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What is it about today???

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My 7yo, not the 13yo but the 7yo, thinks he knows everything lately. Corrects me on literally everything I do or say wrong and if I tell/ask him to do something, he says, "I know, I know, I know" or whines about it. :glare:


I'm at the point right now that I am literally considering putting him in a charter school because he would do well there and I wouldn't be getting DAILY attitude and correction from him. :001_huh:


HOWEVER, I know that God has called us to homeschool. So, at this point, I guess I just need some encouragement!


And, btw, it doesn't matter WHAT I ask ds7 to do, it's either whining or "I know" in response.:confused:


Also, please no "well, I'm in the instant obedience camp so I don't understand what the problem is" responses. I'm glad your children are so obedient but mine are not at this point and I need encouragement. Thanks!



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Actually, he sounds rather smart. I think I would find different ways to communicate. I would try maybe treating him as if he were older. This might be better, even include a list of daily responsibilities.


He sounds like he will be quite intelligent, and not afraid to let everyone know either. :D


Edit: Make sure that you explain how hurt you are when he corrects you. Lay down ways that he can without being disrepectful. I have had an exceptionally hard time with my youngest.



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This baffles me at times also. We go through it all the time.


"Would you speak to your teacher like that?" (Mine happens to be in ps)


"Would you speak to the neighbor lady like that?"


zillions of examples ...and each time she says: "No."


"Well, then I want you to explain to me why you speak to me like that. It is disrespectful."




This is a really frustrating area in our home. I'm with you. I just keep going and going and putting down boundaries. Sometimes I get pretty uptight and throw out the idea of teaching them and get firm and quick about it.


And I absolutely hate that the firm and quick works best with her behavior in this area.


It's exhausting, thank the stars this isn't my first rodeo with it though. I'd be absolutely lost about it.

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Chrissy, he IS smart! Thank you for noticing! Although he is 7yo, he reads at about a 5th grade level, mostly understands 3rd grade level math, but motor skills, etc, are at 7yo.


one*mom, it is frustrating. I've asked the same questions and received the same answer as you did with and from your daughter.


And, I need to clarify, the reason I said, "What is with TODAY" is because my dh seems to be having a difficult time getting things accomplished as well. It's as though there is something in the air. Maybe all our brains are fried from the desert summer that just won't quit! :D

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Chrissy, he IS smart! Thank you for noticing! Although he is 7yo, he reads at about a 5th grade level, mostly understands 3rd grade level math, but motor skills, etc, are at 7yo.


one*mom, it is frustrating. I've asked the same questions and received the same answer as you did with and from your daughter.


And, I need to clarify, the reason I said, "What is with TODAY" is because my dh seems to be having a difficult time getting things accomplished as well. It's as though there is something in the air. Maybe all our brains are fried from the desert summer that just won't quit! :D



The body does grow rather slowly compared to the mind. :lol:



If we are making progress, it is a good day.

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Just yesterday I said to dd9 - "If you open your mouth one more time there will be a consequence." Sometimes they just cannot open their mouth without the wrong stuff coming out and so they need a break from talking. Sigh. Then after a break for both of us, we talk about the attitude behind the words because as Jesus says, it's what is in our heart that comes out of our mouth (big paraphrase!). Of course just talking about the attitude doesn't do anything immediately but I can encourage you that I have seen progress over the years in my ds14 where the oft-repeated lessons do eventually get through.

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I just wanted to mention also that the 7-9 age group, in boys particularly (girls it seems to be 9-12ish) tend to go through a real know-it-all stage that makes you want to tear your hair out. If you can keep from wringing his neck in the meantime he'll probably outgrow it. :)

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