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Who does the cooking at your house?

Who does the cooking  

  1. 1. Who does the cooking

    • I like to cook, so I do it all.
    • I like to cook, so I do most of it.
    • I like to cook, but I share the cooking with spouse/kids.
    • I don't like to cook, but I do it all.
    • I don't like to cook, but I do most of it.
    • I don't like to cook, so I share the cooking with spouse/kids.
    • Neither/None of us like to cook, but we split the duties.
    • Kids like to cook and do it all.
    • We eat out/ have take out most of the time.
    • Other

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If my husband is off and home at dinner time (usually just on Sundays and Mondays), he cooks, as he is definitely a better cook than I am. (He also does the breakfast cooking when we have cooked food for breakfast as opposed to a grab and go thing).


The rest of the week, I cook, usually simple stuff, and at least once a week, I order take out. :D


Starting this fall, I will be using the Rachael Ray "Cooking Rocks!" cookbook with my daughter (she'll be just about 11) and maybe she'll cook dinner once a week! :)

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I do most of it - the kids help at times and even do a meal on occasion or we eat out or grab take-out. I have a love/hate relationship with cooking. I love to cook when I have time and can putter in the kitchen. I hate to cook when I'm pressed for time and have 30 min. to figure out what to cook and get it on the table (which is far too often).

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Me. Myself. And I.


I'm teaching my children to cook too, so they do tag along now and again.


My husband can cook, but he works full time and I stay home, so I gladly take on that responsibility. It may seem old fashioned, but I love to have supper ready when he walks through the door.




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My DH does NOT cook. If I have to leave him alone for dinner, I can pretty much guarantee the most he'd do is mac & cheese. Probably wouldn't even have a veggie with it. Even if he was feeding DS too.


So I cook. But I like it, most of the time. So it's not a big deal. :)

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I don't mind cooking, kinda of like it, but am just tired of it, at certain points of life. Ya know, the busy seasons when it seems like we running to one pratice or another, all around dinner time. Then the kids say they don't like it, even though they haven't even tried it


But DH works 40-60 hours a week, more usually 60 hours, so that is 6 days a week. Least I can do, I guess, is have a dinner ready for him :).

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I voted other.


I used to do 100% of the cooking during the week and much of it on the weekends. DH LOVES to cook. He'd LOVE to own a bed and breakfast or a restaurant. I've lost my joy and DESIRE to cook. Dh does more cooking than I do these days. He sits all day and can't wait to be moving around when he gets home from work. I am running out a minimum of two nights per week. So while he does now, dd11 LOVES to cook as well. I'm going to be teaching her more so that she cooks two evenings, I do two, dh does three.


But for now. dh does more, but that's only in the past couple of years or so. We've been married for 22 years.

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I cook lunches when my husband's not home. My son has dairy and nut allergies, so we don't have many places he can eat out and we're still trying to find quick meals. :glare: I'm so envious of mac & cheese some days.


My husband cooks when he's home. He also does all the grocery shopping.

He cleans the kitchen too.

Yup... I got a good one! :D

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I don't mind cooking, kinda of like it, but am just tired of it, at certain points of life. Ya know, the busy seasons when it seems like we running to one pratice or another, all around dinner time. Then the kids say they don't like it, even though they haven't even tried it


But DH works 40-60 hours a week, more usually 60 hours, so that is 6 days a week. Least I can do, I guess, is have a dinner ready for him :).


Same here. I don't really HATE cooking but I only enjoy it if I have a lot of time, no worries about how much it costs, AND people who enjoy eating it.


What I have is -a personal inability to handle wheat and can only maintain a decent weight if low-carb, husband with inconsistent hours, kids in many evening activities, husband who hates veggies, a daughter who won't eat meat or beans, and about a dozen foods that everyone will eat.

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Dh and I both like to cook. He cooks three nights, I cook three nights, we eat leftovers or pizza on Saturdays. We make breakfast together, though I do most of the breakfast cooking Su.-Fri., and he makes oatmeal on Saturdays.


