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Does your cat give kisses?

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We got a cat in March, the sixth cat I've ever had, and he gives kisses. We did not teach him to do this. He will actually press his mouth to my lips, although of course he doesn't pucker LOL. Does anyone else's cat do this? I've never seen it before!

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That's cute! I wonder why he does that? Scent marking? They do have scent glands near their mouth. Maybe he thinks you belong to him. :001_smile:


We have a dog that has a licking problem. He literally MUST lick, and whines and squirms around with his tongue making a snap snap snapping sound as he licks at the air while trying to get at you if not allowed to. Ugh. Animals are fun aren't they? :tongue_smilie:

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My kitty gives hugs. He is a big boy (19 lbs.) and the sweetest little boy. When ever I pick him up, he wraps both paws around to the back of my neck and will lay his head to one side.


I don't know why, he just randomly began doing it a few months ago and we've had him for 8 years. I love it though, so not complaining :D

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Not kisses like that, but our little cat (really, not much bigger than an 8 mo kitten) is an indiscriminate nose licker. And our big, blue, super-soft cat comes running whenever one of the children is upset to the point of tears and will attempt to wipe them off... think of a cat rubbing against your leg. She will then stand by and purr her enormous purr until said child is calm. I've never seen anything like it.

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Mr. Meowgie gives fist bumps with his head:tongue_smilie:. That is the best way to describe it. He will also side swipe my head with the side of his face. This is definitely scent marking :D because he is convinced he owns me and the house for that matter.



Small side rant:

He also jumps up on the table and knock off anything in his path, on purpose. He will take his paw and bat off whatever *he* thinks doesn't belong. :glare:

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Our big male cat likes to rub his face on you and touch foreheads. The female is only affectionate with dh unless it's the wee hours of the morning, then I am a good substitute. She gets between us in the bed, puts her mouth to my nose and sticks one of her fangs in my nostril. And just sits there. It's sweet and bizarre. When the not-baby cries, she tries to comfort her by nibbling her nose and cheeks, and it usually works.


I remember the first time she noticed the cat. She was about 3-weeks old and I was going to give her a proper bath. I got in first, dh handed me the baby, and our female cat nearly went crazy. Meowing and going back and forth on the edge of the tub. To this day, she always sits on the edge of the tub when it's bath time.

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