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How do you keep track of books read?

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Edu-track has a place to keep a running book list - date read, title, author, number of pages, etc. I don't fill in all of the information. I can then print a report of books read each month, year, throughout school...


You could just make a list in excel. Make headings: date completed, title, author, pages, minutes (if you want to track reading time), grade level or lexile (get from Scholastic Wizard if you want to track this info), comments (let your child tell you if they liked it, something special about it...)


You can then do date sorts in excel and set a print area on a small list if you just want to print a section.

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We keep a simple Word text. When a book has been read, it gets added.

I keep separate lists for assigned and recreational reading.


Us, too, except that I no longer bother to keep track of my son's recreational reading. There's too much of it, and I can't imagine any college will be interested in page after page of fantasy novels.

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Us, too, except that I no longer bother to keep track of my son's recreational reading. There's too much of it, and I can't imagine any college will be interested in page after page of fantasy novels.


Lol :D


When my (homeschooled) brother applied to college, they told him they wanted a list of every book read during high school, assigned and recreational. He phoned the admissions office and said "Are you sure? Because I could probably make this list, but since it would have well over a thousand books on it, I really don't want to and I don't think you want to read it either." They told him to include a representative sample.

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Thanks for the suggestions!


Us, too, except that I no longer bother to keep track of my son's recreational reading. There's too much of it, and I can't imagine any college will be interested in page after page of fantasy novels.


I was curious about this as well. My son does A LOT of recreational reading. I thought it *could* show that a child was well rounded because of all the reading and the diversity of genres. Or maybe it would just be a pain to for them to sort through :D


Lol :D


When my (homeschooled) brother applied to college, they told him they wanted a list of every book read during high school, assigned and recreational. He phoned the admissions office and said "Are you sure? Because I could probably make this list, but since it would have well over a thousand books on it, I really don't want to and I don't think you want to read it either." They told him to include a representative sample.




If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, check out Book Crawler. For Android phones, try Book Catalogue. With both of these apps, you can scan book barcodes (or type in titles manually), and there many sorting features (different "shelves" for different book collections, sorting by title or author, automatic book cover thumbnails, etc.).


I wish I had one of those! That sounds really neat!

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