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LfC in second grade? (Chants/vocab only?)

Heather R

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Hi folks!


My daughter did Song School Latin in first grade last year, and it was her favorite subject. She is insistent that we do Latin again this fall. I purchased Latin for Children A, but now that I'm looking at it, I think it will be way over her head, especially the grammar portion. She is very bright, but a young second grader, just turning 7 in October.


I had originally thought I would just move at half-pace, 1 chapter every 2 weeks, but I think that she will still be overwhelmed at all the charts, endings, etc. I'm now leaning towards learning the "Memory Page" for each chapter, basically the maxims, chants, and vocabulary. Then in 3rd grade, work back through LfC A, this time focusing on the grammar and the rest of each chapter. I have the activity book, and it looks like there is usually at least one puzzle per chapter that just focuses on the vocabulary, so I'd have her do that as well.


What do you think? Would this be of any benefit (other than acting as a "placeholder" until 3rd grade)? Any other ideas?


Would she be able to get anything out of headventureland other than Flashdash? At what point in LfC do the movies line up? Is there a schedule somewhere that indicates what episode goes with which chapter?


Thanks in advance for your help!


(crossposted on the LfC yahoo group)

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I would definitely not do it in 2nd grade, and I think it'd even be hard in 3rd grade - mainly because of the grammar.


I think your idea of doing the memory pages is great.


I can't ever seem to find a schedule for Headventureland, but I think you could easily do some of the videos and such that go with LfCA. And some of them have sheets you can print out with comprehension questions.


You could also work on learning some of the easier the derivatives for each chapter. I can't remember if they are all in there or not, but you could get the Clash Cards which have them listed.


I don't have any other ideas, other than I think starting in 4th grade will be so much easier because of the grammar. But then I'm not sure what you'd do for the next two years. I guess personally I'd just really drill lots of the memory chants (including conjugations and declensions) and vocab. There is a lot there for a 2nd grader, and you may even want to split the chapters into 2 weeks to spread it over 2 years?

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I see you are adopting two children from Ethiopia. Are they living with you now? I just mention it because you will probably not have as much time for



I also wonder if your daughter is strong in logic or is she more of a

creative artistic type? Has she done FLL (First Language Lessons)? All of the grammar in LFC A is explicitly taught, but for a second grader it helps a LOT if some of this looks familiar, kWIM? It is a confidence booster for the child to see things she already knows.


My son started LFC A in second grade (turned 7 that March) and we took a full

school year to do it. Perhaps some of the following summer as well, I can't remember. We alternated one chapter of Minimus Latin and one chapter of LFC A. Both were great fun, but LFC really teaches Latin. Be sure to get the DVD, because your daughter will love the "sisters" -- actually good friends -- who learn the lesson along with her. The girls on the DVD think of lots

of fun ways to learn their declensions and vocabulary and it is fun to watch. Also, be sure to get the newest version of the DVD because it was revised to be a little more explicit. (Instead of "just learn this -- you'll find out why later."


Have fun!



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I did the same thing. My dd finished Song School Latin and loved it. I ordered LFC A, but when I got it I really didn't think it would be something she would be able to do quite yet. So, I got Lively Latin. Lively Latin looks quite a bit friendlier to me, and more doable for my second grader. I don't know if you would want to spend more money on a curriculum, but if you can you may want to consider Lively Latin. It seems a lot easier and not as demanding. It is not as rigorous as LFC, though I do plan on trying LFC for either third or fourth grade even if we end up repeating some things.

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I can't ever seem to find a schedule for Headventureland, but I think you could easily do some of the videos and such that go with LfCA. And some of them have sheets you can print out with comprehension questions.


You could also work on learning some of the easier the derivatives for each chapter. I can't remember if they are all in there or not, but you could get the Clash Cards which have them listed.


Thanks for your feedback, Heidi. Good idea on including the derivatives, and the headventureland worksheets. I don't have the clashcards, and I just spent several hours making up my own flashcards, so I probably won't buy them.


I see you are adopting two children from Ethiopia. Are they living with you now? I just mention it because you will probably not have as much time for



I also wonder if your daughter is strong in logic or is she more of a

creative artistic type? Has she done FLL (First Language Lessons)? All of the grammar in LFC A is explicitly taught, but for a second grader it helps a LOT if some of this looks familiar, kWIM? It is a confidence booster for the child to see things she already knows.


My son started LFC A in second grade (turned 7 that March) and we took a full

school year to do it. Perhaps some of the following summer as well, I can't remember. We alternated one chapter of Minimus Latin and one chapter of LFC A. Both were great fun, but LFC really teaches Latin. Be sure to get the DVD, because your daughter will love the "sisters" -- actually good friends -- who learn the lesson along with her. The girls on the DVD think of lots

of fun ways to learn their declensions and vocabulary and it is fun to watch. Also, be sure to get the newest version of the DVD because it was revised to be a little more explicit. (Instead of "just learn this -- you'll find out why later."


