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How do your dc study vocabulary from literature? LL7 specifically

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We are using LL7 this year, and for each book it lists several vocabulary words by chapter. I thought some of the ones in Tom Sawyer were pretty hard. I tried just having my son read over them a bit, but he doesn't seem to have learned them well that way. Of course he's not too keen on writing them along with definitions. Is this what you do? I wish there were worksheets for the vocabulary made up! Crosswords or matching, etc.

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We haven't done "vocabulary" as a separate subject before. We've usually picked up words from reading. I think vocabulary is best learned in some context, but thought I'd have two of the children use WW & VfCR A for a semester to see how it goes.


We only started two weeks ago, but, on a whim, I told my children that I'd give any of them .50 per vocabulary word they found in one of their other books. We're pooling everyone's .50 until we have enough to go to Jamba Juice, a rare treat. So far, they've found a total of 16 instances of different vocabulary words in their other reading, so we've got 16 sentences from other books using different vocab. words. Even two of the children (I have a bonus student this semester) who aren't doing a vocab. "program" have been asking for a list of the other two children's vocab words so they can look, too. It's been a fun way to do an otherwise very dry subject.

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Thank you ladies.


Well, maybe I didn't explain it well. The vocabulary words are listed by chapter of the novel he is reading. So right now it is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. There are some (what I consider!) pretty random vocabulary words, that I highly doubt he's going to find in another of his books he's reading. But of course I still want him to learn those words, especially since they are not just lists of words from a vocabulary program, but from the book he is reading - learning in context!


So I'm just wondering about how people study vocabulary words that are already tied to a book. What I wish I had is some quizzes, crossword puzzles, etc. Maybe I should post about that - asking if anyone has something like that for LL7. Or do people have their kids write the definitions or what? I wasn't even familiar with several of the words!



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Well, if it's words he's not likely to encounter in his own reading and is not likely to use in his own writing, I wouldn't worry about it. I would discuss how to figure out what a word means in context, then check a dictionary and see if you are correct. Look for some synonyms and move on. I'll be :bigear: for what others have to say about this.

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Well, if it's words he's not likely to encounter in his own reading and is not likely to use in his own writing, I wouldn't worry about it. I would discuss how to figure out what a word means in context, then check a dictionary and see if you are correct. Look for some synonyms and move on. I'll be :bigear: for what others have to say about this.


Ok, maybe you are right! I guess there is a difference between words I want him to know to build his vocabulary, and words that even I have never heard but that he'll need to understand to read the story. I like the idea of looking for synonyms, too.

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I did LL7 with my DD. She would look for the words in the book and lightly underline them with a pencil. Sometimes she would know what the word meant and sometimes she could figure it out from the context of the story. When we went over the comp questions together, we also reviewed the vocabulary. If she didn't know the meaning of a word, we looked at where she underlined it in her book and talked about how the word was being used in the story and the definition.





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