In the fall, each boy will be dinner assistant one night a week so that they can learn to cook a meal and eventually take over a night or two.



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He also does all the grocery shopping.

He cleans the kitchen too.

Yup... I got a good one! :D


Mine too. I hate grocery shopping! And mine started cleaning the kitchen shortly after we married once I pointed out that when I didn't have to clean the kitchen *and* put the girls to bed (we each had a child when we married) *and* do the laundry, I wasn't nearly as tired at the end of the day. :D



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I sometimes think I found the last man in America that can't cook at all. He doesn't even grill. :glare:


So, I do it all. I voted I don't like to cook. That isn't entirely true, it's that I don't like the grind - day in, day out, over and over. If I got to cook when the mood struck, I'd enjoy it more. I usually cook double recipes so we can have leftovers every other day.


Now that the kids are older, I am trying to get them to take over cooking one or more days a week - well, at least that's the long-term goal. There has been some progress, but veeery little so far.

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I said other. I cannot bear what hubby eats. So, I cook for me and kiddo, and cook ahead the staples, such as rice, WW pasta, soups, sauces, cut up fruit, hard boiled egg, etc.


Hubby, on a very unpredictable sched, takes some staple and adds whatever thrills him, and heats it. He grew up eating out of cans on a commercial fishing boat, so a pile of rice, with a can of minestrone and a can of curry plopped on top with some miso stirred in is heaven in a bowl for him.


I run from the room.

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I despise cooking, but I'm the only one who does it. I usually cook on Mondays and Tuesdays. We eat at church on Wednesdays. We eat at my parents every Thursday. Friday we usually go out. Saturday I try to cook at home, but sometimes we end up going out. And I cook on Sunday evenings (usually something quick on Sunday evenings though).

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I voted I do it all because it is 95% me. But, I do like to cook.


Ditto. Once in a while my husband or son will step into the kitchen and volunteer to make a meal. DH doesn't like to cook but knows I need a break once in a while. DS loves to cook but he's 8 and doesn't think about it often... and he needs time to plan and prep or it takes him about 4x as long as it would take me to make the same meal.

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I went with other. I like to cook, and most of the time I do all of it. However, DH is good about pitching in when needed. The last month, with my being at the end of the pregnancy and then having a new baby, he did nearly all of the cooking. But he doesn't enjoy it and doesn't have as many meals in his repertoire as I do, so while we'll probably share cooking duties for a while, once things settle down a bit and we're back into a routine, I'll probably go back to being the designated chef.

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I like to cook when the mood strikes, and that comes in spurts. These spurts don't necessarily coincide with how/when I need to cook. I like to eat even more and prefer REAL food that is well-prepared. I make most of our bread.


DH and the kids cook about 10% of the time. A cheese/fruit platter is an acceptable dinner here, but I wouldn't call it cooking. We are not above take-out and are waiting for a nasty, cardboard pizza to land on our door step as I type this. I know it will be inferior and yet I'll eat two slices. We are decompressing from having house guests so it's all quiet and sluggy here now :001_smile:

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I like to cook but I'm burned out. Between food allergies, intense dislikes (from DH!), picky palates, and busy schedules I'm just sick of it.


But if DH had to cook dinner, we'd never eat before 8pm. The kids sometimes want to cook dinner, but never what we have groceries or time for making.


I daydream about only having to cook for myself. Or even better, having the family make a good meal!

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Dh developed domestic amnesia shortly after I moved in, and no longer cooks. The last time he cooked anything involved something with noodles and ground beef, and that was only because I was very pregnant with DS and got the flu and was too ill to cook. I like to cook, so I really don't mind. Usually.

