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Would you invite your SIL over for dinner after this?

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Two years ago(and some might have read) my DH's family and oursleves got into a massive argument while on a family vacation. I did not speak to my DH's two sisters for a long time. Onne SIL we started talking again in December. It is okay, very generic. But at least now, our kids are back together and hanging out.


My other SIL, I still had not spoken to. She does not live closeby. She is about 5 states away. She adamantly told me two years ago to never contact her again. When I emailed her a year later she says she is "Not ready to have you back in my life"


20 months ago she had a baby. I had never met him. Only seen pix of him.


Unfortunately, my FIL had a mini stroke and a pacemaker put in, so she decided to fly home with her son.


My MIL had everyone over her house yesterday. And this was the first time I had seen or spoken to that SIL in two years. It was okay. Very generic. Safe conversations. Didn't seem to strained. I was happy to finally meet my new nephew.


Here is the dilemma. The last time she was home, which was about 3 years ago, she had a fit because I didn't invite her over for dinner. At the time, I didnt know she was coming and was gone for the 4 days she was here.


Now, she is home again. I only spoke to her at my MIL house.


I would like to see my nephew again. And I feel like I am darned if I do, and darned if I dont. If I invite her, she may say "I already told you that I am not ready to have you back in my life right now".


If I DONT invite her, I may get a bunch of BS about NOT inviting her.


What would you do?

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I would like to see my nephew again.


I'd invite them, then, caring more about that than I do this:


And I feel like I am darned if I do, and darned if I dont. If I invite her, she may say "I already told you that I am not ready to have you back in my life right now".


If I DONT invite her, I may get a bunch of BS about NOT inviting her.


Lose the "danged if I do, danged if I don't" part of it because that's out of your control. It stinks, but it shouldn't dicate how you approach the situation from your side. You want to see your nephew again, so take the chance and invite them over. If she dismisses the invitation, you've still done all you can from your end and ... in the end, that's all you really can do. I'd risk that rejection for a chance to move forward, especially to regain a relationship with a nephew.



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I'd ask my dh what he wanted.


Left up to my own devices, though, I wouldn't invite her. I'm not good at kissing butt, and inviting her so she wouldn't throw a hissy would fit in that category for me.


One realization that I've come to over the last few yrs is that if its not really, really important to Wolf or I, I don't bother. Limited amt of energy that would be better spent on the ones in my life that matter than those that don't particularily.

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Two years ago(and some might have read) my DH's family and oursleves got into a massive argument while on a family vacation. I did not speak to my DH's two sisters for a long time. Onne SIL we started talking again in December. It is okay, very generic. But at least now, our kids are back together and hanging out.


My other SIL, I still had not spoken to. She does not live closeby. She is about 5 states away. She adamantly told me two years ago to never contact her again. When I emailed her a year later she says she is "Not ready to have you back in my life"


20 months ago she had a baby. I had never met him. Only seen pix of him.


Unfortunately, my FIL had a mini stroke and a pacemaker put in, so she decided to fly home with her son.



My MIL had everyone over her house yesterday. And this was the first time I had seen or spoken to that SIL in two years. It was okay. Very generic. Safe conversations. Didn't seem to strained. I was happy to finally meet my new nephew.


Here is the dilemma. The last time she was home, which was about 3 years ago, she had a fit because I didn't invite her over for dinner. At the time, I didnt know she was coming and was gone for the 4 days she was here.


Now, she is home again. I only spoke to her at my MIL house.


I would like to see my nephew again. And I feel like I am darned if I do, and darned if I dont. If I invite her, she may say "I already told you that I am not ready to have you back in my life right now".


If I DONT invite her, I may get a bunch of BS about NOT inviting her.


What would you do?

Invite her. She'll say no, but it will save you the BS later.


IF she says yes, roll with it. Keep conversations light, the time short, and smile a lot.

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Invite her. In situations like these, I usually go for the option that shows I tried.

As an aside, at least your SIL tells you she doesn't want you in your life. My SIL just refused to take our phone calls or return them. That was 6 years ago and we still don't know what happened or what we did. And she lives 30 minutes away. :tongue_smilie:

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I would have a dinner with other extended family members too. Makes it harder for her to say no, makes it easier for you two to be together. Helps to build the bridge, so that you can continue to see your nephew.



Oh, good idea. And also, all the other family members will know you made the invitation and she can't play it back on you later. :glare:

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I'd ask my dh what he wanted.


