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I've had it! Need to change school name to one that doesn't sound HS'd!!

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Every time I fill out a form, I get a "oh-- you homeschool.... (long pause, pity look to the kids...)


I had it as our (streetname) Academy, but once people noticed the school name is the same as our address, they started with the negative comments about homeschoolers. In front of my kids.


I had the last straw lastnight when an adult started the lecture (ranting opinion) of how overprotected Homeschooled kids are, and the parents are always helicopter parents, and how behind they are, and how they just don't know how to get along with other boys and adults, how they don't do well on trips.... Hubby tried to talk but he wouldn't listen. Funny thing is, he didn't know we homeschooled oldest until that night. And our son never had any of those issues.


I want a school name that sounds like a Christian private school, or maybe a public school sounding name, but something that sounds like a REAL SCHOOL.


I have kids in middle school and in elementary.


Son is going to design us a logo once we pick our new name and we're going to make shirts, bags, etc...



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Probably not what you want to hear, but rather than try to make your endeavor come across as a school to keep the inane comments at bay, it would be easier to just laugh inside when you hear the comments and go about your merry way. Don't let people who obviously don't know much about the homeschooling world (how it functions and of its successes) create more work for you. While we do use an unofficial name for our school (mostly to put on transcripts for post-high school), typically I'll just write "Homeschool" on forms. I don't think many states require a name.

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Milovany, you definately have a point. And I KNOW I'm over-reacting. But this is an accumulative thing. I don't deal well with stupid people who make dumb comments. LOL


And I DID promise my oldest that now that he's in middle school, we could come up with a better name anyway.


But lastnight realllllly just ticked me off. LOL


I don't deal well with dumb people. haha

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One reason my 6 yr old decided that we were "Mount Parnassus Elementary" was that "Elementary is what REAL SCHOOLS are called!!!". And she's right-with only one exception, Academy seems to either be a child care program, or something for homeschoolers, not a traditional school. Since we don't have to register it with anyone official, I figured it didn't matter-and she LOVES it when stuff comes addressed to her or to me at "Mount Parnassus Elementary".

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My school name is Seaside Christian Academy. I don't think the academy part sounds like child care... there were many private schools where I grew up that had it in their name.


It may be a regional thing. All of our schools around here (with the exception of one K-12 "academy") seem to be named X Adjective School-with private schools having the name of the denomination or type of school in the adjective and public schools inserting elementary, middle, high, charter, or magnet. So most of the things named Academy are schools like "The Academy of Creative Learning Child Care Center" or homeschool cover schools.


I suppose "Mount Parnassus Classical School" would have been a better fit for us-but since most of my DD's dance friends attend one elementary or another, she wanted to be like them.

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Every time I fill out a form, I get a "oh-- you homeschool.... (long pause, pity look to the kids...)


I had it as our (streetname) Academy, but once people noticed the school name is the same as our address, they started with the negative comments about homeschoolers. In front of my kids.



This actually surprises me that people would think it was a homeschool because it has the street name.


Where I grew up the school always had the name of the street they were one. And many of the kids lived on that street.


The high school got the city name. When a second one was added, it got a street name. The middle schools and the elementary schools either got the street name or the neighborhood name. The kids lived in the city/neighborhood the school was in.


Here the there aren't as many schools so they all have the town name.


I have no ideas - our school needs a name too....

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I can't believe you get snarky comments because your school name is the same as your address. The elementary school that I went to had a street name, _________ Road Elementary School, and many kids lived on that street because it was a main road in the town. The school still has the same name and I'm sure there are still lots of kids living on that road. Would someone actually assume that they are all homeschooled just because their street name matches their address?


I named our school after the street we lived on when we started homeschooling, but we've moved since. And actually we never even put our street name on our mailing address anyway, just the house name; it was a very small village. So I wouldn't have had the problem you have anyway.


Why don't you just pick any random street name - the name of the road you grew up on, the name of the road your elementary school was on, or just some random street name or you could name it after a president or some other famous American or any place name.


