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Opinions on "Winning with Writing"


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We are using level 2, and just finished week 7 or 8. I'm combining some of the days into one so we can finish by Christmas. It uses a very different skillset than WWE, but I wanted something that would teach my daughter how to write on her own as opposed to working on narration and dictation. It's still a little early to tell, as we're not quite 1/4 through the book, but she's getting a good understanding of the basics of writing. Most days it goes quickly. Some of the early stuff follows an obvious pattern, so I don't think Ariel was actually doing the work, just marking the correct answer based on the pattern she figured out, but in the last week or so, that's gotten more difficult to do. We'll see how the rest of the program goes.

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I'm using WWW3 for DS and WWW4 for DD and so far I really like it. The lessons are "bite sized," which is GREAT for DS. Things get a little more involved for DD in book 4 but it's still very step-by-step and straightforward.


I am going to be supplementing a bit, though, b/c I want them (DS in particular) to get more actual writing practice. So I'm adding journal writing (or Unjournaling for DD) twice a week. I won't be checking their work on that like I do on WWW, though. I just want them to practice a bit more.

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I am loving it so far, and DS seems to like it as well! We are using Level 1 and it is worksheets, so if you (or your child) are not fond of worksheets, then it might not be for you...but I love the slow & gentle approach to writing that it offers. Quick lessons each day, which he loves :)

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I also plan to do an in-depth blog review, but wanted to get into the program far enough to see some results. We're kinda taking a very relaxed summer, but I'll try to get a review up later this week.


So far, so good though! It's been well worth it for us.


We are in Level 3.

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I also plan to do an in-depth blog review, but wanted to get into the program far enough to see some results. We're kinda taking a very relaxed summer, but I'll try to get a review up later this week.


So far, so good though! It's been well worth it for us.


We are in Level 3.


I've been waiting for your review! But I decided it was time for us to just go ahead and get it.


We went back and forth regarding 2 and 3, but decided to start with 2 so we don't miss anything that might be useful going into 3. :)

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