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Pain in the tush Dr this morning

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My left ear had been hurting and my regular Dr said it looked like the tube had made its way out. Off to the ENT I went.


The tubes are fine. He was being a pain about my thyroid meds. I'm on the lowest dose available, have almost every sign and symptom possible, a goiter, nodules, but "normal" TSH. He just kept repeating that I shouldn't be treated with my numbers. Grrr. He started listing endocrinologists and I went right back with how each do not take my insurance, are not accepting new patients, or is too far.


He said something else could be going on, so I ask what he thinks it could be, but he had no answers. My Dr did consider other things, and even considered that some of my problems may not be related, but it still went back to thyroid.


I don't want another lecture when I go for the hearing test, the follow up, or when the tubes really do fall out and need replacing. He's the only ENT in town, or even locally. I guess I'll have to research him before I decide whether or not to stay with him.

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