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DH gets yelled because overweight kid can't play on team

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I sure hope that mom was just having a bad day. It's a classic case of "don't shoot the messenger." It must have been hard for her to see her boy cry and she just didn't know how else to react, even though she should have known ahead of time and could have avoided the whole situation. I hope she is sitting at home now with some perspective and feeling bad for taking it out on your husband, even if she would never admit to being in the wrong.

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It's 24.9 which is "normal" but if I gain a pound (which i can do easily during PMS), then I am 25 BMI which is overweight!


For women, a waist measurement of 35 inches (89 centimeters) or more indicates an unhealthy concentration of belly fat and a greater risk of problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. This is even with a healthy BMI. I just got below this last week!!!


I wish I knew how to upload my pics of the changes I've made since the conference!


I stay right around the 35" waist mark. It is just a number. Our individual bodies don't know that they are supposed to fall apart if we gain an inch. Personally, I think that we are on information overload when it comes to BMI, waist sizes, etc. I just accept that this is the body I have. I say this partly because i have metabolic syndrome caused by PCOS. In my 20's, when I had a waist size around 25" and weighed about 25 pounds less, I was diagnosed with high blood sugar, inslin resistance and high tryglicerides. A couple of years ago because of medical issues, I lost about 12 pounds. Did it affect my high blood sugar, pressure and tryglicerides? Not in the least. So, apparently, my body doesn't recognize that it is supposed to be healthier when I lose weight.

Edited by leeannpal
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Personally, I think the rules are nonsense--if it's about safety, make sure the kid is healthy and is put in a position where they won't be tackling really small kids (and put smaller kids in a position where they won't be tackled by larger kids), rather than using weight as a determiner of health or just not letting kids who are seen as too much larger or smaller than average play at all--but if those are the rules, then that's that.

I just don't see how that would really work.


And chances are, the same mom would complain that her kid's playing was limited, and it was unfair he only got to play in x position. :glare:

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I'm still amazed people let their kids play football period. The concussion thing freaks me out. So we've steered the kids towards individual sports and they won't be playing sports like football while they live with us!


I don't blame you. Watching my kid play football is the most nerve wracking thing I've done since watching them take swimming lessons. And I was a mess at those.

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I'm still amazed people let their kids play football period. The concussion thing freaks me out. So we've steered the kids towards individual sports and they won't be playing sports like football while they live with us!



I feel the same way about letting kids play hockey. Lucky for me, ds is only interested in baseball.


And, now... you've just made me remember that really awful concussion I got when I got nailed in the head by a line drive while playing softball as a kid. Soft, that ball is not.

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I'm still amazed people let their kids play football period. The concussion thing freaks me out. So we've steered the kids towards individual sports and they won't be playing sports like football while they live with us!



This is why DH wasn't allowed to play football until 6th grade and our boys won't be allowed until then, either. That probably sounds silly and still too young, but it's an oddity here (Texas :001_smile:).


I'm so grateful MIL made that rule for DH, because now I don't have to worry about it for a few more years and can keep DS1 & DS2 in soccer as long as possible :D.

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My son is on the underweight part of that rule. He would be way too small, and he is 10. We have transitioned him to playing individual sports versus team sports. So, I do understand, but it is what it is.


It is frustrating though. I have had to pull my smaller boys out of some games because the opposing team was disregarding the weight rule. When my oldest was playing 7-8 football, he was the starting right guard, but lost his position because he was one of the lightest kids on the team and the opposing teams kids were well over 120 lbs. My son weighed 53. The coach apologized to him but told him he couldn't put him in against guys that were more than double his weight.

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Personally, I think the rules are nonsense--if it's about safety, make sure the kid is healthy and is put in a position where they won't be tackling really small kids (and put smaller kids in a position where they won't be tackled by larger kids), rather than using weight as a determiner of health or just not letting kids who are seen as too much larger or smaller than average play at all--but if those are the rules, then that's that.


How in the heck would you do that? As a coach, you have no idea what size players the other team has. You could have an entire team of 75 pounders and the other team could all be 120+ because teams are by locality. You would have to know the weight of every kid of every team and no what position they play (and most play more than one position at this age to get a feel for what they are best at).

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When my oldest was playing 7-8 football, he was the starting right guard, but lost his position because he was one of the lightest kids on the team and the opposing teams kids were well over 120 lbs. My son weighed 53. The coach apologized to him but told him he couldn't put him in against guys that were more than double his weight.


Ds started out this season on the 8th grade team, but after a few practices (and before the first game) he was bumped back to 7th grade because nearly all of the kids were head and shoulders (and 50lbs) heavier than he was. I was secretly very, very happy. At the first game, I saw the 8th graders on both teams - oh my; some were taller and heavier than dh (and he's not puny). They had all grown, where ds is just getting there.


It's a humbling deal, but common sense has to prevail with these sorts of "games".

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I feel the same way about letting kids play hockey. Lucky for me, ds is only interested in baseball.


And, now... you've just made me remember that really awful concussion I got when I got nailed in the head by a line drive while playing softball as a kid. Soft, that ball is not.


My oldest got a concussion playing basketball when a much larger player elbowed him in the head.:001_huh:

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I feel the same way about letting kids play hockey. Lucky for me, ds is only interested in baseball.


And, now... you've just made me remember that really awful concussion I got when I got nailed in the head by a line drive while playing softball as a kid. Soft, that ball is not.


YES. Baseball. Holy smokes. My kid plays all year and also plays football during the regular school season. He's been injured in frighting ways playing baseball. Although, he received his only broken bone walking down stairs. ;)

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I feel the same way about letting kids play hockey. Lucky for me, ds is only interested in baseball.


And, now... you've just made me remember that really awful concussion I got when I got nailed in the head by a line drive while playing softball as a kid. Soft, that ball is not.


I thought sports wise baseball was the most dangerous CHILDRENS sport due to the rick of concussions.

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