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How much does husband help with hs? Which part of curriculum does he help with?


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My DH helps with the financial part of the curriculum. That's all he does, and that works for me :D


:iagree:In all of my 17 years of homeschooling, it has been my baby...and I like it that way. Same way with other things that need to be done around the house. Because basically, the way I do all of that stuff is the right way. :D ;) It's worked out beautifully, and he's always been extremely supportive, but all hs decisions, curriculum purchasing and day to day teaching is my sole responsibility.

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My husband works pt and is a full partner in schooling.


He does music, Spanish, latin, art and handwriting and helps with other stuff. He will do more of the bio/chem/anatomy stuff because he is a healthcare person and took all that in college. I do more of the earth science and physics stuff. Right now, I do math, science, history and LA. I will do photography. I will do civics/government. I also do PE.


We split the subjects according to skill and interest. I am passionate about history and math and majored in math and Econ in college, so math is a natural pick for me. My husband is ridiculously talented in music, foreign languages, art and has great handwriting. We both love science. That is the subject we sort of share.

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I do the research, planning and teaching. Dh is very supportive. He works 45+ hours and handles our apartments which can be another part time job at times. He does most of the shopping for clothes and food too. He takes my packages to the post office:001_smile: and will help around the house when he can.

So, no, he doesn't help with the teaching and I'm fine with that:)

The only schooling he does is when the children need extra help in a subject.

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When my husband told my kids something like "white blood cells are what digests food in the stomach"...... I figured I'd do all the teaching. There's nothing stupid about the man....but I'll let him stick to mechanics (he's a diesel mechanic who currently works on JD Farm equipment).


I let him handle a lot of casual questions about how things run and why does that work, etc.

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Mine pays, listens to me ramble about curriculum, and is generally very supportive. He's able to be home occasionally if I have an appointment. And he usually goes on field trips with us.


This morning, I went to the dentist, so he got up with the kids and got them started on their seatwork, which is fairly easy since we use workboxes. He reads daily Bible story and hopes we save the missionary stories (Sonlight curriculum) for times when he can listen in :) He would love to have more time to delve into history with them, but just doesn't have the time to do it regularly.

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First and foremost my husband works hard to ensure that we have enough income to allow me to stay home with the children and afford the curricula.


When he is home he will read aloud, listen to early readers practice their skills, give spelling tests, teach and correct math lessons, do test prep, discuss/debate topics of interest and study, practice memorization items, do science experiments, assist with research, provide outside activities and frequently helps with art projects. He will also manage independent study now that some of the kids are older and keep them on task. He also consults on curriculum decisions when I am stumped.


He works full time so the above aren't regular duties and he just fills in with these areas whenever I or the kids ask.

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My contributions as the helpful hubby:


* Curriculum research. I do all the research on options w/ pros/cons, where to buy, etc. We sit down, review, select, and then I order.


* Math lesson planning, preparation, and grading. It's my strongest subject (I have a math degree plus was certified to teach) and my wife's weakest. I also help write additional problems and create reinforcement activities in those rare cases where we run out of Singapore material.


* Piano lesson planning and teaching. Faber makes this painless.


* History assistant. I research Usborne links, help locate and order additional library materials, and read aloud from Story of the World on Sunday nights.


Last but not least: Scour the WTM Forums and forward threads of interest to the wife. :)

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can't remember if I answered LOL so here goes.....sometimes I'll let him give zach a spelling test...that's about the whole extent of dh's involvement in the homeschooling day LOL he might listen to what zach is reading........zach isn't able to focus well with hubby "around" and I know good and well he wouldn't STUDY/do his lessons with him LOL He sees daddy more as a play partner than a teacher LOL.....hubby will help around the house with dishes/laundry/etc......sometimes I'll have to nudge him and other times he just does it.......

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I'm in charge of homeschooling and housekeeping, he's in charge of financing our family. He'll help out with housework if I ask him to, and he's pretty much in charge of our garden. He's very understanding about me needing alone time and will watch the children in the evening so I can go out for an hour or take a bath.


He generally doesn't question my spending, but I can tell it starts stressing him out if he sees just how much this is all costing, so I don't talk about it too much. :D I try to save where I can, and sometimes he wonders if we shouldn't be doing X, Y or Z and I take it into consideration.


This year he is going to run a Jr. LEGO League for our 7yo daughter and some of her friends. He likes robotics and engineering, so this may turn into a regular thing for him.


He generally works 10-12 hours a day, so I try to have his evening hours just be all about our family, not more work. He likes to listen as the girls go over their lessons and what they learned at the dinner table, but isn't too enthused about hearing me go over my lesson plans...probably because I'm always changing them and wondering what he thinks, and he already thought the last seventeen modifications were peachy-keen.


If I could get it organized, I'm sure he'd be fine with having "Science Saturdays" at our house. I've already told him that if math gets out of my league, he's going to have to take over. (I went through Pre-Calculus and Statistics, he took Calculus to the fourth degree as part of his engineering degree.)

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I wouldn't try to "assign" my husband anything. It never works. Now if I ask him to do something specific (one time, in the near future) for a logical (to him) reason, he'll help. The other night he helped DS9 with math so I could workout.


Outside of homeschooling, he has the job of making money (in our situation - both unemplyed last year - I was really stressed; it was great when we decided he would start a handyman business and I would take house and kids - just works for us). He cooks dinner when he is home. He defers to most of my crazy ideas. He'll help when I ask him. He's also watching the kids in the early morning so I can workout and have some me time.


Oh, and he trusts me to teach our kids. 100%.

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