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Do you have time to put away your clothes?

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Seriously. I seem to have piles of clean clothes 'decorating' my bedroom all the time! We do pretty well with getting the laundry done. Rarely is anyone here complaining that they have no clean underwear or socks. It just never seems to get put away! It is driving me nuts. (But that doesn't mean I'm going to go put it away...I hear my couch calling.....)



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Well, yeah. Everything is put away once or twice a week. In the summer I have a lot of ironing so that does tend to pile up for a few days to a few weeks depending. But for the most part, it all comes upstairs and gets put away after it is washed.


I put away mine, dh puts away his, dd puts away hers. It is not my job to put away everyone's laundry.

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I don't like to put away laundry when I'm tired at night. And I don't like to carry the heavy baskets of clothes up or down the stairs. So here is the routine we have worked out of the last 20 years:


DH brings the basket of folded loaudry upstairs when he comes to bed. In the morning, I put away my laundry, stack his on the bed for him to put away, and take the empty basket back down with me.

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I have a hard time with it too. It seems like the only time I can fold laundry is when the two littles are asleep. Baby girl sleeps in my room, so it's hard to go in there and put stuff away; I don't want to wake her. And I have to fold when Digby's asleep; he likes to unfold and throw all the clothes. He's such a light sleeper and their door rubs on the carpeting and makes a lot of noise. I dunno, if you figure it out, let me know. ;)

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Actually, my kids do put their own laundry away. I started that practice a long time ago. Recently, I stopped sorting socks and now just hand each person a pile of their own socks which they must fold or make into a ball for themselves. Dd and I sort the clothes, Ds puts everything in the washer & dryer and brings it back up from the basement. I fold and sort, except for the rare occasion when Dh decides to 'help' by giving everyone the wrong clothes! He just doesn't know who owns what. Sometimes months later I find out Dd had a certain shirt I was looking for!


Anyway, I'm getting plenty of help with the wash, it's me that is the problem! It's my own clothes in my bedroom that aren't finding their way home.

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Our method that works involves me folding clothes at the dining room table. Anything hung is draped over the person's chair. Each person old enough to put away their own clothes is called in to get it. I take up mine and the littles. If the clothes are folded/hung this way, they get put away. If a basket gets snuck upstairs without getting folded (I used to fold on my bed), it sits there forever.

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I used to have the same problem, but now I fold all my wash directly onto my bed. If I don't put the clothes away, there's no place to sleep! I put away my stuff and DH's stuff. This takes maybe 2 minutes per day (anything to iron goes on a shelf in the closet and I deal with that stuff once or twice a month). I do wash 5 or 6 days a week, so we rarely have more than 2 outfits per person to deal with on any given day. The dc put away their clothes and the kitchen and bath linens.

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We don't keep our clothes in the bedrooms. I have two washers and two dryers in the basement. As soon as the clothes come out of the dryer they are folded and put on a shelf, hung on the rod or put in each persons set of drawers that are lined up next to the dryers. My kids know to go down at night and get their clothes for the next day. With six of us, I am doing laundry just about every day, so it's nothing for me to bring mine up so I have them for the next day too.


No more clothing piles or laundry baskets all over the house!

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It is put away because finally after TWO years, the kids (it was the twins who were driving this thing into a ditch) do their assigned jobs and do them well.


The three areas are:






Each has collateral tasks that come with a particular assignment. Everything is perfectly spelled out. I resisted this system for YEARS, but after two years of hammering away, we seem to have turned a corner.


The child who has laundry folds everyone's stuff and it is in piles on a bed. Everyone is responsible for putting their own stuff away.


So far, so good.

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Well, yeah. Everything is put away once or twice a week. In the summer I have a lot of ironing so that does tend to pile up for a few days to a few weeks depending. But for the most part, it all comes upstairs and gets put away after it is washed.


I put away mine, dh puts away his, dd puts away hers. It is not my job to put away everyone's laundry.



We all fold, and they put their own away.

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When I find myself not putting my clothes away, it's usually a sign that my drawers and closet are too full and I need to toss the clothes I'm no longer wearing.


That's what I was about to say. Or there is something large and heavy parked in front of one of the dressers. Either way, it means I have yet another chore that needs to be finished before I can do the usual chores.


Last time I counted, my 2 year old had more than fifty pairs of pants in her bottom drawer. Ridiculous. I think I'm getting more storage bins next time I go shopping.

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I fold laundry directly into the owner's basket. Each of my 4 boys has a square basket labeled with their name. My twin girls share a smaller rectangular basket; I have a full size rectangular basket for dh and I. The baskets might sit out for a couple days while I'm working through all the loads but ideally when I get through the majority of the clothing loads everyone comes to put their own clothes away.


I am kind of bad about getting my girls' stuff actually in their dresser though.

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In summer I usually fold them as I take them off the line. Then I sort them into piles and put everyone other than dh's away. During the two weeks of the year I can actually reach his cupboard without having to look where I put my feet to avoid his sarkina, laptop or anything else that may be damaged or damage me, I put his away too.


In winter, they sit in a pile in my room until my "me time" on Sundays. Then dh takes the kids out and I fold clothes and sort socks while listening to Jane Austen audiobooks. Unless dh is late home, the kids are in bed, I haven't the brains to read or knit and the board is slow. Then I might fold washing while I wait for him to rock up.



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Yep, I put my clothes away because I like my room to be clear, uncluttered, calm and peaceful- a sanctuary from the rest of the house and messy teenagers!


