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s/o of a s/o...Would your husband wear a mankini just for you?

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The mankini could be used as a modesty garment for those times your men are donning their kilts. Then when someone asks what's under that kilt, they could flip it up and say, "My mankini, of course!"


We know all your husbands would look hot in one, but what about Johnny Depp or those other famous guys who wear kilts? Liam Neeson?


I'm going to leave you tonight to ponder these things and perhaps give you nightmares ... or sweet dreams ... whichever it might be.




I actually think that guy pulls it off. (I mean the look - dirty minds! :lol: )


I was wondering what the Amazon reviews could possibly have to say about them, and I came across this review for the Borat Costume Mankini:


38 of 39 people found the following review helpful:

4.0 out of 5 stars Grandpa loves it!

I bought this for myself, but after a few tries, I just didn't get used to it,

so I gave it to my grandfather. It was an instant hit!

All the people at the "home" love seeing papa parade around the place.

I'm not sure how to top this for his next birthday.






I don't even want to imagine what goes on at that "home".

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I had to look it up.


Uh, no. I don't think I'd even want him to wear one for me. I don't even like the look of it on this guy. Poor hot guy, looks like he ought to be in a circus or something.


ACK!!!! :ack2:


.................. and just a friendly warning to anyone else who clicked on this Amazon link - this stays in your Amazon "Recently Viewed Items" list, and on your main Amazon browsing page it causes all sorts of other CRAZY STUFF to show up in the sections called "Recommended Based on your Browsing History" and "Related to Items You Have Viewed" and "Inspired by Your Browsing History". Fortunately you can delete it from your browsing history if you want to avoid "related items" appearing in your Amazon account (there is a link on the main page)!


ETA - And nooooooooo my DH would NOT wear such a thing!!:smilielol5:

Edited by Glory
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Now that I have googled both mankinis and budgie smugglers I can safley say...yes, dh would probably wear either if I asked. At least in private, maybe in public depending on what bribes I offered. :tongue_smilie:


Off to see what "related items" are on my Amazon page now...

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Why would I ask him to wear that ugly thing?!


And is the question to wear it, or wear it in public?


Reminds me of a show I saw on public access cable with an openly gay man showing off his design of swimsuit. It was only a bottom, but it could adjust and slide along the waist to provide more or less coverage. I'm not sure it had crossover appeal to the heterosexual community, as it was pretty stupid looking (but did direct the eye to the, er, pouch, in a way that mankini does).

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He probably would, just because he thought Borat was hilarious. (I, meanwhile, spent half the movie groaning and the other half hiding my face in my husband's arm pit, willing it all just to go away.)


That being said, I wouldn't want him to. ;) We are European, so he does rock a speedo at times, though in the U.S. he tends to go with swimming shorts when he's not swimming at the gym. He's very fit, so even though in general I prefer the shorts to the speedo, he can pull it off. :)

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Oh no! I finally googled! It's worse than I imagined!!!!!


:iagree: once again I am reminded that this forum may cause nightmares and that we need a warning system...Ack! I went to one site from my Google search and couldn't bear to look any further because the damage was already done, lol!! :lol:


ETA: GROSS! :lol:

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ACK!!!! :ack2:


.................. and just a friendly warning to anyone else who clicked on this Amazon link - this stays in your Amazon "Recently Viewed Items" list, and on your main Amazon browsing page it causes all sorts of other CRAZY STUFF to show up in the sections called "Recommended Based on your Browsing History" and "Related to Items You Have Viewed" and "Inspired by Your Browsing History". Fortunately you can delete it from your browsing history if you want to avoid "related items" appearing in your Amazon account (there is a link on the main page)!


ETA - And nooooooooo my DH would NOT wear such a thing!!:smilielol5:


Thanks for that. My kids share the computer with me and they'd die if they saw that.

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