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Well, this is embarassing.

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Almost 11 y/o DD: "Mom, I have a multiple choice question for you."


Me: "Okay, go ahead."


DD: "Which of these continents is the only one that doesn't have a McDonald's? A. Arizona...."


Me: "Stop. Right. There." !!!! :confused: !!! :lol:


Okay apparently we need to have a conversation about continents lol. But what the heck, she knows each of the states and their capitals...so she KNOWS Arizona is a state....


Moments like this don't reflect very well on me as a homeschooler, do they. lol.

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Nance, I have had equally embarrassing moments with my dd, if not worse :lol:. Except mine was in public. I'm now going to put more emphasis on geography ;).

Dd was talking to a friend recently and thought that they speak "Haitian" in Haiti. I later corrected her (not in front of friend) and said that they speak French.


On another occasion, dh was too funny. We were in transit in Vienna and he thought that they speak "Austrian". I roared with laughter. "Honey, there's no such language. It's called 'German'"! :)


When I saw your subject heading, I thought of an ongoing joke that my dc and I have when Firefox is about to shut down, "Well, this is embarrassing" ... some here may know what I mean ;). My dd and I talk back to the computer and say, "Actually, not really. There are far more embarrassing things that come to mind." :lol:

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I wouldn't worry about it. When I was in college, I got to go on an intersession study tour of Australia and New Zealand during our winter break. I was telling an acquaintance, who was quite smart and a pre-med major, about the trip and said I was excited to see New Zealand. She replied, "Oh, I'm so jealous. I would love to go to Europe!" My face must have registered more shock than I intended, as she then said, "Wait. Where is New Zealand again?"

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Some kids just seem to take longer than others. One of my 8 y/o twins just can't seem to figure out what is in our country and what isn't, depsite maping continents, oceans, our country, etc. and going over it and over it! I still get questions like, "You mean Mexico is not part of our country?" or "I thought Great Britan was a state?" or even "We could drive to Africa...!" ????? We are studying Beautiful Feet Geography this year; hopefully, it make a difference.

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My kids were at a 4H robotics club meeting and the leader asked for a volunteer to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance. My ten year old volunteered immediately, only to get up in the front of the room and realize she didn't know it at all. :p Fortunately, she's a confident kid who came home and laughed about it. :)

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No worries! If it makes you feel better, here are a few stories about TEACHERS!


1. When I was in my undergrad "Science for Teachers" class I was shocked at how many pre-service teachers couldn't explain why we have seasons.


2. During my first year teaching 1st grade, a fellow teacher had to come to my room to ask me what "nocturnal" meant.


3. I had to stop and very carefully correct a teacher who was quizzing her students (individually!) on 3D shapes. She kept calling a cone a sphere. I wonder how many confused kids there were that day!


4. I always kept a dictionary near me because I KNOW I am a horrible speller.


5. A co-teacher sent out a letter to ALL of her parents and instead of apologizing for an inconvenience she apologized for the "incontinence."



There is SO much to learn and, even as adults, we have to relearn things!


It is funny when we have those moments, though, when we think, "Whoops! I'd better focus a little more on ___!"

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I was telling an acquaintance, who was quite smart and a pre-med major, about the trip and said I was excited to see New Zealand. She replied, "Oh, I'm so jealous. I would love to go to Europe!" My face must have registered more shock than I intended, as she then said, "Wait. Where is New Zealand again?"


Well, maybe she was thinking of ' old Zealand' ? Cause that's in Europe !

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The other day, I pointed to Asia and ask my DS which continent it was.


"Ummmmm.....Europe? Australia? New Jersey?" :001_huh:


As far as other funny mistakes, my other son's speech therapist once told him that "dirt" had two syllables. "Dir - tuh". Yeah, we live in the South.

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Not a funny from my kids but something funny that happened to me..


Twenty five years ago I was 17 and spent 3 months in America.I needed to change some travellers cheques form $NZ into $US at a bank.I went with my host's Mother .The woman at the bank accused me of having a FAKE passport as there was no such country as New Zealand.....We argued with her and she would not budge.


Finally we went and got someone higher up who appologised and changed our money as they had heard of New Zeland ( only thought it was in Africa!!LOL)

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Ooooh, I just realized I have another one.


I saw a woman in the store one day with a tshirt that confused the heck out of me. It had a picture of the continent of Africa on it and said "Portugal!" :confused: :001_huh:


I finally asked her about it, and her response was, "My son sent it to me from Portugal. I had no idea it was in Africa." :confused: :confused: :001_huh: :001_huh:


I still feel like I must be missing some inside joke. Anyone?

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Well, your daughter wasn't too far off about Haiti. They speak both French and Haitian Creole there.

Phew! She's going to love you. :lol:


Well, maybe she was thinking of ' old Zealand' ? Cause that's in Europe !

I just wanted to say that your avatar always makes my family smile. :D


Ooooh, I just realized I have another one.

I saw a woman in the store one day with a tshirt that confused the heck out of me. It had a picture of the continent of Africa on it and said "Portugal!"

I finally asked her about it, and her response was, "My son sent it to me from Portugal. I had no idea it was in Africa." I still feel like I must be missing some inside joke. Anyone?

That's weird. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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I wouldn't worry about it. When I was in college, I got to go on an intersession study tour of Australia and New Zealand during our winter break. I was telling an acquaintance, who was quite smart and a pre-med major, about the trip and said I was excited to see New Zealand. She replied, "Oh, I'm so jealous. I would love to go to Europe!" My face must have registered more shock than I intended, as she then said, "Wait. Where is New Zealand again?"


That is very common. I encountered it over and over in my travels, and overwhelmingly it was folks from the US. Europeans seem to have a decent grasp on NZ's location We also get that it is part of Australia and oddly, that you drive over the Sydney Harbour Bridge to get to it. Then of course there is the idea that NZ is some kind of cultural and technological backwater, although that's usually Aussies who don't realise that NZ gets most technologies and advances in systems before they do.


Still, I sort of understand because your maps centred on the US don't generally show NZ very well.

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:lol::lol::lol:my typical response to brain farts like that is, "Who the heck IS your teacher?":lol::lol::lol:
I say the same thing! "WHO is your geography teacher?!" is what my kids would've heard, while inside I'd be thinking, "I need to call 1-800-PUBLICSCHOOL!" because I'm done wasting my time here! Yes, they're brain farts for sure, but sometimes don't you get discouraged by them?
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I say the same thing! "WHO is your geography teacher?!" is what my kids would've heard, while inside I'd be thinking, "I need to call 1-800-PUBLICSCHOOL!" because I'm done wasting my time here! Yes, they're brain farts for sure, but sometimes don't you get discouraged by them?


I see you have those brain farts, too.;):lol::lol::lol:

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