Elm Street Academy

Chapel Hill Elementary School

Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Lake George Academy

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Hmm. You've got me thinking about something I hadn't considered before.


When I fill out a form, and it asks for Name of School, I just write "Homeschool" in the blank. I have never had anyone, anywhere give me any kind of lecture or even the slightest remark, and I homeschooled for 10 years. I realize that certain situations require a school name (getting a teacher card at Borders, for instance), but most don't. When I've used a name, it always felt fraudulent to me, like I was hiding something. I'm much more comfortable just coming out boldly and declaring that our school is "Homeschool". No tricks. No apologies. No nonsense.


Of course, I understand that in some situations, you must name your school, and maybe that creates an atmosphere where everyone is trying to figure everyone else out. :o) I don't know. I probably shouldn't be posting this because I haven't thought it through enough. I may insult someone. I certainly don't mean to. I'm just wondering if using an official name for an unofficial school attracts criticism from those who don't understand homeschooling. By "unofficial", I mean it from the point of view of the person who might feel the need to criticize. I don't mean that homeschooling isn't "real". I know it is real. I have lived it for ten years.


What are others' experiences, those who name their schools and those who don't. Does naming a homeschool attract criticism?

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What are all these forms people are filling out that ask for the name of a school? The only time I think I've had to do that was for a free DVD from the History Channel. Now we get occasional mailings to "Pine Alley School" (the name my ds came up with as I stared blindly at the paper), so I suppose that tells me who they share their lists with!

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Hmm. You've got me thinking about something I hadn't considered before.


When I fill out a form, and it asks for Name of School, I just write "Homeschool" in the blank. I have never had anyone, anywhere give me any kind of lecture or even the slightest remark, and I homeschooled for 10 years. I realize that certain situations require a school name (getting a teacher card at Borders, for instance), but most don't. When I've used a name, it always felt fraudulent to me, like I was hiding something. I'm much more comfortable just coming out boldly and declaring that our school is "Homeschool". No tricks. No apologies. No nonsense.


Of course, I understand that in some situations, you must name your school, and maybe that creates an atmosphere where everyone is trying to figure everyone else out. :o) I don't know. I probably shouldn't be posting this because I haven't thought it through enough. I may insult someone. I certainly don't mean to. I'm just wondering if using an official name for an unofficial school attracts criticism from those who don't understand homeschooling. By "unofficial", I mean it from the point of view of the person who might feel the need to criticize. I don't mean that homeschooling isn't "real". I know it is real. I have lived it for ten years.


What are others' experiences, those who name their schools and those who don't. Does naming a homeschool attract criticism?



So are you saying that maybe the people who look at those forms think, "Oh, look, these homeschoolers don't want us to know that they're homeschoolers, so they're trying to hide it by coming up with a fancy name?" That sort of thing?


I don't know. I always just write "Homeschool" too. On the other hand, it would be fun to have t-shirts made up. :)

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So are you saying that maybe the people who look at those forms think, "Oh, look, these homeschoolers don't want us to know that they're homeschoolers, so they're trying to hide it by coming up with a fancy name?" That sort of thing?


I don't know. I always just write "Homeschool" too. On the other hand, it would be fun to have t-shirts made up. :)



Yes. That is what I assume they're thinking, something along those lines. I don't want to put thoughts in their heads, though. :) They may be thinking something entirely different (or not thinking at all).

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After YEARS of bickering over what saint to use or whether our name or some other whatever should be used, we had the idea to use the name of our housing addition and tack on Academy. Not too personal, but simple.


So let's say your housing addition was called Shannon Park or Rolling Hills, the school name would be Rolling Hills Academy.


This works for us bc the schools aren't names for housing or street names here. Might not work for everyone tho.

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After YEARS of bickering over what saint to use or whether our name or some other whatever should be used, we had the idea to use the name of our housing addition and tack on Academy. Not too personal, but simple.


So let's say your housing addition was called Shannon Park or Rolling Hills, the school name would be Rolling Hills Academy.


