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Anybody else getting a "late" start on school?

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We're starting in September, around the time our local public schools start (though I'll probably do a "not back to school day" and do something fun on the first day of school). I've actually just placed one of my last orders for curriculum today, and I have one more to go. I just feel like we're behind everyone else!

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I am going to start September 6th....We are finally getting some awesome summer weather. I am not going to make my children start on school when they could be outside instead.


I figure our winters are L.o.n.g. and D.r.e.a.r.y


Plenty of time for school then.


We will catch up with everyone else then. :D

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We start after Labor Day, which is not Late, it is Correct. ;):lol:


August = Summer. :p


:lol: I agree! School starts around here the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend. Starting in August just seems cruel to me!


Anyway, you can't possibly be starting later than we are--our first day of 4th grade is Sunday, September 18. Feel better? :D

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We school year round too but do cut back to about half the work. But I do try to begin an 'official' year kick off around this time. Right now we are busy do cleaning and organizing of jobs not tackled but need to be before I can focus on schooling. With a large family like ours I need a few weeks twice a year or so to 'catch up' around the house. In this way I can give my best to schooling when the home is in order. That said, I plan of starting about mid September. Next week though with some reading.

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I change it up all the time! Last year we started on Labor Day (my MIL was aghast that we were doing school on a holiday--gasp!)


This year, we started Aug 1st, but only so that I can take an additional 20 school days off during the winter.


Another year, I tried do school year round, but we ran out of steam in July.


It's always different!

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School started in our county on August 10th, and the surrounding counties have all since started school. We don't start until after Labor Day though. Ds' birthday falls near, and sometimes on, Labor Day. We always start after Labor Day or his birthday, whichever comes later. This year we'll be starting on Tuesday, Sept. 6th.

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The public and private schools here start on Weds., September 7th. In all honestly, I don't see us starting back until at least Mon., September 12. We'll do something fun for "not-back-to-school" day while DS's PS friends are back at school. And then I just don't see us starting back on curriculum on a Thursday... or a Friday.... We'll probably drive to the ferry dock and head over to Seattle one day, hit the zoo another, and maybe the waterpark on the 3rd... Then it's the weekend to include our homeschool group's picnic, a Scottish Highland Games where DD is dancing, Emergency Preparedness Sunday at Church, popcorn selling for all 3 kids scout groups..... Yup.... Monday, Sept. 12 is looking better and better. :)

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We aren't starting until 1st week of Oct., as we are visiting family in the US this summer and won't be back home until late Sept. Scary - I have no idea how we are going to finish our year...


We aren't starting until October either. :blink:


We're in the middle of a big move, and we are also leaving this week for a road trip to visit my folks. It's been almost four years since we've been to see my family, so we're spending three weeks there to take most advantage of the cost of the gas to get there. When we return, we'll be relocating and moving into our new house. So I don't expect to be settled and ready to begin school until the first of October. I'm a little nervous, but we usually school year round and one of my favorite benefits of homeschooling is the whole FLEXIBILITY thing, so I know it will work out in the end. :D

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We are starting late as well, the first week of October. We hs year round and we still have 4 weeks left before starting the next years curriculum. But I have been taking it a little easier with summer and garden produce needing to be taken care of. But I think that's the great thing about schooling year round, it's okay to take a week off here and there. Actually I've been following New Zealands school schedule as we've just moved back from there; so 8 weeks on and 2 weeks off, with a good amount of time off for the holidays. :001_smile: But I am glad to know I'm not the only one not ready to start yet.

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