Left up to my own devices, though, I wouldn't invite her. I'm not good at kissing butt, and inviting her so she wouldn't throw a hissy would fit in that category for me.


One realization that I've come to over the last few yrs is that if its not really, really important to Wolf or I, I don't bother. Limited amt of energy that would be better spent on the ones in my life that matter than those that don't particularily.


:iagree: with Imp on this one. What does your dh want to do? It is his sister.

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Yes. I'd invite her.


If she says no, so be it.


If she says yes, let us (the hive :D) know. We'll send positive thoughts!


:iagree: And, I want to add, that you're a kind, lovely person for making such an effort. You deserve a new dress or at least a pedicure!!!



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I'd invite her and MIL/FIL out for dinner. Just go to a diner or something simple/low key. She's more likely to behave (you'd hope) out in public.


Plus you'll feel less scrutinized by her if you aren't home. She can't critizce your home or your cooking or hospitality if you aren't home. She can only pick on the place. So you may want to not make it your favorite/regular place, so if she does make comments or anything, you won't be embarressed to go back. Someplace quiet enough you can talk, so not places like Friday's or something.


Then no matter what happens, you can say (especially to your MIL) 'well we tried'.


If all esle fails, tell her she really needs to relax and you know a great couple with a cabin in the woods with a sauna you can hook her up with! Maybe she needs a good steam and good 'swing'! :lol:

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We had a big family get together at my mil house yesterday. I don't thin we will be having another family gathering. That is the first time we spoke and saw each other in two years. Whoever mentioned instead of a dinner invite, that is a good idea.. maybe just for coffee. My dh does not care one way or another. He never really talked to his sister it was always me. So I am going to call her later today and extend the invite. I will let all of u know how it goes.typing from my phone so I apologize for any spelling or grammar oopsies.

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I'm not sure, as I would have my DH handling all of this since it's his sister. Actually DH is in a "disagreement" with his sister right now and they are currently not really speaking to each other. It's his deal, not mine since I'm not close with his SIL anyways (we are polar opposites).

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I guess I'm the only one who would say "no". I would call the dinner at MIL's "good" as a first overture into just normal politeness. I would not stress the already fragile relationship with another try. And just like others said that you can't control her reactions to a dinner invite, you can't control her reactions to not being invited either.;)

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I guess I'm the only one who would say "no". I would call the dinner at MIL's "good" as a first overture into just normal politeness. I would not stress the already fragile relationship with another try. And just like others said that you can't control her reactions to a dinner invite, you can't control her reactions to not being invited either.;)

Nope, I said I wouldn't unless it was important to dh. :tongue_smilie:

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My other SIL, I still had not spoken to. She does not live closeby. She is about 5 states away. She adamantly told me two years ago to never contact her again. When I emailed her a year later she says she is "Not ready to have you back in my life"


If I wanted to see my nephew, I would say- I would love to have you & your family over for dinner, if you're ready to have me back in your life now. If not, I understand...


Then leave it in her court.

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It depends on if you really care to have any kind of relationship with her. If you do hope to make up, it would be good to extend that olive branch again. If you don't care, then it won't matter if she fusses. I am sure you want to know your nephew, but unfortunately he is and will always be attached to her. You would have to deal with her. So you need to decide how important the relationship is at all.


I am not asking what the fight was about, but to go that long without talking says a lot. It doesn't sound like a person I want to try to become attached to again. But that's just me.

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I guess I'm the only one who would say "no". I would call the dinner at MIL's "good" as a first overture into just normal politeness. I would not stress the already fragile relationship with another try. And just like others said that you can't control her reactions to a dinner invite, you can't control her reactions to not being invited either.;)



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If I wanted to see my nephew, I would say- I would love to have you & your family over for dinner, if you're ready to have me back in your life now. If not, I understand...


Then leave it in her court.


Yeah, but I'd leave out the, "if you're ready to have me back in your life now" part. That SOUNDS pretty passive-agressive to me. :tongue_smilie: Better not to refer to the past AT ALL.

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Well I called. She is staying with my other SIL for this week. She said she had a very busy week planned but would see if she could get over here on Wed. If not, maybe I could just stop by over there and see my nephew. She wasn't rude about it. But you could tell if it wasn't for my nephew, we would not be speaking.

Sad really.

Thanks for all the advice. At least I put it out there. Ball is in her court now.

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