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Feeling like a bad mommy

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I just measured and weighed my ds 6 who will be 7 in Oct. He is 4'5 1/2" (seriously, did it 2x) and weighs 51.0 lbs and here is his BMI results



I am still lost on my son. He is very underweight according to this. Ugh 12.5 percentile


Wow. I would think that perhaps it's taking so much energy to grow a child that large that of course he's really skinny. According to http://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set1clinical/cj41l021.pdf even the OP's child's height is well over the top line for a 6 year old. Is your family tall?


My friend is 6'3" and was huge like that when he was little. His shoulders are as wide as a doorway. With his height and the width of his bone structure, he grew up in to a very intimidating man!

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And, wow. Your child must be gigantic. He's completely off the heights charts!


50 inches at 6 is not gigantic. My dd was 50 inches at 6. She was never off the pediatrician's height charts. Tall, yes, but normal.

ETA: I just looked at the place where we measure our kids. Both of our oldest two were 50 inches at some point during the time they were 6.

Edited by zaichiki
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I just measured and weighed my ds 6 who will be 7 in Oct. He is 4'5 1/2" (seriously, did it 2x) and weighs 51.0 lbs and here is his BMI results



I am still lost on my son. He is very underweight according to this. Ugh 12.5 percentile



That calculator puts Rebecca at a BMI of 13.8 and 7th percentile in BMI for age. 4'2 1/2" and 50 lbs.


Sylvia is at BMI 13.9 and 13th percentile. 3'9 1/2" and 41 lbs.


Both are healthy. (I just found this interesting!)

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My ds turned 7 July 30th and was 45 lbs last I weighed him but that was about 3 months or so ago. Mine is short though, just 45.5 in last I measured a week or two ago. He is Celiac but has been gf for 3 yrs now. I wish he was taller, I worry more about that his height he looks thin but not emaciated. We have some short genetics but I've no way of knowing if that is the cause.



ON the pediasure as a compromise could you make shakes w/ whole and real ingredients? If using good milk (imo preferrably raw grassfed milk), some real fruits, and honey to sweeten it. What about if it is offered as a treat after eating so much to work with him to expand his palate. Also, you say he is eating gf- is he getting gluten somewhere, maybe even contamination? Are there perhaps other food intolerances? Ds was having poop accidents and dh thought it was a behavior issue, I was sure it wasn't but it took months to figure out. The in-laws were giving him pb from their jar, I foolishly thought it was just for them. Yep, no problems since we cut that out.

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My son who will be 7 in Dec. is 48" and weighs 57lbs. He has a belly...of muscle. A nice little almost 6 pack.

He also does karate 3 hours of classes 2 days a week and 2 hours of class 2 days a week plus running, jumping, practicing extra karate, and any other activity you can think of.

High activity. If he was not this active maybe I would believe that he was considered overweight but he is muscle, eats healthy and is quite active and can do proper form push ups :). I am not concerned for him but he is marked at 86th percentile and overweight by the above chart.

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I don't know why pediasure is getting dumped on so much here - saw it happen in another thread recently too. That stuff saved our ds12's life when he was little - special needs kiddo, would not/could not eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. Generally speaking, when a person is giving their child pediasure as a supplement/meal replacement, they're doing so on the recommendation of their doctor. I'd be very cautious in telling someone to go against their doctor's advice.

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My son who will be 7 in Dec. is 48" and weighs 57lbs. He has a belly...of muscle. A nice little almost 6 pack.

He also does karate 3 hours of classes 2 days a week and 2 hours of class 2 days a week plus running, jumping, practicing extra karate, and any other activity you can think of.

High activity. If he was not this active maybe I would believe that he was considered overweight but he is muscle, eats healthy and is quite active and can do proper form push ups :). I am not concerned for him but he is marked at 86th percentile and overweight by the above chart.


Mine has started getting more muscle here and the start of some stomach definition, he can do real pushups as well. Being as he is already so small I'm glad to see him getting some muscle so he doesn't look so scrawny. I think mine is actually close to 50 lbs but haven't weighed him to know sure, if he is the chart says he is 79%, with 85% being overweight, which would be insane if anyone seen him.

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I don't know why pediasure is getting dumped on so much here - saw it happen in another thread recently too. That stuff saved our ds12's life when he was little - special needs kiddo, would not/could not eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. Generally speaking, when a person is giving their child pediasure as a supplement/meal replacement, they're doing so on the recommendation of their doctor. I'd be very cautious in telling someone to go against their doctor's advice.


I think (imho) there is certainly a time and a place for Pediasure, but I think it is getting a bad wrap because of the ingredient list... The second ingredient, after water, is sugar... Many of the igredients sound like chemicals :)

What I am getting here is that a lot of people on the boards think there is a healthier alternative that would be better for a kid. Sure, docs prescribe it, and in some cases there is no better replacement, but for picky eating? Nah, I don't think it is the best solution. This is, of course, just my personal opinion. Disregard at will.:D

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According to kids health.org, he's in the 5th%ile. He's just over 50".


He was on the pediasure due to weight loss. 49 down to 43 in just a few months. He looked sick.


He couldn't have the cereal because it was rice chex and he eats them plain, so there's nothing nutritional about it. He likes the chicken! He just will not have more than a bite or 2 and I cut them into toddler sized pieces.


This is only for dinner right now. He's welcome to whatever he likes until 3:30.


I'm sure we'll end up in for a feeding eval.



Is it emotional?

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I don't know why pediasure is getting dumped on so much here - saw it happen in another thread recently too. That stuff saved our ds12's life when he was little - special needs kiddo, would not/could not eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. Generally speaking, when a person is giving their child pediasure as a supplement/meal replacement, they're doing so on the recommendation of their doctor. I'd be very cautious in telling someone to go against their doctor's advice.


I will not take anything on this (or any) board against medical advice. :001_smile:


Neurologist made a comment of not knowing which would be worse; pediasure, or nuggets and fries.


Dentist was supposed to look at his teeth and tell me his opinion regarding ds's teeth- is it lack of nutrition, reflux, or genetics (ok, I know he doesn't have a magic ball!). He came back with "ds says he doesn't brush, so that's why his teeth are bad". As the person who brushes his teeth, I can assure you it gets done!


His Dr doesn't have any plan for weaning off the pediasure, which foods to work on first, and what we can try to plan long term.


He ate ok today, but I have no idea what the calorie range is. A handful of GF biscuits (3-4), 2 small sausage patties, 1 & 1/4 bananas, almost 2 tacos, a bite of PB&J, a slice of cucumber, a cup of vanilla silk, small cup of sierra mist natural, 2 bottles of water. He'll probably have a little more fruit as dessert then off to bed.

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A normal day for my ds, almost 10, is: two pieces of toast with nutella and water for breakfast, half a turkey sandwich with a handful of grapes and water for lunch, a half a nutella sandwich for a snack, and a small salad with grilled chicken (5 or 6 bites) for dinner. He only eats a snack if he has baseball or football practice and he only drinks water. He is 4' 6" and weighs 60-62, depending on the day. He is lean, but very athletic.


I don't think your son eats too little food.

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