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Apparently, its insulting to the nth degree to have one set of inlaws visit when the other isn't.




MIL is completely ticked. She isn't coming this summer. *insert happy dance here* There's nobody available/willing to host her for 6 wks, so she's not coming. Fine and dandy.


Problem is, my parents were in town for almost a wk. I didn't know, but I should have been telling them that they weren't welcome, b/c it isn't fair that they get to see the grandkids when MIL isn't this year.




The fact that my parents have only come the last 2 summers, and MIL is here every summer but this one doesn't matter. She's jealous.


She was also insisting that they had stayed here for the wk. I had to explain x2 that no, they have an RV, and stayed at a campground. Wolf had to re-explain that again a cpl of times last night. She seems determined to find some sort of fault or offense...That we'd host my parents for a wk after telling her for years that we don't have the room to do so for her.


She's stayed for wknds, my parents have never stayed overnight.


I swear, she just has a need to have her nose out of joint about something to give her a dramatic tale to tell her cronies or something.

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If your mother in law's life were made into a movie, I'd consider it a horror/suspense thriller with Kathy Bate playing your mil...you know, in the style of that whacko movie she did where she held the guy hostage by breaking his legs and such!


Wow, just wow...she is NOT well in the mind.



Edited by FaithManor
missed an apostrophe, kitten tortured, SORRY!
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:grouphug:Good grief...she sounds like a doll.:tongue_smilie: Her selfishness is so over the top; it's almost funny...but it isn't.


Big hugs for putting up with her...I'll trade you my mil...no wait, you can just have her.


Apparently, its insulting to the nth degree to have one set of inlaws visit when the other isn't.




MIL is completely ticked. She isn't coming this summer. *insert happy dance here* There's nobody available/willing to host her for 6 wks, so she's not coming. Fine and dandy.


Problem is, my parents were in town for almost a wk. I didn't know, but I should have been telling them that they weren't welcome, b/c it isn't fair that they get to see the grandkids when MIL isn't this year.




The fact that my parents have only come the last 2 summers, and MIL is here every summer but this one doesn't matter. She's jealous.


She was also insisting that they had stayed here for the wk. I had to explain x2 that no, they have an RV, and stayed at a campground. Wolf had to re-explain that again a cpl of times last night. She seems determined to find some sort of fault or offense...That we'd host my parents for a wk after telling her for years that we don't have the room to do so for her.


She's stayed for wknds, my parents have never stayed overnight.


I swear, she just has a need to have her nose out of joint about something to give her a dramatic tale to tell her cronies or something.

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Apparently, its insulting to the nth degree to have one set of inlaws visit when the other isn't.




MIL is completely ticked. She isn't coming this summer. *insert happy dance here* There's nobody available/willing to host her for 6 wks, so she's not coming. Fine and dandy.


Problem is, my parents were in town for almost a wk. I didn't know, but I should have been telling them that they weren't welcome, b/c it isn't fair that they get to see the grandkids when MIL isn't this year.




The fact that my parents have only come the last 2 summers, and MIL is here every summer but this one doesn't matter. She's jealous.


She was also insisting that they had stayed here for the wk. I had to explain x2 that no, they have an RV, and stayed at a campground. Wolf had to re-explain that again a cpl of times last night. She seems determined to find some sort of fault or offense...That we'd host my parents for a wk after telling her for years that we don't have the room to do so for her.


She's stayed for wknds, my parents have never stayed overnight.


I swear, she just has a need to have her nose out of joint about something to give her a dramatic tale to tell her cronies or something.


WHY do you talk to that woman??? Seriously? She makes you crazy and you need to take care of you and baby bump. Just cut off communication....snip....done.



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I so totally get it....MIL's can be interesting, can't they?


Less than two weeks after baby-DS was born, I got a call from MIL - complaining how unfair it was that everyone else got to hold the baby all.the.time and she only had a couple of times, for a few minutes - when was I going to make time for her to see him more, my mother got to see him everyday!


