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I'm probably listed by someone as a drama queen. So be it. My life has periods of intense drama, and I choose to share instead of going nutso, so that I can be covered in prayer, and with the hope that maybe something will help someone.

It does tick me off a little to be thought of so disparagingly. But so what? It's a message board. Can't please everyone, can't have a personality that is going to suit all.


Uh, no. Drama queen is me, remember?:lol: I *had* to change my name when my life started seeming a little too much like my name!:tongue_smilie: Really, though, people here do know me in real life....

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Silly unsinkable, the troll doesn't CROSS bridges. It lives UNDER them. The goats cross the bridge, trip-trap, trip-trap.



I am another who considers some regulars to be trolls. Spotted a new troll today though. OP, you do not come across as a troll.


Right. :D


She didn't know what a troll was and wondered if she should be worried about them...and I figured as long as she didn't cross bridges regularly, she'd be OK. :lol:

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I was reading AngelBee's thread and somebody mentioned that there were several regular posters that she questioned the legitimacy of.


**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Maybe I'm just ultra self-conscious. Wait....yeah, I am. I know that. But still.


Yes, the thought crossed my mind as I have no avatar (lazy), no names in signature or pictures (DH in IT security = big no-no), no school-age kids (yet), and no one that I know on here in real life (though I can think of two people who may be lurking that could identify me).


My only drama is the cat hair sticking in my feet, though, and I think I'm mostly just invisible. I'm okay with that. If I need a recipe or some kilt action, I'm sure I could drum something up. :001_smile:

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**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Maybe I'm just ultra self-conscious. Wait....yeah, I am. I know that. But still.


I thought that too. But when more information came out I was relieved it wasn't me. I thought that thread (not the one you linked, but the one that was deleted) was in bad taste.

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I've thought it before, since I'm mostly a lurker -- I then got into a heated argument over cokes at day camp and my first thought was "Oh, shoot, after the recent stuff, they are going to think I'm just here to cause trouble! Eek!!!"


I'm not. I'm real.


Also I think if I suddenly wasn't here, people wouldn't notice (since I mostly lurk anyway) OR people would think "oh, see, she disappeared! We were right!"


(plus, my blog link was messed up for a while and I didn't realize it until someone PM'ed me; probably someone checking if I was real or not, LOL!) (it's fixed now, so if you clicked it when it was all chinese, you can go back now...)


I mostly lurk because this board moves way too fast, and I'm on the wrong time zone. By the time I see a thread, it's way back/far down in the list and I'm not sure I should revive it or not. Or, what I'd say has been said.


But -- after reading this thread, now I'm wondering -- curriculum choices are a red flag? The lack thereof?? I hadn't thought about that and now wonder if I should be more specific......

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I'm probably listed by someone as a drama queen. So be it. My life has periods of intense drama, and I choose to share instead of going nutso, so that I can be covered in prayer, and with the hope that maybe something will help someone.

It does tick me off a little to be thought of so disparagingly. But so what? It's a message board. Can't please everyone, can't have a personality that is going to suit all.

Me too. Oh well. Some people are drama queens, some people are jerks, some people are trolls, some people are boring, some people are apathetic, some people are bubbly, I could go on & on. I feel passionately about some things - if that makes me a drama queen then so be it, there are worse things. :tongue_smilie:


I am new, new, new...was pointed this direction when I was asking homeschooling questions on a different parenting forum.


I don't have a blog to link. I guess I should go away. The blog that I am starting to write is a really small niche- fundraising for non-profit newspapers and a neighborhood non-profit management blog. I doubt my fellow homeschoolers WANT to see THAT! :001_smile:

I'll vouch for you. :D She's the real deal.


OP, I often wonder if people still think I'm a troll. But then I come back to reality & admit that I'm usually invisible so I doubt people give me that much thought. :lol:


I don't think you're a troll but I'm super-curious about some of these regulars that are so suspect. :bigear:

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Oh, yeah. I'm such a loon that I question my own legitimacy.


Seriously, yes. I'm that insecure. Unless someone quotes me everyone once in a while I feel that people don't like me. Or that I've stepped off into it (yet again.) Or there was a clique meeting and I wasn't invited.


