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XPOST: Science advice for college bound LA student

Harriet Vane

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Posting this for a friend . . ..


My friend's ds wants to be a historian or in a field related to history. It's easy to see him being a researcher or professor someday. He is very bright, and his strengths are obviously and strongly in the area of language arts, and he struggles mightily with math. He memorizes easily and encyclopedically. (I know that's not a word but am just trying to give a good picture of this kid.)


He is a senior this year.


He has taken physical science, biology, and chemistry. His grades for phys sci and bio were fine (Bs?) but he failed one semester of chemistry and did very poorly on the other semester of chemistry.


He has the option to take anatomy OR a speech class this year. His mother wants speech because she sees it playing into his other strengths and goals. His father is concerned that he will have difficulty gaining acceptance into a good college because of his chemistry difficulties.


Should he take anatomy or speech?



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Could he do a little bit of both? And no I don't think a college would have any problem accepting him just because he had problems with chemistry, especially because he won't be entering a field involving chemistry. I would reccommend he does both speech and anatomy, if he has the time to do it. My friend isn't good with science or math, but got accepted into a good Liberal Arts college no problem. :)

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Could he do a little bit of both? And no I don't think a college would have any problem accepting him just because he had problems with chemistry, especially because he won't be entering a field involving chemistry. I would reccommend he does both speech and anatomy, if he has the time to do it. My friend isn't good with science or math, but got accepted into a good Liberal Arts college no problem. :)


The two classes are offered at the same time. It's one or the other.

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