This works for us bc the schools aren't names for housing or street names here. Might not work for everyone tho.


Sounds like a good idea if I knew what a housing addition was. :lol:

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Other terms:

Housing division.


Name for the housing clustered into a neighborhood.


I don't think we have that in our town. Our town was settled about 250 years ago, and they didn't give the neighborhoods any names, if there even were neighborhoods then.


But that's getting off topic. Sorry!

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Our school name is:

The Regional Undergraduate Academy of North Texas.

The acronym is TRUANT


(My apologies to the individual I stole that from. Think it was someone on this board. Loved it so much I stole/copied it! :D)




We're trying to name our "school," too. It will be Something Classical Academy because that sounds really smart :D We just haven't figured out the "something" part.

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Yes. That is what I assume they're thinking, something along those lines. I don't want to put thoughts in their heads, though. :) They may be thinking something entirely different (or not thinking at all).



My state requires us to name our homeschool when we register. It's a pain because we can't change it, ever! I've thought of a thousand better names after homeschooling for 5 years, but I was at a loss back when I needed to register and just came up with something simple.

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The rich kids go to schools called (name of county) Country Day School. There is also the school in Louisville, Highlands Latin School. I always say I want to give our effort a name, but I never have. Last Ditch Academy?:tongue_smilie:


After years of attempted insults, I've learned to deal with it in a way that helps me feel like I have not been publicly ridiculed.:grouphug:

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After YEARS of bickering over what saint to use or whether our name or some other whatever should be used, we had the idea to use the name of our housing addition and tack on Academy. Not too personal, but simple.


So let's say your housing addition was called Shannon Park or Rolling Hills, the school name would be Rolling Hills Academy.






LOL I used to live on "Shannon St" in a "Rolling Hills" subdivision. LOL


I'm not the OP, but that was pretty good!

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I would look at the trend of names in your school district.



Famous Americans?

Geographic area?


And try to go with one of those. It would stand out the least.


If someone asks "where it that" you can say "it is in the (insert your school district name) School District" and change the subject.


I would go with a very general name, even if it doesn't mean anything to you. ie Washington Elemetary School, or MLK. Something that there is at least one version of everywhere.


OR....a latin name that they won't understand. LOL



Until then, I would just say. We live in the Jefferson Elementary School District (where you really live), and then change the subject before they ask grades/teachers.

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How to make a respectable school name:


1) Pick an adjective. Some good choices are majestic, red, blue, rolling, small, tall, abundant, peaceful.

2) Pick a feature of nature. Like mountain, wolf, oak, pine, hill, creek.

3) Choose a school type. Elementary, academy, school, learning centre/center, etc.


Assemble. some examples: Red Wolf Learning Centre, Abundant Creek Academy, Peaceful Mountain Elementary.


It's like mad libs.

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If you want it to sound real, don't use "academy." That's become so popular among homeschoolers that it tips folks off.



I reserve "School No. 42" though. Hitchhiker's Guide. :D




I cannot believe I didn't think of that one! Where's the hand to forehead smilie!?:)

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How about "Hard Knocks, School of" ...oh, wait, that ends in a proposition. Not a good reflection of your school...


Yeah, who's that kid's teacher, anyway? Needs remedial grammer lessons! :lol:


As for the look from the offending lady, I may have said, "Yes, I know you wish you were homeschooled, too" and then enjoyed her inability to respond! :D


Have fun in your search but please don't let anyone diss you like that. THEY are the ones with the problem, not you.;)

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One reason my 6 yr old decided that we were "Mount Parnassus Elementary" was that "Elementary is what REAL SCHOOLS are called!!!". And she's right-with only one exception, Academy seems to either be a child care program, or something for homeschoolers, not a traditional school. Since we don't have to register it with anyone official, I figured it didn't matter-and she LOVES it when stuff comes addressed to her or to me at "Mount Parnassus Elementary".


Most of the private and charter schools are "____________ Academy" here. I can think of 6-7 near me right off the top of my head. Must be a regional thing?

