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Our newest family member

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She looks pitiful in this pic, but we accidentally woke her while taking the picture. She is about 1 1/2 years old, some sort of terrier mix from the pound. She is super sweet, but a little timid. We're hoping that will pass as she gets used to us. She has apparently selected me as "her person" and follows me everywhere like a little shadow. Oh, and she is already house broken!

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Thanks. :)


Ds named her Brownie. She looks black most of the time but in certain lights she is dark brown. I wanted to name her Godiva, like the dark chocolate. Or Esmerelda - I love that name! Ds rolled his eyes and said "Those are girlie names, Mommy." I tried pointing out that she is in fact a girl, but to no avail. :lol:

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She is cute. Looks like she has some stafordshire terrier in her.



Ooh, that could be! I googled, and the picture and description on the wiki page sound close. She is mostly dark brown/black, but her chest and belly are white with spots. And her hind legs are seriously muscled. She looks like a body builder, lol. The size is right too, though her muzzle is bit more narrow than their example.


I may be getting carried away, but it is fun trying to puzzle out what breed(s) she may be. :tongue_smilie:

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We got her Friday. We had only been looking for a new dog for about a week. I wasn't sure about it, since we just lost our other dog a few weeks ago, but when I saw her at the pound she really caught my eye. And she had already been there almost a month - the pound worker said since she wasn't a puppy the odds of her getting adopted were lower.

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