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I put on mascara and lipstick today.

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See, I *would* bother! It takes about 2 seconds, and it makes me feel presentable, even if the only people I'm presenting myself to is my family in the car with me.


And what if I broke down and had to ask for help and/or a tow truck or stopped by the police :eek: :D

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I wonder how many of us got dressed this morning, thought of the appearances threads, and opted for some lipstick. I know I did. :)


I didn't yet..


Well, I'm dressed... lol


But tonight, I'm going to Boston to some "avante guarde" restaurant (that's what I call the funky places my talented chef brother and beautiful, fun loving Brazilian sister in law choose, that me and hubby would never even know about..LOL) and I am going to go all out and do my hair, makeup..jewelry..and GASP..gold metallic strappy sandals with jeans and a pretty flowy tank style blouse.


After these threads I'm a little more motivated to dress up for the night on the town with my hubby, brother and sister in law!

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I timed myself this morning to see how long I spent on my hair and make-up.


It took less than 60 seconds to swipe on mascara, eyeliner, & chapstick.


It look less than 2 minutes to put my hair into a cute ponytail and put on a necklace.



Not too shabby! :D



Ah, to be young again! That cute ponytail thing just doesn't work anymore. :D

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See, I *would* bother! It takes about 2 seconds, and it makes me feel presentable, even if the only people I'm presenting myself to is my family in the car with me.


This. A few years ago I realized that my boys main memories of me were going to be of me dressed in sloppy tees, ragged cut offs, and shaggy hair...and I had the photos to back that up. I decided I wanted them to have a more stylish memory of me....:D So I lost 20lbs (and have kept off 15) got my hair cut in a short, easy care style with highlights--that's morphed into a longer style now days.


I still wear tees and shorts around the house, but I try to save the really ratty stuff for paint projects and gardening. Otherwise, I wear a tee that fits a bit better. I've got coffee table sized booKs so, that's a challenge.


If I run out to do errands, I wear a nice skort, shorts, or jeans and cute tee with sandals. If I'm going to church or out to eat, or these days, to an business appointment, I have skirts and slacks I've collected with care over the past few years.


Once your littles are ten years old or older...it's easier to find time to fix and fluff. I can go from grunge to fluffed in 30 minutes flat. Shower, hair, dress, a touch of make-up, and earrings. Cute, but comfortable shoes.


I want my sons and husband to be proud to be seen with me. *They* are worth the effort. Plus, I saw how the French women dressed to go grocery shopping when we lived in Europe. Sigh, I can't quite achieve that fabulous casual chic, but I've gotten several comments in recent years about how pulled together I look. Still easy, friendly, and casual. It doesn't take a lot of dollars (because we don't have a lot...) or time (because I don't have extra there, either.)


To each her own...

Edited by Happy
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I agree about the family's impressions- the images the kids grow up with. My mum was overweight all my childhood but she dressed well and I loved her clothes, her makeup- I still have memories of certain of her clothes- I didn't care that she was overweight.

The other day I had to drive my dd17 to a function at 7am. I wore sloppy clothes and my slippers because I figured I didn't need to get out of the car..(I don't normally do that)...but she really noticed and it made me realise that I am glad I normally look good for my kids- that they aren't embarrassed to bring friends home, that people have often commented that dd and I look like sisters. It feels good. We are the same size now and that is fun.

Now, if only my dd17 didn't steal all my good makeup, maybe i could put some eyeliner on.

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I didn't. (I usually do)


I'm not sure I washed my face and can't remember brushing my teeth... And I think there are spiders in my hair. :glare:


I DID, however, drink coffee until 7:30 before I started demolishing the decking on our front porch while I waited for my husband to get home and lend the brute force for ripping out rotten joists and putting in new ones. :D


Now, to shower the spiders out and scrub the spray foam off my leg. Egads.

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