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Schools are named after famous people around here so I'd go that route if I was trying to sound official.



The schools here are also, but I hadn't really thought about that. When I asked my oldest two kids what we should name our school, they came up with the Thomas Pocatello School. My daughter really loved Thomas the tank engine and my son said that Pocatello was a cool word he heard somewhere. It was their idea to make it sound like a name. When I asked them why they had gotten together and picked that particular name, they said because it sounds like (the name of the school near our house) only with our own name instead. People probably think "Should I know who Thomas Pocatello was?"

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I think we should just change ours to Hogwarts and let the neighborhood flap its gums about it! :lol:


I'm McGonagle and Dh is Lupin...fits our personalities to a tee...as youngsters I was absolutely Hermione!


So let's see, the kids dd...Hermione, ds #1 Cedric Diggory - everything comes easily to him, ds #2 - Fred or George take your pick, the kid is a comedian - and ds#3 - Percy...oh I hate to be the one to say it. But seriously, the kid has an obsession with perfection and RULES. Just follow the rules people!


Yep, Hogwarts! I wonder what our pastor would think? :D


Other famous possibilities - Oxford Prepatory, St. Francis (The Trouble with Angels/Haley Mills, one of my favorite movies and I sooooooooo relate to Mother Superior), Avery Academy (Dead Poet's Society), Lowood School (Jane Eyre), or if you REALLY want to ruffle the neighbor's feathers - Vampire Academy!


I am very partial to Hogwarts.



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I combined my maiden name with my mom's for our school name. If I had to do it again, I would go further back to great grandparents or such - Williams Elementary or Myrtle May Academy LOL. Then in Junior High my kids could transfer to East Lake Academy since most of the schools here are named after lakes or have the name Lake XXX. A friend recently named her school after the county she lives in to make it sound really official: Butler County Home Ed. People think she is some how part of the department of ed.

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Schools are frequently named after influential people in the district or state here, and there is an elementary school named after my grandpa. He was a principal and then a superintendent for many years, and they named one of the new elementary schools after him. So you could name it after a beloved elder in the family or someone you respect.

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I've always used (last name) Family School on our things because I was totally out of imagination when I had to put it on a form one time. I'm considering changing it to a Preporatory School name now that I have one in high school. I would like something to put on our transcripts when the time comes and we do have to register here as a private school, so it would fit.


As for the op's problem with the person going off--one issue that it brings up sometimes is that now her son could be treated differently (intentionally or unintentionally) because they know he is homeschooled. Especially since that person seems to have such a negative opinion. So if having a better school name keeps this from happening, then maybe it's a good idea.


As for what could be said in a situation like that--think Kyra Sedgewick on The Closer--Oh my...this seems to have made you feel defensive. Please don't worry, we can't all be homeschoolers! Hmmm...a bit snarky, perhaps... ;)

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All of our local schools are named after local politicians...err philanthropists and business leaders..;):D


You could choose a name like George Washington or the author of your favorite book maybe. I'm betting most people won't know who that person is anyway.


Maybe the author of so much of our curriculum...

Susan Wise Bauer Academy (or Prep School, or Elementary...):lol::lol::lol:

Edited by dcjlkplus3
typo correction :)
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Maybe the author of so muc of our curriculum...

Susan Wise Bauer Academy (or Prep School, or Elementary...):lol::lol::lol:



Ooooooo, that sounds good!!! How about Susan Wise Bauer Latin Prep????


Oh Susan! You should know that you are so loved and revered, schools are being named after you now! :D



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, Academy seems to either be a child care program, or something for homeschoolers, ".


or an expensive private school - I've encountered a number of expensive private "academies" around here. or montessoris. the two most expensive private schools in the area are both "_(name/location)_ school". pretty non-descript names.


I like Deo ac Veritati Prepatory Academy. (includes the motto for my daughters' university.) Means For God and truth, not that your average ranter about homeschoolers would know that.


Thanks for bringing it up. Now I know what to print off for us.

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