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Teachers Lounge 8-31-2011

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Happy Wednesday!


It's my dd's 13th birthday today!!! So obviously no schooling is getting done. However, we have learned a thing or two about the iTunes store and that mom and daughter don't always agree on music although we often do agree!


(btw, I did put together a Teachers Lounge yesterday but evidently I didn't post it! :tongue_smilie:)


It also means I have no patience with my kids nor they with me. :glare:


What's for lunch today? Who knows!


What are you looking forward to today? Me: when my ds goes to a friend's house and we pick up said friend's sister to go with me and dd so dd can get her ears pierced! I'm also looking forward to figuring out when I can actually escape this heat once more this summer!


Seen any good movies lately? The last movie I saw in theatres was Cowboys vs. Aliens. Yes, it was hokey but it was fun and entertaining! :D

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I am having mushroom stuffed pasta with basil pesto sauce for lunch. I don't know about the kids...they just ate breakfast :glare:. Our schedules are a mess, but school is done for my first grader. Preschooler has not asked yet, we only do school when she asks.


I am headed to my parents house to pick up a mini fridge for the studio, to make a deposit at the bank, and to get some supplies for our edible cell project! It will be desert after dinner tonight!:D

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Happy Wednesday!


It's my dd's 13th birthday today!!! So obviously no schooling is getting done. However, we have learned a thing or two about the iTunes store and that mom and daughter don't always agree on music although we often do agree!


(btw, I did put together a Teachers Lounge yesterday but evidently I didn't post it! :tongue_smilie:)


It also means I have no patience with my kids nor they with me. :glare:


What's for lunch today? Who knows!


What are you looking forward to today? Me: when my ds goes to a friend's house and we pick up said friend's sister to go with me and dd so dd can get her ears pierced! I'm also looking forward to figuring out when I can actually escape this heat once more this summer!


Seen any good movies lately? The last movie I saw in theatres was Cowboys vs. Aliens. Yes, it was hokey but it was fun and entertaining! :D


I could have sworn that I responded to a teacher's lounge yesterday. . .


Lunch - I know what I'm having. . . wait for it. . .





organic roasted veggie pizza! (Ha! And you thought that I was going to say a salad with protein. . .)


Looking forward to today: Just plugging away and hopefully looking back and saying, "I guess I did get something accomplished!"


Good movies - you mean like in a theater? The last movie in a theater was the last Bond movie with Daniel Craig. or do you mean on our DVD player? That was Yogi Bear - which took me a long time to remember because it was forgettable;)

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Happy birthday to your dd! Time to update your sig!


(btw, I did put together a Teachers Lounge yesterday but evidently I didn't post it! :tongue_smilie:) I missed it yesterday...it was one of those days where I really needed a teacher's lounge!!


What's for lunch today? Various forms of chicken (mostly leftovers) and roasted asparagus wrapped in proscuitto and goat cheese. It's my indulgence when I need to feel "special" at lunchtime! My two oldest kids love it too!



What are you looking forward to today? Bedtime? Seriously...it's been a busy week and I'm worn out! My goal is to survive until bedtime!


Seen any good movies lately? Not really. I watch Conspirator last week. It was okay. I want to go see "The Help," (read the book earlier this year), but haven't had time to go. I may end up waiting until it comes out on dvd.

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Today is my granddaughter's second birthday so extra birthday wishes to your dd.


I got my oil changed for FREE on the van with a coupon this morning.


We had ChickFilA for lunch because I had a coupon for free food and it was next to the oil change place.


Looking forward to going to bed early - I am exhausted.


I was going to see The Help last night with some of my homeschool moms to celebrate my birthday. That didn't happen because one of them wound up in the hospital with kidney stones while another watched the children. Ouch! Hopefully we will reschedule.

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We finished the rest of our school work and the majority of the chores. I have to brag for just a minute---we're four weeks into our school year and the house is still rather clean and the laundry is still under control. Dare I say that we might have finally found a system that works for us?

We're heading out to drop DD1 off at the dance studio. She has classes from 5-7:30 tonight. During that time, I'm going to run to Walmart to pick up rolls, onions and napkins. Then we'll head home (1/2 hour drive), make dinner and get the younger ones bathed and ready for bed. Then someone (either me, dh or my dad) will pick dd up from dance. Once we get the younger ones to bed, dh and I have to head to work (my dad lives with us, so he "babysits" the kids while we're gone). We clean the dance studios where my daughters take dance. The money is decent and the hours, while long and late, allow me to continue to homeschool the kids. We'll work from 8:30 until we're done (usually around 11:30 on Wednesdays). Then I'll come home, do a few things around the house and finally fall into the bed sometime around 1am. Tomorrow morning will be here much too soon....I will never "enjoy" my alarm clock going off at 6:30!

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