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Those who do Latin..Do you do a Vocab program too?

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Those of you who have done Latin through JH and possibly on into High School. Do you do a vocabulary program too?


My ds is in 8th and we have studied Latin fro 3 years. Next year we will start Henle. He is taking Biology this year and using Science Roots along with it.


I just wonder how much is enough.....


Only so many hours in a day.



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I would generally think that, provided a decent basis from elementary and middle school, you do not need a separate vocabulary program in high school. Of course, children still continue to learn new words from literature, school materials, checking out in a dictionary what they do not understand, but I am not sure - especially if they study Romance foreign languages or Latin - that it warrants a complete vocabulary program.



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My daughter did a year or so of Latin during her high school years and did not do a vocabulary program. She had done a couple of levels of the Critical Thinking Word Roots software previously and found it fun, but not especially challenging or helpful.


My son likely won't be doing Latin at the high school level, and I have no plans to do a vocabulary program, either. He did a few years of Latin but hated it. And he, too, used the Word Roots software. He routinely tops out the vocabulary sections of standardized tests and reads like a house afire. So, I can't see why formal study of vocabulary at this level would be meaningful.

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Being the heretic here: we do neither Latin NOR a vocab program. I believe in learning vocabulary in context, and my DD has a phenomenal vocabulary, just from reading.

We do study Latin, but not with the goal of learning English vocabulary. I'm sure their knowledge of Latin has somewhat improved my children's vocabulary (or perhaps it has significantly improved their vocabulary and I'm just unaware of it), but for the most part my kids learn words through reading, and they have all acquired excellent vocabularies this way. We don't use a voacb programme.

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My oldest did many years of Latin, but more importantly, she read a tremendous amount of high quality, diverse material over the years. That reading probably helped her vocabulary development more than Latin.


We didn't bother with a vocabulary program up until last year, when we picked up an SAT vocabulary prep book. She already knew most of the words, but figured it was still helpful to work through in preparation for college testing.

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My daughter studied five years of Latin beginning in eighth grade; she also had a year of Ancient Greek (and a dabbling of Japanese and Spanish through middle school). The only formal vocabulary study she did in high school was in an out of the home writing class that incorporated Vocabulary Cartoons. She was (and is) a voracious reader. Her vocabulary is excellent. It's hard for me to determine what made it so; I'd probably put more weight on reading than on Latin or specific vocabulary study.




Edited by Kareni
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Yes, we have done both Latin and vocab. Specifically we used Vocab. from Classical Roots. My reasoning was that the kids moved through learning new vocabulary much quicker than they did through their Latin course. Maybe because languages take a certain amount of time to gain a decent vocabulary because the focus is on other things as well. For us it has worked to do both.



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I posted my question yesterday morning and was amazed when I looked at all your input this morning. THANKS!


My Goal: I guess college testing SAT/ACT.


I am not so worried about my eldest. I guess this is why I posted the question. Vocab study seems like busy work for him.


My younger too- We may have to make a point of vocabluary study.

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