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s/o K focus... what are your favorite NON-3R resources?

Janie Grace

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I admit it -- I have been focusing mostly on the 3R stuff for my rising kindergartener. He's only 4 but desperately wants to do school (is already reading short CVCs, doing simple math, etc). So I'm buying the math workbooks, pulling out my Bob Books, and buying the HWT. But I want to know... what do you love for K that is NOT 3R related?


I'm especially interested in products that encourage independent exploration/learning. I have three other kids doing school "for real" (ie, they are old enough that we HAVE to do school!) so I'm not looking for the Mom-intensive stuff I would have used with my first. ;)


What puzzles, books on CD, kits, etc. have your K kiddos LOVED?

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I'm hanging out to get this: http://www.anoteforchildren.com/ for dd for next year (our year starts in Jan.) I've not seen the package, but I did find the picture book at the local library and it was so cute I had to look further into it. You lot won't want it, because I'm sure it isn't worth paying international postage for, but it looks like the cutest ever beginning for us musical newbies!




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Sid the Science Kid, Jeff Corwin and ABC Yoga for Kids videos, Salsa Spanish. An art station with various sized paper and art tools (tempera paint, colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc.), Discoveries in Music, and finger knitting. Ariel liked the Focus on the Family audios, which aren't strictly audio books, but more like radio theater based on the book. She liked Five in a Row a lot, and occasionally we will "row" a book as a change of pace. Science kits were much enjoyed, too. We had one that was My First Science Kit or Science for Beginners or something. She loved all of it.

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My kids loved Toobs at that age.



I linked the ancient Egypt set, but take a look through the other toob figurines too. We have animals, space, pioneers, and tons of others. I would pull out a few new figures with each unit that we studied. It was fun to see the kids incorporating all of the stories we read aloud into their play.

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I try to include my younger two in the art my older two are doing. I try to do a project per week from Art Projects for Kids. My older kids follow the directions. I help my younger kids by getting the basic drawing down and letting color with the media we are using following the coloring directions to the best of their ability.


If we are doing a craft type project for history, I try to help the littles do something similar on a smaller scale.


If we are doing a science observation/experiment, I try to let the littles help if possible or watch the results if helping is a bad idea. They've really enjoyed the times we've raised something like caterpillars or, currently, triops.


Even though my olders have a lot more school than we used to, we still try to get out for park days and field trips 2-3 times a month. I've also brought their work to the children's museum and found them a place to work while the littles played. Once their work is done, they can play for a while before we head back home to finish more work.

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My 4 1/2 year old son really likes MiniLüK:




Note that you need a controller and books for it, for example the "Critical Thinking Pack" or the "Concentration Pack".


He also likes the "I Can Cut" workbook:




He thinks Kumon maze workbooks are too easy, so I print out mazes for him from:




You might also take a look at Mighty Mind:



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Well, once you get 3Rs covered - read alouds! Read alouds read alouds read alouds. If you want something structured, Sonlight 4/5! I know it's not a kit or exploration based - I just let my children play outside for that. But have you listened to Andrew Pudewa's Nurturing Competent Communicators talk? It's free at his website.


It is CRAZY important to read aloud to your children :).

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