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Looking for choose-yr-own-adventure or D&D style game recs

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My ds would really like to play a choose-your-own-adventure type of game. The way he describes it sounds kind of like Dungeons and Dragons??? He did this the other day online with a friend, wherein the friend offered him choices, ds would choose, and then the friend would reveal the next stage of the story and offer more choices.


The only issue I had with this is that the particular storyline offered by ds' friend involved killing, torture, and stealing--I am looking for something a little more positive, something that does not celebrate violence and sin.


I don't have issues or objections to fantasy as long as it's not celebrating evil. Ds is interested in war strategy, which I am fine with as long as the focus is more on the strategy and not shining a light on one-on-one killings and torture. Any ideas?



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So, how would you want a war strategy game to work without any one-on-one killing? (Serious question.) Just... a numbers game of some kind, your numbers versus their numbers? I can't picture a war game with no killing of the enemies.


I do allow ds to play games like Risk, Axis and Allies, or Memoir 44 (all board games). The difference in my mind is that those games are more game-like, and the focus is on large scale strategy.


The choose-your-own-adventure game does NOT have to be a war game. I think ds would be happy with any choose-your-own-adventure. He is interested in strategy games because of the board games I mentioned above. Fantasy would be okay too.


In the game he played with his friend, he was making decisions to torture prisoners for information (specific types of torture) and at what juncture to execute those prisoners. I am really, really uncomfortable with allowing that callousness towards life even in a game.


The concern that I have about one-on-one killing is that it feels so personal--it takes things beyond a game strategy???? I am having a hard time articulating my feelings--I just know that the game ds played with his friend crossed a line in my mind, and I would like to provide a healthier alternative that allows him to strategize and combat without thinking about torturing and executing human beings.

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Sorry Strider. I can't be of any help.


Sounds like he might get into role play games. My dh plays Descent with my boys. (okay, I play to - but he is the Overlord and I don't have to think much)


In Descent the board game a group of heroes fight against bad monsters, evil snakes, .... My dh is making a lot of instruction videos on how to play it.


It's most likely not what you are looking for. But your son might be interested in watching them.


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In the game he played with his friend, he was making decisions to torture prisoners for information (specific types of torture) and at what juncture to execute those prisoners. I am really, really uncomfortable with allowing that callousness towards life even in a game.


Oh my...my husband runs and plays different games and he doesn't ever allow any of that stuff. He never runs evil-type characters. Everyone has to be good in nature.


I think if you could find someone who doesn't mind adapting an RPG for a child, they could have lots of nice, good, clean fun. There are some that are geared more for children (Mouse Guard is one), but a lot of people don't want to change their play style for a child.


Maybe you could find someone who could play by email or play by post on a forum. Not a child GM, but an adult willing to run and/or adapt a game for children. My husband plays on Roleplay Market but he would not recommend letting your 9 year old loose on there because it has adult posts, content not appropriate for children. The owner does try to get the GMs to post a disclaimer if it isn't for children but there will be inappropriate things.


If you'd like books, there are a series of books where you create a character and then as you read, you travel through your adventure as that character. They're called Lone Wolf: A Role Playing Adventure.


Anyway, I don't know if any of that helped you at all, but my husband said he wouldn't mind talking with you and answering any questions you have. You can PM me for his email.

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The stories in D&D can be anything the DM (guy running the game/story) wants them to be. Executing prisoners is in no way required. There will usually be some sort of fighting, but specific torture has never happened in any of our games that I can recall, and we've had many different friends in charge (including me). You can set rules at the outset & run the game according to the house rules. D&D is never set in stone. The DM can run a "pre-made" adventure but even then, that generally just gives the settings & the bad guys. The DM chooses how it's all handled & how his guys act.

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