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!! Bill !! O Mr. Spycar?? Math ? please

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I called ahead to ask about curriculum on math this year, what they plan to use.




http://www.amazon.com/Macmillan-Mcgraw-hill-Math-Connects-Teacher/dp/0021057427 (It'll be the 3rd gr. edition)


Have you ever heard of the math connects program or have an opinion?


I cannot pull up any information on it.


The isbn is:




Do you know how to research a series like this? I'm lost.


Thanks for any help! :)




Uh. Uh. Oh no.


I think this is a preview of a test. Oh no.




Okay, before I freak out completely, will you take a look around that and tell me if you see the same thing?


Is this what they are expecting them to do for 3rd grade?


I'm just going to walk away for a minute and try not to flip out here.


Patiently awaiting your reply. :)

Edited by one*mom
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Okay, before I freak out completely, will you take a look around that and tell me if you see the same thing?


That page is different every time you re-load it, so if there's anything specific causing freaking-out, you'll need to be specific about that here.

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I have reviewed several levels of Math Connects (student texts only). The concepts taught actually line up pretty well with Singapore in that the same concepts seem to be taught at the same levels.


It teaches the traditional algorithms and it does do some conceptual stuff. It is very busy looking and if I'm remembering correctly, there is the typical reform stuff like math journals.


But the program is *nothing* like Investigations (which I have also extensively reviewed). It's much more traditional than that.

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What I saw was adding number like 60 + 10 as the most difficult equation.


Rounding 478 to the next highest hundred. Some addition of money visually. Yuck.


So it reloads/changes huh? Maybe that was page one, refresher course?


I'm relived to hear there is not a conflict with Singapore.


This has been a really tough day around here, believe me, that was very welcome news.


I'm going to go ahead and open examples of the English texts next now I'm recovering some.


She'll be using something called the "Imagine It" series for grade 3.


I waited on this portion for the last to check on as I know there is going to be a conflict.


When I called and inquired today; they stated there is only ability-matched grouping available as an option for readers that may have already covered this level of material.


I have no idea how to handle what's coming on that. None.


There is still a small ray of hope she can move out of this school and into a gate-similar situation, a completely different building etc., so I'm holding my breath on this.


Thanks for taking a look, wasn't aware there were other known math review folks in the soup. I really appreciate you taking the time on this to give me an opinion.

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Here's a link from Washington State when they reviewed math curriculums including Math Connects.




Math Connects was found to be acceptable. I copied the summary for you. Be happy your school is not using Everyday Math or TERC.



Math Connects

The whole number multiplication thread is nicely done. The standard algorithm is more thoroughly dealt with than in the other programs even though the nice numerical model is missing.

The area thread is incomplete, lacking a formula for the area of a parallelogram and lacking any consideration of the area of a triangle.

The adding and subtracting fractions thread is nicely done except that the

common denominator, although present, is downplayed.

All of the mathematics is very nicely presented and everything that is done is in the student materials.


Final Conclusions

Judging by the three very important threads evaluated here, Math Expressions is the best program. Math Connects is very well done mathematically but is somewhat incomplete. These two programs are mathematically acceptable.


Bridges in Mathematics has mathematical errors and is incomplete. TERC Investigations has weaknesses in all three examined threads. Neither of these programs is mathematically acceptable.

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Thank you. Reading now.


I'm actually okay with the Imagine It reading series. I know she will not be using the grade level 3 (she's pretty far past that) - but they will have the materials there in the school for level 5.


I looked that over and I'm okay with it. It's good reinforcement. It will be like review and drill for her pretty much.


I called today to have her records sent over to the district office for review and placement in g/t program which is a totally different building.


So now I wait to see if there is room or what.


I just wanted to good look at the offerings at the traditional PS curriculum if that's where she ends up landing due to the g/t not having any room left.


I have no idea what programs/curriculum they use over there.


ps: how in the world did you find that review?

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