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Are you in school...again....why?

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Not exactly yet. I'm taking a refresher music history course online to help me get back into the swing of studying, carving out time away from the kiddoes for homework ie. "If you are not barfing up a lung or bleeding from your eyeballs, DO NOT BOTHER ME WHEN I'M STUDYING!" :D


I think it is going to take more training to get dh and the kids on board than it will my own flabby brain.


I do an intensive music theory refresher next semester and then see how I feel and how the schedule will work out, if it is feesible, etc. for 2012/2013.



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and I knew I was struggling with teaching them at home -- and needed $$$ for physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc -- I determined to go back to work when our youngest dd was ready for K. I wanted to be able to choose the school setting for our dss and pay for therapies not covered by insurance.


So, I decided to specialize in gifted education and earn a higher degree which would eventually pay enough extra $$$ to cover the costs of my going back to school. Student loans. :tongue_smilie:

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To get my teaching degree. But I don't know. I love teaching, but I don't think I'm going to love it in a school system-I'm getting a taste of teaching a classroom now and, to be honest, I don't like it much. This class management stuff is a death kiss.


And the attitude of the teachers leaves much to be desired.


I'm thinking I'm going to have to teach in my own school or a parochial school.

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I am preparing to apply to nursing school. However, my last prerequisite class started this week... without me. :glare:


My kids really need me to be fully engaged on the homefront for at least one more semester. They have a tough term ahead, and with one graduating I want to get all the time I can with him before he heads off to college. That last class is Anatomy & Physiology, a real time consumer. So, next semester, I hope, summer at the latest.


I want to do this for many reasons. Foremost, I want a service-oriented vocation that will also be valuable on the volunteer front. I am interested in crisis response. And I will have three kids in college at the same time, so it would be nice to be able to earn towards those bills!


My primary career was in a very narrow field in which there are limited jobs available. Also, after 15 years out of the work force, my skills and professional contacts are no longer current. I will likely have to take out student loans to cover the costs, but maybe not. Depends on our financial status next year.

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yep, I am in nursing school again. I have been an RN since 1997 with my Associate degree. I will finish my Bachelor's in December and start my Master's in February (if I get accepted to the program that is) Once I start, I will be done and a Certified Nurse Midwife in 2 1/4 years.

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I acquire my license as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Related to that, to develop a non-business-office career that is a match for my interests and talents (I am going to be working until I die).


I'm considering staying in school to earn my Doctorate. (and develop a limited practice on the side while doing so)

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I'm working towards a history degree. Why? Because it's good for me, I will be educated, and because I'm being paid to complete it (via my Dad's disability through the VA). Right now my tuition is paid for with grants and I earn an extra $500-$900 a month (depending on how many credit hours I am enrolled in).


I'm feeling quite a desire to just take a semester off (4 kids 5 and under, husband is military so he's gone fairly frequently, HSing K, church calling, and school for me?!)...but the VA will only pay me for so long and I hate to not take full advantage.


If I had my druthers, though, I'd be a math major. I'm doing history because I do love it (2nd best) and it's mostly online.

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I was a student through last spring semester. I took the summer off and then decided to take this semester off as well due to several reasons. I'm going because I like being in school. I have no intention of working after graduation though, so therefore I'm on no particular deadline to actually finish.

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Not yet, but if all goes well I will be next fall. We need to sell our house so we can move first.


I left college while pregnant with the oldest and it was always my plan to return when the kidlets were all in school full time but then we started homeschooling....

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Next spring I'm starting an M.Div. program with an emphasis in women's studies. Like several others are doing, I'll take a slow road with the goal to complete my degree and launch once the birdies have flown. My passion is to help women root their identity in Christ, cultivate intimacy with Christ, and impact the world through Christ. I have been speaking/writing for years on this topic as often as I get the opportunity and my schedule will allow. Through a lot of prayer and soul-searching, Bill and I decided that it's time to begin to invest in my personal and professional development. I'm excited, but a little nervous about Greek and Hebrew...

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I am a thesis and a semester and a half away from graduating with MA in Education, emphasis TESOL. I chose TESOL because I can teach anywhere in the world and honestly, I don't know where we are going to be next...


I am studying because it is an opportunity really - My husband is a professor in the university and I am offered two free classes a year (!) and we live on campus so I don't have to travel anywhere!


I don't think I would have the guts to do it otherwise.. I really admire you all!

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I'm getting my Secondary Ed degree to teach Math and Computer Science. When middle graduates, we are putting ds in school, so I will be going to work to pay for that and for college for them all.


I'm 1 1/2 years in, and I have about 4 years left. I'm going very part-time, and I brought 3 1/2 years of credits with me from my first go-round.


Math isn't my first love, but I want to be employable without relocating.

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