I've talked to Imp and Mommaduck on the phone, but all that proves is that I'm female. (Or a male with a really weird voice.)

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I have come to the conclusion that most people don't think twice about me. If I never came back here, I dont think a missing persons post would pop up. That's a good thing, because I really shouldn't invest emotionally in an online board. If I thought I mattered here, I would spend way more time and emotional energy on this. I've done that before and it was a bad thing.




I did disappear from October until this month. It was actually a relief that no one seemed to notice, odd as that sounds. I did feel bad because HappyGrace posted a thread asking if she could interchange an ingredient in a recipe I had just posted and I couldn't answer her. Some other folks helped her out though. :D


I've come back nice and settled, happy to be moderately anonymous. :tongue_smilie:


Guess I better get cracking on that blog, I would HATE to be imaginary!



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I guess I could just truly care less. I have been here a long time and posted a lot of personal things...so, if someone doubts I am who I say I am then they can just not respond to my posts, I guess.


I have always been that way, though. When I was a kid, I would complain to my mom that so and so didn't "like me" and she always told me, "honey...when someone tells me they don't like me, I tell them they are just going to have to get in line." It stuck with me. You can't make everyone like you (or trust you, or whatever). Such is life.


:iagree: my mom used to say the same thing.

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Oh, yeah. I'm such a loon that I question my own legitimacy.


Seriously, yes. I'm that insecure. Unless someone quotes me everyone once in a while I feel that people don't like me. Or that I've stepped off into it (yet again.) Or there was a clique meeting and I wasn't invited.



This post is pure genius. I agree with everything written. :iagree:


It's the best of the best of the best. With authority.


:grouphug: love you, Chuckie!

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I don't have a blog either. My life is way too boring to blog about.


That's what I was going to say!:D

Plus, if I can't keep up with the dusting, I really don't think I should be spending more time on the computer....although I'd love too...:tongue_smilie:

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I know it seems really dumb but I usually only think about it if they have no blog. Most everyone here advertises their blog.


Really? A blog is necessary to be legit? Hmmm... I have no blog... but my sig tells you of other WTMers who have met me irl.

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I'm *awfully* consistent. That in and of itself is probably a clue to me not being a troll. However, my life has had some pretty big twists and turns along the way (overall and even over the past 7 years and maybe even more so in the last 2 years). Even my psychologist asked for a time line as a cheat sheet because it was so crazy.


Anyway, but I don't think of any regular posters as trolls. There are a few who drive me batty and have for years. Two in particular really irk me in almost all of their posts. I don't think they are fake though.


Really though we are each responsible for our own experience on here. We can choose wish threads to participate in. We can choose which people to interact with. We can choose with posters to ignore. We even choose whether to come to the board or not.

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This post is pure genius. I agree with everything written. :iagree:


It's the best of the best of the best. With authority.


:grouphug: love you, Chuckie!


I thought you were a drinking parrot????!!!!




(See, everyone should quote drunk -- or drinking -- parrots/loons on a regular basis.)



Oh! You like me! You really like me! :party:





I love you too, unsinkable. :001_wub:

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Seriously, you folks are driving me to drink. It is depressing to think that perhaps I am just a figment of my own imagination.


No blog

Not even a large amount of drama

No avatar of my real face


:grouphug: If it makes you feel any better, I'm a fraud. That's not really me in my Avatar. How hard it would be to type with no opposable thumbs...

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I'm always SO fascinated when we have conversations like this. I pretty much always feel like if I disappeared today, nobody here would notice. That's really okay because I know I'm not a super frequent poster but...we like to think we'd be missed, right? ;)


However, I read the same thoughts by SOOO many people I recognize and listen to regularly. I read people with 7,000 posts say it. I read people who I think always have great, interesting things to post say it. What does it take to think, "This is it! I've achieved WTM Board greatness!!!"? LOL


As I've said before when troll conversations come up, I've been here way too long and am way too dull to be a troll. If I were waiting around to spring my trollness out on all of you...well, it would be pretty darn pathetic! :)


I'm not a troll but I can say that today I found out that another Mom in my sons' theatre school made the decision to not enroll her 8th grader in school this year and homeschool. I had at least some to do with helping her move from considering it to thinking she really could do it. I felt really great about that for some weird reason. :) I even let her borrow one of my (many) WTM books for a couple of months.