But we wash clothes by the person, and washing really isn/t that big a deal. Take basket to laundry, thrown in washer, wash, hang to dry on racks, a day later, fold and put in basket and take back to room and put away. Very little sorting.

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I'm a 10 minute worker. I can do anything......for 10 minutes. :D When it comes to laundry I just set my timer and do it. Whatever is leftover can sit there until I have time again. I'm not going to stress over it. But more often than not, 10 minutes is more than enough time to not only fold and put away the laundry but to tackle another small chore like cleaning off the top of the washer.

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Yes. I take the clothes out of the dryer. The boys then help me fold. They each put their own clothes away. Then one puts away kitchen hand towels and the other bathroom hand towels/wash cloths. I put my clothes away along with my husband's. (He's at work when we fold clothes, usually). If he's home, he often helps and puts his own away.


I wash one load a night when I go to bed. I also run the dishwasher then, so in the morning, the boys unload it.

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Things tend to pile up for us too. I spend most of the day at my mom's (caregiver for my grandmother while she's at work) so I usually will take our laundry over there and do theirs and ours at the same time. It has a bad tendency to stay in the basket for a week or two. Or I'll sort it all out on my bed, only to put the baby to bed before I get it put up, so it ends up back in the basket or in the chair.

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I fold laundry directly into the owner's basket. Each of my 4 boys has a square basket labeled with their name. My twin girls share a smaller rectangular basket; I have a full size rectangular basket for dh and I. The baskets might sit out for a couple days while I'm working through all the loads but ideally when I get through the majority of the clothing loads everyone comes to put their own clothes away.




:iagree: We have several of these: Mesh Laundry Basket . I store them in the drawer beneath our washer and dryer. If I wash a load of clothing (and I only wash one person's clothes at a time....that way I don't have to figure out whose is whose), I pull out one of these folding mesh baskets and fold each persons clothes directly into that basket. Then I use the handles and carry it to that persons clothes bins.


It has really made laundry much easier.

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We get laundry put away but I'm so frustrated with my kids who are given their stack of clothes and stuff everything in one drawer (putting away laundry takes .5 seconds). Then they do it again and then the drawer starts overflowing. Then they get another stack and stuff it all in one drawer.


When I go to their room there are clothes hanging out of drawers, drawers on the floor because those drawers are overfilled. They then start complaining they can't find certain clothes (underwear, socks and leotards first).



So today we are going through and getting rid of half of their clothes. Grrrr! (I love the clothes we get from friends but definitely we have too many.i Guess we'll go through the shoes, too.

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As I'm folding clothes, I'm placing them in several piles, one pile for each person. When everything is folded, each person gets their own pile. Socks and underwear are separated by the kids and they put each person's pile onto that person's bed. That way I only have to put MY clothing away. And I do it that same day. It's just easier that way.


I don't have a huge laundry day where I do it all, I do laundry regularly and put it away regularly. When I had large wash days and had tons of clothes to tend to, it did tend ti sit around more. Now wash, fold, put away RIGHT AWAY. This is how it worls well for me.

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I dump clean laundry on my bed. That guarantees it will get folded and put away before we turn in for the night. Both of my kids (9 &7) fold and put away their own clothes. I fold dh's clothes and he puts them away when he gets home. The towels, napkins and sheets are done by whoever looks like they need something to do. ;)

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Somedays, yes. Most days, no.


My dc have a chore card that is to put their laundry away each and everyday...so they come to me asking if there is any new laundry for them to put away and it's a constant reminder so I usually have ours put away while the kids are putting their own away.


Right now I have a basket sitting beside me with clean folded laundry. The only stack that has been removed from the basket and put away is my dd6 whom asked me this morning before starting school. I will have to remind dd8 and I will have to help ds2 to put his away. :tongue_smilie:


Wondering why on earth my dd6 would be eagerly asking before school began?? Well because it's a chore that is to be done daily NO MATTER what...however if done WITHOUT me asking or reminding them...then they earn a ticket..if they are asked or reminded, they still have to do it but earn no ticket.

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Sometimes I will get into a good routine and put each basket of clothing away the day it gets washed, but for the most part, we are right there with you, with piles of clean clothing that never get put away before they are worn.


Transferring them in and out of baskets, over and over and over, keeps my toddler busy, so I don't consider my lack of organization a total bad thing!

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As I sit with piles still on my floor. LOL


Yes, I will throw it in machines all day (and do LOL) but I don't enjoy folding. Then once folded, it seems to take a while to get it put away. And my kids help with that even. But generally it is *me*. It's easy to tell them "hey, stop right now and come put away this pile of clothes" (it may or may not get put away properly in their rooms, but, at least then that's their problem and no longer in my living room ;) ) *I* am the hang up, procrastinator...the one doing a million other things and no matter how many times I trip over my own clothes pile, I don't stop to go put them away :~p


I do a bit better if I at least put my and dh's clothes, folded, into a basket and take it to my room in the evening. As another had posted, once there, in the morning I will put it away. At least 80% of the time ;)

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Yes, I keep up with the laundry as I hate to mess with big piles. I do it one load as needed(3-4 times a week large capacity). We then fold and everyone puts away their own, right after folding them. Usually it takes just a few minutes to do it then.

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Usually laundry gets put away quickly here.


What helped me w/ this (because I used to have piles of laundry all over):

- we hang almost all our clothing except socks, undies, & pjs

- we cleaned out our closets enough that it is really easy to hang things up


So, after making plenty of room for things & hanging almost everything on hangars, it made putting the clothes away really easy.

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