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I used to like cooking well enough. But now I pretty much hate it (and food shopping). Every meal (and shop) is a reminder of the multiple food allergies and stomach issues 5/7 people in my family have, and how I don't feel like I'm balancing well what we can eat vs. a tasty AND healthy diet. I just feel done. I think if I could just shop for "whatever" and cook "whatever" I wouldn't mind much at all. Dh used to cook once in a while (grill, the occasional weekend dinner, etc) but now he's just not up to it so if I'm sick or something he'll direct one of the older girls to make something simple.

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I voted "other" because we are in a weird season right now.


Normally, I enjoy cooking and so does DH. Still, I do about 95%.


Right now, though, at 35 wks pregnant I not only hate cooking but am absolutely terrible at it. My sense of smell is so far gone that I everything I cook tastes terrible. So, I make most breakfasts (cereal) and lunches (sandwiches) and DH makes all dinners.


It's actually been a really nice break :)

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I voted other in my own poll!


I really do like cooking, and don't mind doing most of it. I do get tired of the pickiness of certain family members. I get resentful, though, when I've been busy working on things all day, while others have been lounging/playing and they still expect me to have lunch or dinner cooked and served on a plate. When I suggest they find their own food, I get whining and complaining. And no one helps with the kitchen clean up unless I stand over them forcing them to do it the whole time.

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I'm somewhere between doing most of the cooking and sharing the cooking with dh.


I don't LOVE to cook, but I don't mind doing it at all. I enjoy it somewhat. More lately than I used to, as I'm slowly getting better at it.


I'd say I cook 4 or 5 nights out of the week, dh the other times. Often on the weekends he grills enough on Saturday to last the whole weekend. Also there are certain meals that he cooks rather than me, or ways that he helps even if I'm preparing the main part of the meal. So, it's shared, but not 50/50.

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Dh developed domestic amnesia shortly after I moved in, and no longer cooks.


My husband developed that after we had kids. Before we had kids, he used to cook quite a bit and was better at it than I was. Then we had our first child, I ended up home most of the time, and I started doing more cooking and got better at it. At a certain point, he apparently completely forgot how to cook, and now will make tacos, hot dogs, hamburgers, and boxed mac and cheese, and look at me blankly if I suggest he try anything else. ;)

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I voted that I like to cook, but share the responsibility with spouse or kids. The truth is that I like to cook and USED to share the responsibility, until our 16 year old daughter took over the kitchen! LOL! I still get to pop in there once in awhile, and am taking opportunities to slowly help our 12 year old (who occasionally gets the bug to want to make something) navigate around the kitchen, but for the most part I just eat what comes out if it ;)

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Voted don't like to cook so share the cooking with spouse/kids. Which to be fair is really, If DH is home he cooks. Which means I rarely cook dinner, maybe once a month. I do make lunch unless it is the weekend then DH makes it, and I do breakfast, unless it is the weekend and then DH does it.

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I used to like cooking well enough. But now I pretty much hate it (and food shopping). Every meal (and shop) is a reminder of the multiple food allergies and stomach issues 5/7 people in my family have, and how I don't feel like I'm balancing well what we can eat vs. a tasty AND healthy diet. I just feel done. I think if I could just shop for "whatever" and cook "whatever" I wouldn't mind much at all. Dh used to cook once in a while (grill, the occasional weekend dinner, etc) but now he's just not up to it so if I'm sick or something he'll direct one of the older girls to make something simple.


:iagree: This is me. I really don't like cooking anymore AT ALL. But I do all the cooking because dh won't cook. I make breakfast, lunch and dinner basically from scratch everyday.


We can't just order pizza or take-out when I'm feeling burnt out due to ds's food issues. My dh likes me to cook super spicy food, but then the kids can't eat it. If I cook it without much spice, he'll eat a little bit and then go out and get other food for himself from a restaurant or fast food. I refuse to cook separate meals for everyone. My arms ache from fibromyalgia and by the time I get done chopping, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning counters, and sweeping the floor every night, I'm miserable.


I wish our bodies were made to not need to eat 3 meals a day. The planning of food shopping and food preparation is ALWAYS on my mind.

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