need to replace them here soon. I'll probably go with white again. It may get "boring" at times but I get bored of the same pattern too - probably faster, if I think about it.

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We have all white Corelle dishes for everyday use, and we have a simple off-white porcelain set from Crate and Barrel (that we received through our wedding registry 15 years ago) for nice occasions. I absolutely love both sets. There is something oddly calming about basic white dishes for me. :001_smile:

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Well, I have had white Corelle for 16 years.


My parents have had white Corelle for about 30 years or more.


Most of them still look great.


Nice thing is that the white ones never go out of style, so no worries on not being able to replace a pattern.


All the patterned ones go out of style anyway AND the pattern on those things fades terribly over time.



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Have you gotten enough "I like my white (corelle) dishes" yet? No? Okay. We use all white Corelle and I'm very happy with it. I like not having to wonder if I should have different dishes, like I used to wonder before I'd settled on these. BTW, they'll break on your tile too (ask me how I know :tongue_smilie:), but they're easy to replace. I pick them up when I see them at Goodwill or another thrift store; I scored once when there were 6-8 each large plates, medium plates, pasta bowls and cereal bowls at GW and the gal at the checkout (instead of ringing each one separately) said, "How about $10 for all of it?" Yes, ma'am!

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We bought a small set of all white dishes,etc from Crate and Barrel when we first got married (so - 14 years now...), and I still love them! They still look as good as new. When we started expanding the family we bought a set of all black that were similar in style - Love these too!



Food does seem to just look better on white or black!

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Forever. They're Pfaltzgraff that I bought when first married, and inherited from family. I'm not bored with them because my everyday plates are blue willow. ;)


The white goes with everything-so I have all these gorgeous serving china and platters that I've accumulated and for a holiday or party, it all gets broken out and all goes together no matter how I spread it out.

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We've had white Corelle dishes since we got married (almost) 14 years ago. I still like them, but am tempted to get something different, not because I don't like them anymore so much as I like the square plates better now and we have used the same plates for 14 years and only have 6 plates for a family of 5. If I were to get more plates, I would want something new.

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My everyday (fiestaware) and my china are both all white. :) I'm not bored with them, but I did purchase some gusto bowls in peacock & lemongrass to add some color. Got a great deal on those bowls at OneKingsLane!


ETA: My Fiestaware is new, but my previous everyday set was also all white.

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I have used all white dishes and serving ware for more than 15 years, and I love them. I read once in Southern Living Magazine that it is o.k. to mix and match styles as long as it is all white. That was good news for me. I have bought a lot of extra dishes (many plates and serving platters/bowls), and it is nice not to have to worry about matching a pattern exactly. I have colected many white pieces, I am so glad I did. I know other women who have many sets of different patterened dishes in their cabinets collecting dust. Not me!

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We have had white dishes for 2 years now. I LOVE them! While I am normally all about bright colors in my decorating and have had Fiesta ware in the past, white dishes showcase the food in a way that colored or patterned dishes don't. The food should be the star not the dishes ;)

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I love my all-white Corelle. My biggest reason is that I have an obsession about clean dishes, and white dishes seem cleaner to me. :D But the other reason is that we don't like to have a lot of things in our home that we don't use constantly, and they are versatile enough to be our only set of dishes.


We have a large number of people over frequently for meals, and because they are inexpensive and stack in a small amount of space, I can keep enough for everyone to have a real plate and avoid using paper plates.


I buy random individual pieces of old serving dishes to match my kitchen colors (green, orange, and yellow) and it's nice to have the white background because those are eclectic.

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I have had Corelle white for my entire marriage..36 years today. :001_smile:

We got Winter White as a wedding gift from my parents, and I did get bored with them over the years. I now have Enhancements in white, and I really do prefer them. The "sculptured" edge on them makes them a tad more interesting and a little more expensive looking, IMHO, altho they aren't necessarily more expensive.

I do use cloth napkins and change them with the seasons to add color to the table. For many years I had clear but slightly colored glassware for some color on the tble as well.

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