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My husband would like to reward the children for doing well their first year of school. He says doing well was never encouraged in his home growing up and he doesn't want that here. Okay, I'm cool with that. I just have no idea what to do/give. He shot down my idea of going out somewhere and doing ice cream for dinner. I don't really want to get more toys in this house. We have 3 birthdays in August, another in October, then Christmas. Anyone have any good ideas? Our 4 are 6,5,3,1. Thanks.

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A homeschool group I used to belong to would have a party at a water park. Not a water park that required money to enter, but a local park that had a water area. They would bring cupcakes baked into ice cream cones. We reward our kids with a trip to the movie theater, but our kids are older and we rarely go to the movies.

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I'm sorry your husband doesn't like the idea of a fun family activity.

we took our girls out to dinner at a VERY NICE (re: ueber expensive, and oh, so good. . . .) restaurant as a "reward" for getting into their top tier college. (they've both graduated.)


My grandmother offered money for grades - BUT - if you had mixed grades, you would only hear about the bad ones. that is my biggest fear for children when I hear their parent/grandparents wants to reward them for "doing well in school". You need to define what that means too.


sorry I don't have the link, but be very careful about how you "praise" kids. a general "you did so good in school", can actually be counter productive and create future lack of acheivement due to a fear of failure vs a more specific "you were so tenacious in problem solving and getting your work done".

first example is ambiguous, and kids have no clue what to do to repeat the praise. second is more specific and kids have a better idea of what they can do to hear it again.

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My husband would like to reward the children for doing well their first year of school. He says doing well was never encouraged in his home growing up and he doesn't want that here. Okay, I'm cool with that. I just have no idea what to do/give. He shot down my idea of going out somewhere and doing ice cream for dinner. I don't really want to get more toys in this house. We have 3 birthdays in August, another in October, then Christmas. Anyone have any good ideas? Our 4 are 6,5,3,1. Thanks.


Since he shot down your ideas, what were his?

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