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Teachers Lounge 8-30-2011

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It's Tuesday!!!


What did you do this morning? Here: ds and I went and met some friends at McD's this morning at 8am! The kids played and the moms talked. :)

Then I had to take the dog to the vet for a check up and increased medication. :001_huh: The vet is great; just wish the dog . . . well, there's a lot I wish about the dog (no meds, better social skills, etc). Now we're having lunch and getting ready for more schooling. Which brings me to the next question . . .


What's for lunch today? Here: Grands! biscuits with ham, roasted red pepper hummus, and sun-dried tomato pesto. Mine was accompanied by the required Pepsi. :D


What are you waiting on today? Here: I'm waiting on the UPS person to deliver my very necessary package. It has stuff I NEED for my business!


Speaking of needing stuff, I recently ordered some stuff from IEW and dh said, "Great. More books." :glare: Wonder what he'd do if he were responsible for buying curriculum . . . yeah, there wouldn't be any!:lol:


DH is great with the kids, and can teach some of the subjects but I don't dare let him touch foreign languages, the English language, or buying curriculum!:tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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It's Tuesday!!!


What did you do this morning?Day 2 of school. Soft start, just memory work review, math and spelling.

Then I had to take the dog to the vet for a check up and increased medication. :001_huh: The vet is great; just wish the dog . . . well, there's a lot I wish about the dog (no meds, better social skills, etc). Now we're having lunch and getting ready for more schooling. Which brings me to the next question . . .


What's for lunch today? Leftovers. Either Mac n Cheese or SloppyJoes.


What are you waiting on today? Myself mostly. I have a lot to read to finish prepping for high school British Lit, Henle Latin, Ancient History etc.

Speaking of needing stuff, I recently ordered some stuff from IEW and dh said, "Great. More books." :glare: Wonder what he'd do if he were responsible for buying curriculum . . . yeah, there wouldn't be any!:lol:


DH is great with the kids, and can teach some of the subjects but I don't dare let him touch foreign languages, the English language, or buying curriculum!:tongue_smilie:


Talk to me! :bigear:


I miss [already, talk about an addict] having the forum up and reading and posting all day long. Now I can only lurk at breaks and am missing important threads. :tongue_smilie:

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Good morning, Scrap!


What did I do this morning? Made breakfast, cleaned up after breakfast (including the kitchen), folded one load of laundry, helped my dd9 take an hour and a half to do 4 pages of math:glare: (she speeded up considerably after I became more actively involved once the kitchen and laundry was done), supervised ds13 cleaning one more part of his room (in 10 years he might actually have a clean room. . . ), made 2 phone calls.


Lunch? What do you think I'm having, Scrap? Huh? Huh? :lurk5:


Waiting on: My mojo which has gone somewhere along with my "get up and go". I have so much to do, that it I would rather stare at the boards in a catatonic state. Instead, I'm trying the "do the next thing" approach.

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What did I do this morning? Worked, graded phonics, learned that 1/7 * 1/8 = 1/7 - 1/8 (there's like a rule in math that makes it true), drank some coffee, watched the girls knit, took the older girl to the doctor for her knees (a runner's knee type inflammation that will require rest and ice for at least 5 days), and picked up lunch at the deli on the way home.


Which brings us to lunch. I can't eat anything from the deli so I'm having.... leftover black beans, some fresh tomatoes, and rice crackers.


Waiting for today? Motivation to organize those school books that came yesterday and make some serious plans since school starts in a week. Oh, and another pot of coffee.


My dh is super supportive of homeschooling and has tried to teach a few things and takeover on days when needed, but he has admitted that it is hard and he has no idea how I can do it and work. :D I'll take the respect even if he doesn't help.

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What did you do this morning? Not too much. Helped ds with school, weeded the front of the house, worked on sanding down the ugliest bookcase known to man...:tongue_smilie:


What's for lunch today? We're getting ready to head out on a camping trip day after tomorrow so meals have been 'whatever you find in the cupboard.' For lunch I took 3 lonely potatoes and this weekend's leftovers and turned them into chili cheese fries with apple slices on the side. The kid liked it, but the baby not so much. He ended up eating the last hot dog in the fridge.


What are you waiting on today? Nothing! Nada! Zilch! :lol: Dh jokes about my close relationship with Amazon but I've managed to stay away for nearly two weeks.:D

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This morning? Schoolwork, schoolwork, schoolwork, after a 3 day weekend. Graded several things and went over them with dd9. Gave her her first English test of the year and looked over our 1st month's progress. So far so good. We are right where I planned for everything except SOTW3. I wanted to finish it by Sept. and we haven't. But we are close.


For lunch? Kids had whole wheat spaghetti os. They were happy. They haven't had these since they were toddlers. I cut up carrots and apples on the side.


Waiting on? Kids to finish their math, so we can go over some state history and maps and then go to the mall for some shopping.

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Did this morning: Shifted some appointments around. Laughed at the chickens hopping up to reach mulberries off the branches. Picked cherry tomatoes from the plant that grew in the compost pile, ate some on the spot, and tossed the rest to the chickens. Watched some "historyteachers" youtubes with my daughter and then read with her.


Had for lunch: Spinach/blueberry smoothie. Bagel w/ cream cheese and cucumber.


Waiting on: Nothing, really. Life can stand still today and I'd be thrilled.

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