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Drawing with Children used in Classical Conversations

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That is hard to say. I bought Drawing with Children years ago when we were just homeschooling ala WTM, and then read it through again each year when I was a Foundations tutor. It frankly is kind of hard to grasp if you are not an art person. It least it was for me. I got enough out of it to implement the CC lessons in class, which are only 30 minutes each and only for six weeks. I like the concept of doing warm-ups and the way they approach projects, but it has never really resonated with me.


I prefer Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre, although I believe that it is out of print now. We've also used some of Barry Stebbing's materials.


Perhaps others have had more success with it...?

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I bought it to do CC Foundations at home. There are only 6 lessons that can be broken down ibto more. I would assume they will do the whole book in 24 weeks. I would get the book, you can redo the lessons over and over. It tells you how do do it for different levels. We worked through part of the book this summer and I drew a pretty awesome bird!! And I don't draw!

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