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Anyway, but I don't think of any regular posters as trolls. There are a few who drive me batty and have for years. Two in particular really irk me in almost all of their posts. I don't think they are fake though.


Do you have those too? I'm so glad I'm not the only one. What if we had the same 2? There are always very, very few people that drive me nuts and there isn't but 2 that it seems every single post they make makes my hackles stand up. LOL!! It always strikes me as weird that I feel like I'm an exact opposite of every single thing they post. As "they" say, "if everybody were like me the world would be such a boring place." :)


P.S. For the paranoids, No, I'm NOT talking about you. :tongue_smilie:

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I have never even considered that people might think I'm a troll. I have had a year that no one would believe if I posted it - so I didn't. :001_smile:


There are a couple of ladies on here who know about the drama that has gone on, and I know one of them IRL. Honestly though, I really don't care if people question whether I'm a troll or not. Whatever.


I don't have a blog, but I am real, that is my picture in my avatar, and I have way too much going on IRL to have time to make anything up.

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P.S. For the paranoids, No, I'm NOT talking about you.


Oh good! LOL


Seriously, I don't think either of mine would be paranoid. And one is such a well-known poster that it makes it harder.


Of course, though I'm not the one that drives YOU nuts, I'm positive I probably am on someone's list (seriously, sometimes I'm on my *own* list! LOL).


And with 6300 posts, that is a lot of nerve grinding.


Hey, did you hear that? I am sure I just heard, "it sure is; now quit it already!"


::::looking around::::



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If I am the troll, I must be the strangest troll I met - no personal drama whatsoever, just a lot about math and science... THAT are the REALLY wacky trolls, watch out people.


Some people have no blog because they do not think they have SO important stuff to share with the world.

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hmmm......I just learned how to do a blog last year. I have a grand total of I think six entries........


Guess I better get cracking on that blog, I would HATE to be imaginary!


Here is the link, I did add some stuff today, actually http://simpleverity.wordpress.com/


I have eight since.... umm.... 2008. :blush:


I'm real though--you can google me! :tongue_smilie:

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I am starting to question my own legitimacy. Let's see; I have no blog (my life is too boring,) I have a low post count (I rarely have anything interesting to say,) and I do not have an avatar pic or a cool signature line.


On the other hand, I have been on these boards for a looooong time. I used to sit at the computer nursing my baby, late at night waiting for the board to flip, although I was never first to post. I have bought & sold curriculum on the boards. Does that make me legit?


Maybe I don't want to be legit.... Maybe it gives me a secret thrill to think someone might think I am a troll.....Maybe I should be making dinner instead of posting this message.....:)


Amber in SJ

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I've tried to do a blog, twice. But, I'd rather just scrapbook about my life. I can come here for amusement and inspiration, and I have Facebook to post pictures of my kids and stuff. What do I need a blog for?


Sort of on this topic, though- IRL, I think people don't believe much of what I say. I truly have all kinds of weird stuff happen to me and my family on a regular basis. I have also traveled quite a bit and have a lot of life experience. I got married at 32 and did a lot of crazy living before then. I have a ginormous family and so does dh, and they are all pretty nutso. The thing is, I have a very baby face, and even though I'm 42, I don't look it, and I don't think people take me seriously. I've stopped telling many people things about my life because they don't believe me. I was even trying to tell one of my SILs about people not believing me when I tell them things, and she didn't believe me that people don't believe me! (Follow that? :D)


All I can say is, I never make stuff up. I'm not that imaginative. The crazy, dramatic stuff that happens in my life is real. On the other hand, the mundane, monotonous stuff that happens in my life is just as real. If people don't believe it, it's their prerogative.

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I don't have a blog that I advertise. I do have one that is an invite only to people I know IRL, it has lots of stuff about dd and dh and I am just paranoid about letting too much out there. I like to post to a hot topic thread now and then and I know some of my views are on the extreme end. But I promise I am not a troll. Hopefully I add some value to some of the people here.


