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S/O Raw milk- anybody else not drink (much, if any) milk?

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I'll admit that we don't drink milk here. In fact, drinking milk gives me the heebie-jeebies for some reason. I dunno, ever since I started b-feeding my kids, drinking (cow's) milk is just... gross to me. :confused: (this isn't a judgement on anybody else, just saying I noticed this as a huge change in me and milk lost all its appeal to *me* :)) Also, a few of my kids are intolerant to dairy (not just the lactose) and so we've just stopped buying milk altogether. Some of mine have cheese and yogurt now and then(just from the store, we don't make our own) but dairy is not a huge part of our diet.


I honestly can't remember the last time we purchased a jug of milk to drink. :confused: I don't think my 5 and 3 year olds have even had cow's milk. :001_huh:


I used to buy raw and while I did prefer it to store bought, I don't recall that we experienced the huge benefits like some people do- less sickness, etc. In fact, it made me really bloated and gassy. :confused: We bought a gallon per week for over a year before I just gave up.- and my digestive tract thanked me. :lol:


Are we really weird that we don't drink milk? :o Is it a bad thing that we don't?


ETA: I forgot. I do use milk for cooking some recipes like pancakes but we don't ever drink milk from a glass/cup.

Edited by plain jane
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I don't drink it either but I do use it cooking and baking. During winter, I get the urge now and then to have a hot chocolate - made with milk.


Oh, you know what, you're right. I have purchased milk to do some cooking (mostly buttermilk or cream, depending on the recipe) and I do use milk for pancakes (usually powdered because other milk would go sour before I got a chance to use it). We just never drink it.

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I am right there with you on the milk drinking heebie-jeebie thing. For some strange reason my kids like milk though. I think mostly because I don't and for the longest time they weren't allowed to have any. We used to use almond milk because the youngest had problems with milk. She is the biggest proponent of drinking milk now. We have always used cheeses and milk in baking and cooking though.

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Are we really weird that we don't drink milk? :o Is it a bad thing that we don't?


It doesn't matter if not drinking milk is weird. Avoiding the consumption of glasses of milk is not sociopathic behaviour, so you can rest easy. :tongue_smilie:


It is never a bad thing to avoid foods that give you a pain in the belly.



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I don't drink it because I've just never liked it and no one forced me. I did prefer the taste of raw milk, but I had digestive issues with it like you did, and no one else cared, so we gave it up. I'm a water drinker.


My kids don't drink it because they nursed for so long, we never worried about it. They actually don't drink much of anything other than water, though my DD5 likes the occasional juice (with water alongside). DH will crave the occasional big glass of cold milk. Otherwise, I buy it for baking and cooking, and for having with coffee, cereal, cookies, or brownies/cake. We go through maaaaybe 3 half-gallons a month that way--less if I'm making fewer desserts, as I am these days. We do eat lots (LOTS) of cheese and yogurt, and lots of broccoli, peas, and leafy greens (though not the supercharged ones, unfortunately). We take calcium supplements and I don't worry too much.


IMO, the "milk does a body good" thing is a government-subsidy-driven overstatement *shrug*

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Blech. I hate milk and always have. Thankfully my mother never forced me to drink it. Dh and dh will occasionally have a glass of milk, but not often. I only buy it in small amounts to use for cooking and baking. I will drink hot chocolate made with milk, but that's different because I can't actually taste the milk.


Oh, and I can't ever tell if milk's gone bad unless it's REALLY off. I always have to get dh to smell it to tell me if it's still good. Even the smell is disgusting to me.


And yes, I've tasted raw milk. It's even worse because it tastes more like milk.

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I didn't grow up with milk as a beverage, still don't drink it as a beverage, nor do I offer it to my kids as a beverage. My son has twice accepted milk as a beverage while staying with a friend (he doesn't like it, but will drink what he's served.)


I've never bought cow milk for my house. I had to buy some for a friend a few years ago when she was housebound, and I was floored at how much it cost! Holy cow, and she goes through so much of it each week! I had no idea.


I'm lactose-intolerant, and I also grew up eating ethnic food (we're not a milk people, really). When I do choose to consume dairy, I choose wisely: an ice cream shake at a local restaurant :) I'd never waste the revolt of my digestive system for a glass of plain ol' cow milk!

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I don't like milk and don't feed it to my kids. My kids drink almond, coconut, or soy milk- whatever's on sale- but I don't even want to drink those myself. I haven't liked it since I was a young child. I try to keep a small amount of milk or cream for cooking. We usually use whatever milk we have for the kids to drink to cook but sometimes it won't work. I do love cheese, ice cream, and other milk based products but drinking milk is icky to me. I haven't tried raw milk and have no desire to. I can't imagine that it would in any way be better. I don't like to drink chocolate almond milk or vanilla coconut, although I think it tastes pretty good. I can't imagine raw milk would taste better than those. I like hot chocolate, however, I still prefer to not make it with milk if I can. I don't know if it is the texture or smell or what but I don't like it. I like milkshakes, though! I guess I'm weird.

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