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Must get serious about my weight

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I'm doing WW. I started the end of June -- stuck with it the first week and lost. Then I didn't track (ate more points than I was allowed) and didn't lose the weight. 3 weeks ago I started tracking again and I've now lost a total of 8.8 lbs. I'm hoping to lose 1-2 lbs a week and have between 20 and 25 lbs to go.


If I make the right choices (more fruits and veggies, lean proteins, etc) I can eat a lot of food in a day. I'm also exercising -- 3-5 times a week. I wasn't doing anything before.


After weigh in today, I decided to be bad and ate Burger King :tongue_smilie:-- hadn't had that in so long. Had a Whopper Jr. with cheese and onion rings. I actually couldn't finish the onion rings (and I love them) and haven't felt great all day. Learned a lesson today...


Hope to be at goal weight by the end of Nov. I plan to do the No S diet when I reach goal to maintain.


Good luck with what you end up trying and stick with it :-).

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I'm on WW too! I joined in May and I'm down 20. I've got 20 more to go to get within my healthy BMI and then I'll evaluate. I think I'll go further but we'll see. :001_smile:



That is GREAT! I wish I had stuck with it in the beginning and I'd be down even more. Live and learn...


My boys get my calculator and figure out my points for me :-). I also get a lot of "Mom, how many points is that?" LOL

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I really need to lose 10 lbs. that I gained this past year. I'm not technically overweight or anything, but the extra 10 lbs. really messes with my self-confidence. :glare: Unfortunately, the only thing that really works for me when I have to lose so little is to eat very, very little. I just need to work up the fortitude to get back to the point where I can stop eating after 5-10 bites.


I'm glad that the 17 day diet is working for some people. DH and I tried it and lost nothing. :glare: Neither of us have much to lose, so maybe that is why.

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Wow! That is awesome! I like your idea of having healthy things to snack on. However, when I like something I just keep eating it. Sigh.

Yeah, and I can never find time to make ahead stuff. Wish I were more organized in that area.





In my case all of my clothes are size 6 that I can wear. I am so annoyed that I have several very cute dresses I got last summer that I can not get into right now. I won't buy bigger stuff, so I'm basically nekked. :tongue_smilie:

You must be shopping in the "let's pretend" stores, as I call them;)

When I was 130 pds. (and I'm 5 51/2) I was wearing size 10. But then, I have to shop at places like Wal-mart and Goodwill where they expect you to just put on your big girl panties and get over it, honey! HAHA!

Now I'm 148 and size 13-the real kind.

I love sugar and am a Atkins failure. Boohoo. I can do it for a week when I get very motivated. But it nearly kills me. When I begin to add back carbs, I cannot stop, like you said.

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If it was really just about the food, I should have lost all my baby weight by now - I'm eating very little. (and no, it's not just my perception… I'm aware of the caloric content of all my food) Anytime I've eaten this little before, my body always dropped weight. Now? Nothing. :glare:

It's very, very hard ... for me, anyway, the older I get, the harder it gets. :glare:


OTOH, I have never met an overweight long distance hiker or mountaineer. It's just that we grossly underestimate how much exercise is necessary. But if you make it a LIFESTYLE instead of an activity that you have to specifically schedule, it IS an effective way - none of the people I know who have to walk several miles each day just for their daily errands are overweight, nor are those who commute by bicycle.

True. I can't say that I've never met an overweight long distance runner/hiker, etc. I actually have. But it is far less common.

I fully agree about making exercise a LIFESTYLE.

I read this:

We all need to move more, yet this doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to stress our bodies at the gym. Our leisure-time physical activity (including things like golfing, gardening and walking) has decreased since the late 1980s, right around the time the gym boom really exploded.

Very frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented — may actually work better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise you get as a gym rat. To burn calories, the muscle movements don't have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the movements throughout the day – functional fitness such as housework, walking the dog, raking the leaves, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking while carrying groceries, walking instead of driving when possible, etc.



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We all need to move more, yet this doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to stress our bodies at the gym. Our leisure-time physical activity (including things like golfing, gardening and walking) has decreased since the late 1980s, right around the time the gym boom really exploded.

Very frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented — may actually work better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise you get as a gym rat. To burn calories, the muscle movements don't have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the movements throughout the day – functional fitness such as housework, walking the dog, raking the leaves, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking while carrying groceries, walking instead of driving when possible, etc.


I *so* agree with this. My job has me being absolutely sedentary (sitting at a computer typing) for 8 hours of the day. I attribute some of my weight gain to that. When I didn't have a job, I took my daughter for walks every day, took her to the park a few times a week, vacuumed daily, picked up the clutter in the house several times a day instead of just once at the end of the day like I do now, and was just on my feet more in general. Nothing major, but I was moving most of the day.

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We all need to move more, yet this doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to stress our bodies at the gym. Our leisure-time physical activity (including things like golfing, gardening and walking) has decreased since the late 1980s, right around the time the gym boom really exploded.

Very frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented — may actually work better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise you get as a gym rat. To burn calories, the muscle movements don't have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the movements throughout the day – functional fitness such as housework, walking the dog, raking the leaves, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking while carrying groceries, walking instead of driving when possible, etc.




Nobody in our family has ever seen the inside of a gym- there is so much opportunity to incorporate movement into daily life. When the kids attended school, I walked them to school and then back home - got in a 2 mile walk before heading to work. Same picking them up in the afternoon.

When I started homeschooling and no longer had these walks, I did start to gain weight! So, now DH and I go for a long walk in the evening together and talk about our day.

My husband bikes to work daily (I bike to work a few times a week in nice weather). We hike, rockclimb or canoe on weekends. DD rides horses and gets plenty of physical exertion shoveling manure, carrying feed sacks etc.

We rake our leaves and shovel our snow without any machines.

My parents live in Germany, and my mom does not drive - she walks to the store and for errands. My grandma did the same and that kept her really fit into her nineties. (The only family member who is overweight is my dad who sits too much and drives too much)

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You must be shopping in the "let's pretend" stores, as I call them;)

When I was 130 pds. (and I'm 5 51/2) I was wearing size 10. But then, I have to shop at places like Wal-mart and Goodwill where they expect you to just put on your big girl panties and get over it, honey! HAHA!

Now I'm 148 and size 13-the real kind.

I love sugar and am a Atkins failure. Boohoo. I can do it for a week when I get very motivated. But it nearly kills me. When I begin to add back carbs, I cannot stop, like you said.


I am smalled boned I think. When I shop in the 'let's pretend stores' when I weigh 125 I can wear size 4. Most size 6 in Wal-Mart fit me at 125. Unless it is a skinny type jean....then I might wear an 8.

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