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Gardisil...not just for girls....

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I refused this vaccine for my 16yo son. It is the first vaccine I've refused and the doctor got a little testy. The last time I refused a medical recommendation, it was fluoride, and apparently it is no longer being recommended. So I figure I'll trust my gut, and if my son wants it when he's an adult, he can get it then.

Edited by EKS
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I started reading this thread, and it started to seem strangely familiar... because it was!


I wish people would start new threads, rather than resurrecting old ones, and if they want to reference the original (old) thread, they could just provide a link to it in their post.


I'm not trying to be the Forum Police or anything, but in the case of a L-O-N-G thread like this, it would be much easier to have just started a new thread, because many of us (OK, maybe only the dopey ones like me :tongue_smilie:) may end up unnecessarily reading pages of a thread we'd already read a year ago.


:iagree: Ugh! :) I come across interesting, old threads because of the related threads thing on the bottom. Just start a new thread about the old topic. I've read so many old, long threads on accident. :)

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I know a teenaged girl who has had MULTIPLE health issues after having this vaccine. Her family and various doctors are pretty sure this is what caused it. She was perfectly healthy and into sports before this. It's been a long, hard road for her.


Last I heard there were 70 to 100 of these girls. Our local news actually ran a segment on a group of these girls who had suffered neurological damage. A couple were in wheelchairs.


No, thanks.

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Related article in today's news: http://news.yahoo.com/teens-dont-sex-still-risk-hpv-infection-202449629.html


I found this particular bit interesting:


"HPV infections are usually transient, but can cause cervical cancer in some people if the infection lingers for long periods."


Couldn't the same be said about strep throat, Lyme disease, etc.? Yet we are not creating nor strongly recommending vaccines for those illnesses.

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My sister had HPV and had to have a laser treatment done. She is my sister and my answer to her was this,"Maybe you should consider this before having so many sexual partners." I know that sounds callous but it's true.


I couldn't get past this comment. Its more than callous..... It's naive.


And it's simply NOT true.


One time, one partner.


A huge amount of people have some strain of HPV or have had in their lifetime (last I heard in nursing school in 2010 it was 70 percent of Americans).


You think they all are promiscuous? Seriously?


I got HPV from my husband, who got his from his exwife, who cheated on him. Neither myself, nor my husband are promiscuous or ever have been.


I wish I had been able to get the vax. My children will get it when the time comes.

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