Here I was post-op from a c-section, nursing on demand and she expects I'm going to drive over to her so she can see the baby more frequently? And her biggest complaint is that my mother gets to hold him all the time?


Hey - news flash - my mother came out from the east coast to stay with us and help me with the baby following my surgery.....what about you? You live here, a mile away, and have yet to manage to get yourself in your car to drive over, but will call to complain I'm not making time for you to see your grandbaby more? :lol:



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I learned early on that my MIL isn't happy unless she's complaining. Right now she complains about pain. (She's had 6 back surgeries in as many years.)


From what I understand, she does complain that we see my folks more (often and longer), but not to me, only to dh.


Sorry you are going through this pain along with everything else you've got going on. :grouphug:

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WHY do you talk to that woman??? Seriously? She makes you crazy and you need to take care of you and baby bump. Just cut off communication....snip....done.



She called for my birthday. I couldn't escape that one.


Wolf talked to her last night, not me.


She is threatening to come out next spring now. I wonder where she plans to stay? :tongue_smilie:

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So who spilled the beans to her? She's in a competition to be best Grandma and best parent. It's a competition that is judged by external appearances so don't try to make it reasonable. Talk to her about the weather and other subjects but not about things relating to her arbitrary competition!

Wolf's fault. The birthday call is the only time (I think) that I've talked to her since her flipping out about us having another baby.

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My MIL joined facebook, where now I have to watch what I post about family, because she gets all green in the face. Hee hee... that is funny actually, she remarried and her last name is Green!


Seriously though, this woman is CRAZY, when my daughter was 2 1/2 she told me exactly how many days dd had spent the night at her house as compared to DS who is 17 months older. BTW, these were trips with the whole family, we came to visit and spent the night together.


Two things come into play... we never left DS home to have just DD with as at the grandparents and hubby is in the military, when DD was six months old we went from 6 hours away to 24 hours by car.


Also ALSO... they came out to visit while I was teaching in a private school, children were enrolled in the school... they came the week before Thanksgiving. We had school only on Monday the week after they left, but they wanted to be with another family (without children) for Thanksgiving. So they gripped about how little time they saw the kids because of school. Now they gripe about homeschooling and all the children are missing out on.


I love this woman, I really do. But sometimes I wish she would look at what our children do as individuals and stop comparing them to her other grandchildren.


Deep breath... relax... and :chillpill:



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My MIL is on facebook. I refused to accept her :lol: Bad enough that I have her SIL and a cousin on there, so I have to be very careful what I say, but no way was I accepting her.


The idea of her crawling through my friend's list, snooping, spying, and contacting ppl just gives me the creepies.

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My MIL is on facebook. I refused to accept her :lol: Bad enough that I have her SIL and a cousin on there, so I have to be very careful what I say, but no way was I accepting her.


The idea of her crawling through my friend's list, snooping, spying, and contacting ppl just gives me the creepies.


Just create a list of friends you DO want to read your posts, leave SIL and cousin off the list. Then when you post something, set it to that group rather than all your friends (default). SIL and cousin will never know what you have posted but will still be on your friends list so they won't be offended that you dropped them as friends but you still have privacy.

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So who spilled the beans to her? She's in a competition to be best Grandma and best parent. It's a competition that is judged by external appearances so don't try to make it reasonable. Talk to her about the weather and other subjects but not about things relating to her arbitrary competition!
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Oy, such drama from one woman. You could always go on a grand tour of the US and visit boardies this spring.

Bwah hahahaha! Now, if only I could afford it! :lol:


Wolf just about got himself buried in the yard a few wks ago. I overheard him on the phone, suggesting a Christmas visit.


I'll be lucky to be six wks post partum at Christmas. Man has a death wish, suggesting that. :glare:


Thankfully, MIL refuses to travel in the winter. Until she changes her mind, of course :glare:

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