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Routines/Schedules and those projects that interupt

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I have a routine/schedule that I am really happy with and I want to implement it more often but I get sidetracked by projects such as the toy room needing a big decent clean all the way to the carpet or painting a piece of furniture or doing all the tax paperwork. You know, important stuff but I don't know what to do about my schedule. It seems my kids have missed school for about a month while I worked on this or that project.


Do you have a project time scheduled? How do I deal with the big projects of life without dropping the ball on doing school?


I work best in the morning on these projects too and by the afternoon when I might be wrapping up the kids have already become TV buzzed or just want to play more. I want to get them doing school first but I am afraid I will never get the time for those projects and while some things could wait until the weekend I really just feel the need to do it now while I am inspired so to speak.


Argh!! I feel like such a bad mum for not doing school and letting my kids run amok so much. We need to do our routines more often and consistently but life keeps getting in the way.



Jen in Oz

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I don't know how old your children are, but if they are young, they might only really be able to work on school very effectively in the morning. That means that you have to put school first in the morning, and do the projects in the afternoon. While homeschooling has a lot of built in flexibility, it doesn't have enough to reasonably skip a whole month for projects here and there. That would be called truancy if it were 'real school'.


I would say, it's really important to regard homeschooling as your first commitment during those best hours of the day.

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We try to take a week or so break every 6 -8 weeks and that's when I work on my projects. We are on the last day of a two week break right now after having done 8 weeks of school. I used the time to work on some sewing projects that had been calling my name and to plan the next session of schoolwork. Other than that my projects have to wait until the weekends whether I'm in the mood or not. I have though, in the past, called off school for the day to get my house back in order after a period of not staying on top of clutter. I can't teach when my house is a mess.

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Well, like Aime, I can't teach when my house is a mess either. Immediately after we are done schooling, I clean up the house in the afternoon. I do another quick pick-up before I go to bed in the evening.


I can also relate to the op regarding projects. I would totally go off onto rabbit trails if I allowed myself. We start school at 8:00 sharp...period. That is non-negotiable. If we have any appointments that day, school starts as soon as we get home. Those tend to be the days that I can get distracted.


By keeping to my schedule, I have plenty of time in the late afternoon and evenings to work on my projects or anything else that I need to do. If I really get into it, I still have the night ahead. This way, I'm not taking up any valuable school time.

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Thank you! You are so right, I need to be much more disciplined on doing school first. I think I will pull out an old project list I had and write anything on it that seems to be pulling me to drop my routines. As one reply said I can do a shorter week sometimes but doing school does need to come first.


I needed that kick up the backside. Any more to come? lol I do appreciate your honesty.


Thank you

Jen in Oz

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