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Good Grief...Chick strikes again!

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Apparently Catholics and Orthodox are vampires!


I'm not sure whether to laugh, puke, or get my snark on and say, "I vant to suck this trash into the vacuum of space" (sci-fi vamp...you know, the SG kind :lol: )



(came up on a religion board. Supposedly this guy was introduced to vampirism by Orthodox clergy *eyeroll* :glare: )

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What *truth*?

That there's a church called the Catholic Church, and one called the Orthodox Church?


I see it all the time with my own faith (LDS). People will put out information that's "All About the Mormons" that hardly resemble ANYthing I've ever seen or heard in my 29 years of Mormonism. But, hey, they got the name right! :glare: (sometimes. Often it's "Mormans")


It's insidious, really. Take a word (or a name) and give it a meaning that is so far removed from it's original meaning, and be very convincing in presenting this new meaning to people who haven't had previous exposure to the old meaning, and you'll cause them to doubt the truth when they hear it. What person in search of a new church is going to want to look more in depth into a faith that they've heard from "everyone" as being something dangerous or cultish or hell-bound? Nevermind that everything they "know" about this faith is distorted truth or out-right lies. They won't want to go anywhere near something they've always been taught to see as being "dangerous". It's a scary power.

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Apparently Catholics and Orthodox are vampires!


I'm not sure whether to laugh, puke, or get my snark on and say, "I vant to suck this trash into the vacuum of space" (sci-fi vamp...you know, the SG kind :lol: )



(came up on a religion board. Supposedly this guy was introduced to vampirism by Orthodox clergy *eyeroll* :glare: )

That was just so ridiculous that it was hysterical.:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:



I found it especially funny because I (a Catholic) am sitting here watching True Blood.:D

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I wonder if he went to "The Church" in Dallas? When I was in college, this was a club where many people were into the vampire type life... and yes, they really drank blood. Some even had permanent alterations to their teeth to make them look the part. I never went, but my roommates did. They wore 60's & 70's style long sheer nightgowns along with some unique makeup.

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