Have fun!




No, our Ethiopian adoption hasn't happened yet (we've been waiting over 4 years to be matched - long story!). But thanks for the reminder that we will have to go to "bare bones" when they first come home. We've spent so many years thinking "this is the year we'll be adding two kids to our family", that this year I've decided to plan as if we WON'T be, and adjust accordingly if we do.


Faith is probably more of the creative type, now that you mention it. We have done FLL 1, and will continue with 2 this year. I agree that having a stronger grammar background will make latin more fun.


We have Minimus, too, but just the student book. I've been trying to figure out how to integrate the two programs. Did alternating work well?


I just bought the DVDs in the spring, so I hope they are the latest version! Do you know when they were updated?


I'm starting it with my second grader this year. I plan on taking two years to get through it, but hope it will provide a good but doable challenge for him this year.


I'd love to hear how it goes! :)


I did the same thing. My dd finished Song School Latin and loved it. I ordered LFC A, but when I got it I really didn't think it would be something she would be able to do quite yet. So, I got Lively Latin. Lively Latin looks quite a bit friendlier to me, and more doable for my second grader. I don't know if you would want to spend more money on a curriculum, but if you can you may want to consider Lively Latin. It seems a lot easier and not as demanding. It is not as rigorous as LFC, though I do plan on trying LFC for either third or fourth grade even if we end up repeating some things.


I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat! I wish CAP would hurry up on SSL2, or some other transitional level between SSL and LfC. I think we'll start with what we've got, but if it's too frustrating or just not working, maybe try something else. Thanks for the recommendation on Lively Latin.


Thanks for the feedback everyone! I love having these boards to talk through stuff like this.



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We did LfC A, focusing on the chants and vocab, with Minimus for reading, and DD enjoyed it at age 5 (she really, really, really wanted to do Latin, and after SSL, that was what the CAP people recommended), but I don't think she got as much out of it as she would have if she were older, although she did pick up on more of the grammar than I would have expected. We moved to CLC A this year, and DD is really getting it, even the immersive-type grammar. I think it's just a better approach for a young child, since it's reading based (and she likes the history and culture-and LOVES that the dog is named "Cerberus"), even though it's supposedly high school level (I'm SURE I'm not teaching it at high school level).


I did buy LfC B with the intent of continuing with the vocab, but at this point, I'm thinking we'll do CLC for awhile as "fun Latin" and then go back and start over with LfC A when she's a little older.

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I intended to do LFC A with my 3rd grader this year but he is just not ready for it. I sat with him to watch the first lesson and he just had a glazed look on his face like he had no idea what the guy was talking about. Right now we are just focusing on Spanish, but we will work through the rest of SSL. I would not do it with a 2nd grader unless they were very advanced.

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Just wanted to add that it's not that I don't think a 3rd grader couldn't do LfC A - because of course that is when CAP says kids should be ready for it. But I still think the grammar part will be a bit difficult for them and more effort put into that (instead of the Latin part) than it would be in 4th or 5th grade. I'd rather have my child feeling pretty confident about the grammar going in, or I'd worry that he/she would end up feeling frustrated and overwhelmed = hating Latin.


I started LfC A with my 5th grader who was very strong in English/grammar and I felt like it was a perfect fit for him. If I'd started SSL with him earlier (as I have with my two younger ones this summer), I don't know what I'd do in the interim! I am anxious to see what SSL 2 will look like, or if they plan to do SSL 3? Seems like they should, right?! I'd also like to see a bit more Roman daily life and history woven into the books.

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CLC-Cambridge Latin Course. It's a high school level text from England, but there's a US version as well. A middle school Latin teacher recommended it for DD, and it's been a good fit. I don't use the workbook, since it's definitely keyed towards high school levels of writing skills, but I use the text, audio recordings (which even one of DD's 6 yr old PS friends LOVED when I played them while driving the girls to dance class one night, despite knowing no Latin) and the website. My friend lists DD as part of her class so we can access the website through their school membership, but I think it's available separately as well (apparently the school pays for up to 100 kids to access each year, and as she never has over 80 students between her classes, she figures that DD might as well use one of those paid subscriptions).

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I ended up doing no Latin in 2nd grade with Becca. I needed more handholding than Minimus provides. We've started LFC A and it is definitely a lot of work for Rebecca. Luckily, right now she likes watching the lectures. I hope that continues!


Because of the 2nd grade difficulties with Latin for Becca, Sylvia is waiting on SSL until next year. She actually got a lot out of it as a preschooler, but we'll do it just for her this time. I really wish SSL 2 would come out soon!

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