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Teachers Lounge 9-1-2011

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Happy Thursday!


I know it's early, so if you're not ready for lunch, come in and have a cuppa with a pastry. Jean, for you, we have bacon or beef jerky. :D



What's for lunch today? Me: no idea!:confused:


What was for breakfast today? Me: a very small cup of coffee and some cereal.


What are you looking forward to today? Me: getting together with some friends to scrapbook tonight!:001_smile:


What are your plans for the weekend? Here: one day up north OUT of the heat. The rest: possibly playing Scrabble with some friends and also shopping for a new swimsuit for me! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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I know it's early, so if you're not ready for lunch, come in and have a cuppa with a pastry. Jean, for you, we have bacon or beef jerky. :D


Mmm, I'll take a pastry and some bacon! :D


It's already 2pm here, so it's "quiet time" (AKA-"Mom's Saving Grace"). My kids are all upstairs quietly reading (aaahhh!) and the two little ones that I babysit are both napping (double aaahhhh!). Even the dog is napping. I'm going to savor every moment of peace! I even put a sign over the doorbell so that the UPS man doesn't ring the bell and wake up the littlest one!



What's for lunch today? Two bites of leftovers--that's all the kids left for me! I need to go scrounge up something else or I won't make it to dinner tonight! We have our first night of soccer practice tonight and my oldest has dance class too, so it's going to be a very busy evening.


What was for breakfast today? Me: nothing. I know that's bad--I'm not a big morning eater, so usually I have more of a mid-morning snack, but this morning I just got busy and it never happened. The kids had pancakes or waffles.


What are you looking forward to today? The Trader Joe's truffle brownies that my oldest daughter just baked.


What are your plans for the weekend? As little as possible! This is one of our last "not busy" weekends! Starting next weekend, we'll have soccer games for the next 8 Saturdays!

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I'll take bacon!


Lunch - I have a friend and her baby coming today. I'm serving a salad (mixed greens, home grown tomatoes, snow peas) and quesadillas.


Breakfast was - some apple chicken sausage, 1 blueberry waffle, blue agave syrup


Looking forward to - Dd and I are taking my friend and her baby to a farm that is now a city park (complete with animals to pet) and a toddler playground.


Weekend - Is it the weekend already? Auugh! I have so much to do before school starts on Monday! (Which might make you wonder why we're having a playdate today. It's because once school starts my friends don't get to see me for a long time.)

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Lunch? I have one with a cough/cold, so I heated up some chicken noodle soup for her, with veggies on the side.


Breakfast? I think I skipped today. I had several cups of coffee w/french vanilla creamer.


Looking forward to? Well, we have a new health food market that opened. It is having really good sales, so I wanted to go to it and my regular store tonight after our co-op meeting. I don't know how how realistic that is, but I am still hoping!

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What's for lunch today? 4 slices of hard salami rolled around provolone. 1 slice of leftover raspberry cheesecake from dd's bday.


What was for breakfast today? 3 cups of coffee and a walk. Not good, I know. I got caught up in printing and planning and cleaning out the fridge.

What are you looking forward to today? getting the year's field trips nailed done and finalized!


What are your plans for the weekend? Sanding 800 square feet of hardwood floor and the stairs. Dh and older dc's will use the floor sander. I'll work on the stairs. Prayers for my sanity appreciated!

LifeLight- we're going to run out to hear a couple bands, Todd Agnew for sure. We are missing our awesome co-ops family camp and we are bummed.

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Breakfast - I made some scrambled eggs with cheese and italian seasoning, and toast. I had coffee, DH is a barbarian and has his caffeine cold in the morning (diet cola).


Lunch - Oh yeah, I almost forgot that. The kids had peanut butter sandwiches, and apples and graham crackers. I just had some graham crackers.


Looking forward to - Going to the beach tomorrow. We went on Wednesday and we were the only people there! Today is a bit rainy so no beach today.


Weekend - School goes back here at our house on Monday (yes, I know it is a holiday but we will be done in time to go somewhere in the afternoon. I already planned everything, darn it). DH is off most of next week. Plus he just got a promotion at work. He will be supervising the caseworkers doing CPS intake, so no worries for homeschoolers in our county!

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Happy Thursday! - A guy at work told me Happy Friday, I'm not sure I can forgive him, because for a half second, it was Friday.


What's for lunch today? Nothing. Not now not ever. Maybe another dose of my migraine medicine.

What was for breakfast today? My homemade granola with yogurt and the last of the strawberries. It was probably good, but I only ate because I had to.


What are you looking forward to today? Me? Bedtime. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


What are your plans for the weekend? :lol: I cannot answer that until my head quits pounding. I think it is a holiday weekend, and I think I don't work on Monday.


Shhh. No talking. I'm sensitive to sound, and light, and smells, and breathing, and moving...The good news of course is that I am much, much better than I was yesterday.


I'm not fit company today in the lounge today. Back to my hidey hole.

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What's for lunch today? Peanut butter and jelly. We're running behind


What was for breakfast today? Spinach and eggs; yogurt and peaches


What are you looking forward to today? We're going to the first meeting of the boys activity group. It's a meet and greet, so hopefully it goes well.


What are your plans for the weekend? Saturday is our deep cleaning day. Sunday we're having friends over for dinner and I have no clear plan of what that dinner will be!


Have a good weekend everyone!

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ETA: Take care, Karen.


You got on a little earlier than usual, Scrap. Works for me, because I actually can remember what I had to eat for a change. Usually I have to sit and scratch my head for awhile before it finally comes to me!


Breakfast was cappucino. Not such a great breakfast, but when I was putting the milk away I realized how sick the refrigerator was, and stopping to clean it snowballed into all kinds of odd and long-ignored disgusting chores. If you give a mouse a cookie, and all that...


Lunch was awesome, mostly because family members showed up unexpectedly and brought extra people. We had soup and cake. Then some of us played outside (I chose sandbox duty) while others played a board game inside. Everyone's gone now. That was a nice couple of hours.


What am I waiting on? Nothing, really.


Plans for the weekend: Well, er, um...Friday evening I start out my weekend with a medical test. No worries here, it's just a bizarre way to spend a Friday night. Poor technician drew the short straw on that one.

After the test, things can only get better. Our tradition is to watch the radio-controlled airshow near us every Labor Day weekend. We also might get in a little swim time if it stays hot.

Edited by BridgeTea
migraine sympathy
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