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My coffee pot is not working

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I think I would have to run to the store and get another one immediately. I wouldn't make it through the morning.




(I have a little $8 one from Walmart that's been hanging on forever. I think it's time to stash a spare. :tongue_smilie:)

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So sorry. I do have a couple of different coffee makers, including a plastic cone for emergencies.


However, NONE of my coffee makers works without coffee I realized! :lol:


The coffee maker I have sitting on my countertop is the one I have had for about 6 years now and it works great, but it was pricey and makes espresso. I use it daily.



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Ok - emergency coffee method:


Get a big mug, put a coffee filter on top of it. Fill with coffee. slowly pour the hot water over the coffee....


it won't be perfect - but it does work :)


Or put a twist tie on it and use it like a tea bag. Less likely to end up with grounds in your coffee that way (and for some of us, less swearing :tongue_smilie:).

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I am laughing because I have seven different methods to make coffee:


1. espresso maker

2. coffee pot (rarely used)

3. french press

4. Folgers bags

5. instant granules

6. can of Nescafé Café con Leche

7. single cup filter holder (put on mug and pour water through grounds)


because I cannot stand the thought of a morning with no coffee due to broken equipment !!! I have BTDT, am still not over it, and will not be caught unprepared again ! :lol: Even if I have to boil water out on the gas grill, or just drink the Nescafé cold, there will be coffee !

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