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What to do with the toddler?

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I know this has been asked before, but I'd like some fresh suggestions.


We're starting back up with school next week. DS is 7. Then there's DD, who is 17 months, and the new baby, who is 2 weeks old.


I'm not too concerned about the new baby. Homeschooling was easy when DD was a new baby, and he's a pretty content little guy. I think I'll be able, most days, to pop him in the sling, nurse him if he needs it, and be able to give DS's school the attention it needs.


It's DD I'm worried about. She's in that getting-into-everything phase right now. Ideally I'd do school during her nap, but I don't think that's going to work this year. For one thing, I'm assuming I'm going to be tired, and so I'll probably lay down with the baby during her nap time, since that will be my only chance to really get some rest or a nap each day, and make that a time for DS to use the computer or watch TV and do some fun reading. For another, her nap is generally after lunch, and if we put off school until then, knowing myself, it just may not get done.


So, she's going to be awake for school. Aside from plopping her in front of some DVDs, what can I do to keep her occupied? What's worked for you when homeschooling with a toddler?

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I have three this year to school. 15,12,9. Plus a toddler 2 on Aug. 31. I was on a blog last night and they mentioned putting together a "toddler box" just for bringing out at school time. She filled it with anything she thought the toddler would find interesting and had him play on the floor close by her. I will be giving this a try this year but am thinking to make a couple different boxes to rotate.

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