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Would this be overwhelming?

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I'm meeting a woman tomorrow who's just starting to seriously explore the idea of homeschooling for her kids. I've put together a bag with samples of different types of curriculum (classical, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, unit studies..) along with catalogs that show other styles. Oh, and some homeschooling books like HSing Year By Year, 100 top curriculum picks.. It's a BIG bag! :lol:


Do you think it'll be too much at once? Not enough? I don't want to scare her out of it!

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Man, where were you when I was thinking about starting!!?? I think that is an awesome idea. It gives her information at her fingertips, where to start researching more, and gives her an idea just how much is out there. Wish I had something like that when I started. :)

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It might be overwhelming if she lacks confidence and expects to learn it all at once. OTOH, if your goody-bag is full of a wide range of methods, ideas, contact information, and leads to further understanding, then I think it's wonderful!


Again, where were you when I first started thinking about homeschooling? :lol:

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I would have been thrilled to get a bag like that (and an experienced friend to discuss with)! I am the kind that researches a subject to death before I take the plunge and I would have loved having all that info put together for me.


You are really thoughtful. I hope your friend will love getting it as much as you enjoyed putting it together. :-)

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It will depend on her personality. I know people who would love it (the type who post on here :D,) and I know people who wouldn't homeschool just because of the bag, and everything in between. :D I would pull out one book and one catalog and give her that up front. The once you know her a bit better, you can give her the big bag if you think it would help her.

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Phew! I started out with just a book and before I knew it...:lol: I remember being so confused when we started. I knew what I *didn't* want, but hearing about this small curriculum and that one, and what the heck did CM mean? LOL I was hoping this was just the right amount to give her a starting point without getting her lost. I guess if she gets the deer in the headlights look I'll hand her the basic homeschooling book and go from there. Hopefully she'll come to some of our meet-ups and can slowly decide if this is for her or not.

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I think it depends. That's the kind of thing that I'd be insanely excited over. But I'm sure there's people who would be overwhelmed.


I think if you explain to her that she doesn't need to read or even look at everything right away, but that she can just take a peek and poke into whatever interests her, it might help keep the overwhelm to a minimum.


I think it's a really great idea, and a wonderful thing to do!

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You did include a copy of WTM in that bag, right? :tongue_smilie:


On a more serious note, you may want to also point out some things that are not so teacher-intensive. Planning lessons can be overwhelming at first. Show her some scripted things like FLL or independent like MM. Show her how easy it can be if she's not ready to plan a lot herself.

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On a more serious note, you may want to also point out some things that are not so teacher-intensive. Planning lessons can be overwhelming at first. Show her some scripted things like FLL or independent like MM. Show her how easy it can be if she's not ready to plan a lot herself.


Oh absolutely! One of the things I'm bringing is an old Noeo teacher's guide to show how it breaks down the living books into manageable bites, complete with forms and optional links and everything. I think I have a little of darn near every style out there except in math. After a brief stint with Saxon we went with a mastery curriculum instead of continuing with the spiral. Saxon bit the dust when we moved and had to be trashed.


ETA: do you think I should throw in a copy of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons? That's very scripted.

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