Now where is my fee for crossing my bridge?:auto:

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I don't have a blog; I have no photo posted; I have no personal info listed at the bottom of each post. All of this is partly because I'm not tech savvy and mostly because dh and I are wary, for safety reasons stated by others, of putting too much of ourselves into cyberspace.


None of this makes me a troll. It does make me:

~technology challenged


~someone who avoids social networking sites (like facebook)

~battling (what often seems a losing battle) to wisely use the hours of each day

~a naturally reserved person IRL as well as online


On the flip side, I thoroughly enjoy this site. I learn so much here and appreciate the diverse points of view and the glowing personalities that others exude.


I am definitely a real person; however, I am most certain that, if I went away and never posted again, absolutely no one would notice. :001_smile:


As an aside, I just recently learned what a troll was! And, of course, I learned it here!

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I've never thought about it, but now, come to think about it, I don't have a blog. I do have some drama (our personal economy has taken a bit of a hit in this economic downfall and I have kids to get through college at the same time).


But then again, if anyone were to think poorly of me, I have to admit, I wouldn't care. I work subbing in our public high school (and have for 12 years now). It's difficult to get me to care what people think, esp when I don't think they have any substance to support it. Except... not having a blog... ;)


Besides, we missed the latest drama with the east coast earthquake. We were in the car in SC returning from a college visit. No real troll would have been where we were at that time! My family has been kind of bummed that we missed all the excitement.


Edited to add that we don't do Facebook either. My oldest got an account when he started college, but that was him, not us.


And I've never gotten around to adding an avatar (nor did I like the movie by that name).

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I was reading AngelBee's thread and somebody mentioned that there were several regular posters that she questioned the legitimacy of.


**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Maybe I'm just ultra self-conscious. Wait....yeah, I am. I know that. But still.


I have a confession. :001_huh:


There is a sweet mama on here whom I want to shake sometimes.


Reason? It is like looking into the mirror. :001_huh:

Only she is younger and has a firmer rear! :tongue_smilie: :lol:

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I have a confession. :001_huh:


There is a sweet mama on here whom I want to shake sometimes.


Reason? It is like looking into the mirror. :001_huh:

Only she is younger and has a firmer rear! :tongue_smilie: :lol:



Well I know that's not me! Whew! :lol:

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Someone who misrepresents themselves for the sake of sympathy, pot-stirring, drama. There was someone a little while ago for instance who claimed she had 17 kids and was looking to buy a 10 bedroom house and had a LOT of threads started about the surrounding drama.


:blink: That was all fake???


Man! I am gullible!!! :glare:

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I feel that way too about my own postings.





I'm self-conscious too, it passed my mind for a moment, then I started thinking like Shannon. Most people probably just don't care enough (long term anyway) to notice.


Actually, you are one of the posters who's posts I really enjoy.

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Sometimes I wonder if I am not a figment of my own imagination too. But then I think, I can't be, because I know at least four WTMers fairly well and have met many more, and they can vouch for me. To me. About me... Wait. What if I have imagined them too? What if I'm imagining this whole thread? THIS WHOLE BOARD?!




I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start making everyone paranoid. Actually, I'm one of those people who often thinks others have her on Ignore! I'll admit, I do wonder if some people here are making stuff up, but that's just me. Like I said to Scarlett, my own personal biases shouldn't affect anyone else; heaven knows, I am well-known for having less-than-reliable instincts. I may wonder, but I try not to let it affect how I interact with anyone here, because in the end, who knows? And who cares? Odds are that the people I wonder about are completely legit and 100% truthful, and my skepticism has no bearing whatsoever on their lives. That's the reason I won't ever call "bull$h**" on anyone. Whether they are full of it or not is completely their own issue.

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Hmm. I have no blog, probably never will have one and I have no picture posted. Occasionally, I do have minor drama. Once in a while I will argue a point. I never thought about people thinking I'm a troll until all the recents threads. Honestly, I didn't know what a troll was, outside of a fairy tale. I guess if someone thinks I'm a troll, there's not much I can do about it so I'd mostly ignore it.


Really, I just want help w/homeschooling and a good laugh once in a while. That's why I come to the Hive. :D


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