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"So when are you going to put them in

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Ugh, I get this one all the time, especially it's newest variation: so.. Are you planning on homeschooling all the way through highschool? Another way of me asking me when the nonsense is going to stop :glare:


Strangely enough (ha), everyone seems visibly relieved and happy that we're sending our first daughter to VPK three hours a day. People are weird. The next campaign for them is for her to stay all day, and the next? For her to continue in school, I'm sure of it. Sigh.

Edited by sagira
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did said neighbor define "real" school? like learning 'reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic. history, music, science, language . . .oh, they're *in* real school now.


If they mean a brick and mortal building where they go away from home every day - well, when they start college.

Edited by gardenmom5
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Strangely enough (ha), everyone seems visibly relieved and happy that we're sending our first daughter to VPK three hours a day. People are weird. The next campaign for them is for her to stay all day, and the next? For her to continue in school, I'm sure of it. Sigh.


I think those that push the subject most, are feeling insecure because you made a different educational choice for your own children. It can freak people out if there is a niggle in the back of their brain that something is wrong with their choice but they don't/can't do anything about it - they'll attack what's different to try to calm their troubled nerves.

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Oh my gosh, lol. Did you ever go meet the homeschool family at the end of the street? if not, GO! Solidarity in numbers right?



I've been trying but they seem to be gone this month! It will happen, I do feel a little like a stalker by riding by on my bike all of the time :001_smile:. This comment was from right across the street, as in the house we see everyday and where there will be a new bus stop starting in September. For the same school we are zoned for, etc.,etc.,etc. The fun never stops!

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I think those that push the subject most, are feeling insecure because you made a different educational choice for your own children. It can freak people out if there is a niggle in the back of their brain that something is wrong with their choice but they don't/can't do anything about it - they'll attack what's different to try to calm their troubled nerves.




Is this person always touchy about the "school" subject? Is she normally a friendly person?


I believe that some people make small talk and really don't mean to say things that are intentionally hurtful or condescending. They don't realize that what came out of their mouth was rude when they are merely trying to find the words to express their question. The use of the word "real" was probably just from a lack of vocabulary and not from the assumption that you are just allowing your kids to watch tv all day or that you are playing school with a child doing imaginary school work.


It's a fair question if this person leaves out the "real" since some HS's do put their children back in school. My answer is generally, "Not this year." Since I have no idea what the future holds.


Or maybe she really is judgemental. In that case, it's time to avoid the neighbor. ;)

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Well, I actually said the following to my sil. She hasn't spoken to me since then which is a joyous consequence!


Sil: "When are you going to put them in real school?"


Me: "OH, let's see. We do math, english, spelling, literature, and writing, history, science, penmanship, current events, pe., and music every day and they eat wholesome food every.day. The local ps. only does math and english daily, science twice per week, history once per week if they manage it, pe. once per week and fired the music teacher due to budget cuts plus they aren't going to teach cursive anymore. We take 6-10 field trips per year including museums, nature and science centers, and travel. The ps. takes only ONE field trip. Our kids enter science fairs. The ps. no longer hosts science fairs nor do they encourage it, having made an officil statement to the high school science teachers that preparation for science fairs wastes valuable test prep time. Seems to me that I'm the real school and that p.s. is just a hollow mockery of me!"


As I said, she hasn't spoken to me since then. That's been two years of blissful silence. I'm kind of hoping she doesn't get over it any time soon. The rumor mill is that she is VERY disappointed that dd finished her paramedic and pre-ed classes this past semester with a low of 95% and a high of 114%. SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED!!!! You know why, huh, hugh, you want to know? Because she had hoped dd would do poorly in order to demonstrate to me the need of enrolling the boys in school!!! Yep, that's right. She is such a jerk that she would hope my daughter would do poorly in college just to prove her point.


Ugh! Such people...to be avoided at all costs. Don't talk with the neighbor and repeat this phrases: "This is none of your business." "Mind your own business." "Stop being a busy-body."



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I got the real school question from a nasty neighbor once. And she was not just being curious--we'd already lived there about a year. We were the new renters in the house next door. On the other side of us was a family of 4 where the dh and dw were both ps teachers. Lovely family; we got along great. But on the one side was Mrs McNasty and her reasonably nice but quiet dh and their bratty kid. Mrs M was not a nice person. And her ds hated mine because my ds was younger but could already ride a 2-wheeler. I later learned no one on the street got along with her. But her snide remarks (there were others) made me so glad to be away from her when it was time for us to move.

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"When they stock the place with real teachers." :D


(Problem with that is that there are some genuine gems of educators out there who, for myriad excuses clung to by school districts and state groups, are forbidden to do a good job. I sure do not mean any disrespect for those good teachers who want the freedom to do a good job.)

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SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED!!!! You know why, huh, hugh, you want to know? Because she had hoped dd would do poorly in order to demonstrate to me the need of enrolling the boys in school!!! Yep, that's right. She is such a jerk that she would hope my daughter would do poorly in college just to prove her point.




or is she jealous that her kids aren't getting the same quality of education yours are getting from you? but she'd rather DIE than admit it.


in the meantime, enjoy the quiet. ;)

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