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Once they are fluent decoders, how do you "teach" reading?

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If you want to work at reading longer stories for retention of what is read, have him read a chapter a day. Pick a book with chapters that are close to the length of books he reads all.e already. I started my DS on Magic Tree house books. It took him 10-15 minutes to read a chapter. He came back and told me what happened. We finished a second book yesterday, he is reading a chapter in 3 minutes with the same retention level. Now we will read longer chapters, or 2-3 a day.

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Stamina seems different to me than comprehension - does your DS understand what he's reading and just can't read for long? What did the testing actually test - what pushed him down from Independent to Instructional:High - missed words? speed? comprehension? or did he do well at the start and just fall apart at the end?


As DD(8) is getting past her tracking issues - we're dealing with her having little stamina. I've just been having her read aloud what's easy (for her) until she's struggling (or almost struggling) - hoping that will help her stamina improve. Basically trying to push the edge of her current stamina - too early to tell if it will help though. I'd love to hear other suggestions :bigear:



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The greatest increases to stamina in my son have been:

1-Vision Therapy

2-Excellent evidence-based literacy tutoring

3-Reading along with audio for a hour or more/ day (for pleasure)


Frankly, the greatest increase in fluency and general reading stamina have been the result of reading along with audio. I saw a dramatic increase in fluency after about 3 months of ds reading books for pleasure (the books were by and large at or very well above his independent reading level). Because he was reading along with text-to-speech, he was not experiencing fatigue and was able to consume large quantities of books (during that first three months I think ds was read about two 3 200+page books per week).


As far as oral mis-reading, I personally let somethings go (dropped endings, for example). If there has been a misreading, I will do a quick check to see if there was a disruption of comprehension-- often I discover that even though ds misread the word, in his re-telling he actually uses the correct word (even though he orally misread it). So for ds, I am working with him on his own checking of comprehension. (ie- that he re-reads when something doesn't make sense to him!) I guess this is how I am teaching ds reading now-- making sure he is checking his own comprehension.


For the last two years, I also had ds read-out loud, at a single sitting, at least 30-45 min per day grade level material. For the past 6-8 months, I have been having him read 20-30 min per day silently for pleasure, and then afterwards, he can flip on the text-to-speech so that he can continue to consume a ton of books, and find books enjoyable.


So, if you feel your son has had all the O-G based phonics instruction, and is automatic in his abilities to apply that knowledge, I would just have him reading outloud to you, and increase the time incrementally. I would also have him reading along with audio as much as possible-- his choice of high interest books and move that toward silent reading. (PM if you want a list of books my 11 yo ds read last year--although I can not guarantee you will find them all appropriate :scared: :blushing:)


I also really like Ylleks suggestions of pre-teaching the content, along with generating questions. These are great strategies, but also add some interest and human connection to the reading.

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