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Joint pain/balance weirdness [after baby]

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Anyone else find themselves with sore joints (mainly knees and feet, and especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods..but it never goes away completely) and a weird 'walking on a large boat' sort of feeling that comes and goes? (inner ear??) Is it post partum related? (baby is ten weeks old)


Both things are very annoying. :glare:

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I had severe joint pain and muscle soreness after my last pregnancy, turns out I was vitamin d deficent. Started taking vit d3 a couple of times a day and within 3 days it all went away!


Is that something that would turn up in bloodwork if I got some done? [that a vitamin was deficient]

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I have those symptoms a lot, and they did pop up after I had kiddos.

It could be as simple as dehydration (that's what mine is a lot of the time - I hate to drink anything.)

It could also be thyroid related, but that's just just an idea. I have Hashimoto's (tested by antibodies to your thyroid) and I think that's what causes some of my problems.

Vitamin D can be tested with a specific blood test, I'm on supplements for that as well.

Hope you figure it out! It's now fun to feel that way.

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I had all sorts of weird symptoms after having DD#2. Turns out, my thyroid went haywire and I had postpartum thyroiditis (hyper). The doctor told me it should go away on its own within a few months and wanted me to try to handle it without meds (which I was happy to try). It slowly went away over the course of about 4 or 5 months.


I'm praying it will not happen again after having DD#3 in October.

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I had severe joint pain and muscle soreness after my last pregnancy, turns out I was vitamin d deficent. Started taking vit d3 a couple of times a day and within 3 days it all went away!


Vitamin D would be my first guess. To test ask for a 25 (OH) D test. You want that specific test. Sometimes doctors order the wrong one when asked to test vitamin D and the test is meaningless if it's not the correct vitamin D level test. The vitamin D council online website has information including what test you want and why as well as what type of supplement (not a prescription form but rather a vitamin D3 form and in high doses).


I developed some other stuff after pregnancy but vitamin D would be a likely culprit.

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I have those symptoms a lot, and they did pop up after I had kiddos.

It could be as simple as dehydration (that's what mine is a lot of the time - I hate to drink anything.)

It could also be thyroid related, but that's just just an idea. I have Hashimoto's (tested by antibodies to your thyroid) and I think that's what causes some of my problems.

Vitamin D can be tested with a specific blood test, I'm on supplements for that as well.

Hope you figure it out! It's now fun to feel that way.


I drink a fair bit….but most of it is coffee and/or diet pepsi :tongue_smilie:


note to self: more water


I might just get some vitamin d and take it…I do have multivitamins, not sure how much is in those…


It's not fun, you're right on that. And I'm not the most patient person when my body doesn't cooperate…..I finally get rid of all the c-section yuckiness and these things start up. GRRRR.

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I have a knee that has given me problems for a long time. However, when I'm pregnant, it, and the rest of my joints, actually feel a lot better. I only noticed this because I have such a problem otherwise. However, after the birth, as hormone levels change again, the pain comes back with a vengeance. It was explained to me as some sort of cortisone effect in pregnancy. So you might check into this. Also, your joints loosen up a lot during pregnancy and that eventually has to get back to normal.

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I didn't thingk about thyroid but that is a common time for it to go haywire and it would be important to address.


If you just want to supplement D make sure you do D3 and at doses adequate to really fix something. A healthy adult can take up to 10,000 IU per day of D3 (only that form) safely. I'm not sure how a nursing mom's doses would be affected. I do know if you are low the baby won't be getting what it needs via nursing. Might not anyway/I've not researched it. If you were low in pregnancy the baby is low though. Anyway, the average adult uses up 1000 IU per 25 pounds daily. So you'd need to dose above that to correct a low level. Much above to make a significant change quickly.


It might be easier to just get a thyroid and 25(OH)D test.

Edited by sbgrace
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I didn't have any balance problem though.


Yeah I don't know where that came from.. it's a weird sensation - feels like I'm walking on a boat.. comes and goes. I felt this one time before (aside from actually ON boats lol) a few years ago, for about a week after I had the flu. I haven't been sick in any way recently though - not since… before I was even pregnant.

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I didn't thingk about thyroid but that is a common time for it to go haywire and it would be important to address.


If you just want to supplement D make sure you do D3 and at doses adequate to really fix something. A healthy adult can take up to 10,000 IU per day of D3 (only that form) safely. I'm not sure how a nursing mom's doses would be affected. I do know if you are low the baby won't be getting what it needs via nursing. Might not anyway/I've not researched it. If you were low in pregnancy the baby is low though. Anyway, the average adult uses up 1000 IU per 25 pounds. So you'd need to dose above that to correct a low level. Much above to make a significant change quickly.


It might be easier to just get a thyroid and 25(OH)D test.


I'll look into the tests and the vitamin D3 stuff, thanks..:001_smile: (I'm not nursing, so there isn't any d-lacking feeding going on there)

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I just reread your "walking on a boat" thing. Ya know, that's a great way to describe how I felt with my thyroiditis. It was hard to explain the feeling at the time. I wasn't dizzy, nor lightheaded (except that time that I nearly passed out in WalMart)...it was just....a strange feeling. I was sort of in a "brain fog" and sort of felt like I was on a boat, just as you describe. It was really strange.

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I just reread your "walking on a boat" thing. Ya know, that's a great way to describe how I felt with my thyroiditis. It was hard to explain the feeling at the time. I wasn't dizzy, nor lightheaded (except that time that I nearly passed out in WalMart)...it was just....a strange feeling. I was sort of in a "brain fog" and sort of felt like I was on a boat, just as you describe. It was really strange.


Yeah it's not dizziness like when you spin 'round in circles or get off a carnival ride.. it's this boat feeling… and brain fog, yep.. although I'd just written that off as baby brain…


Ugh, now I wonder. I googled thyroid stuff and it mentions weight gain.. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost anything after the initial drop right after he was born.. which is very weird, because I hardly eat and I'm always busy these days.. generally when that happens, it drops. I've been watching my scale and wondering what the heck. Maybe it's connected. Blahhh.

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Yeah not liking any of this "postpartum thyroiditis" stuff I'm reading… talking about it taking upwards of a YEAR to go back to normal?! I don't have a year to feel like yuck. What did I say upthread about not having a lot of patience with my body behaving stupidly? Growl.

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Q: does vitamin d go bad? -- ha, typed out that sounds weird…but I found some upstairs, I think from maybe a year ago… could be longer.. I *think* I bought it during a fit of "prevent swine flu" panic? [i bought all sorts of stuff from some wacky survival list thing] Maybe that was 2 years? Anyway - the expiry date is actually October of THIS year.. but it's open.


Hmm. This is almost a "would you eat this" :p

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